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May 2023

I've started to get into the idea of doing commissions. I've made a few attempts in the past with no avail when it comes to bites. I would like to get in the habit of drawing different types of characters/people to show variety.

I'll draw your OC for free and post the completed picture here or DM it to you if your prefer(just let me know).

I'm just asking a couple things in return: Obviously, give me some pictures of them or detailed written descriptions to work from.

Second, I would like to be able to use them as commission examples in my portfolio. You will be credited and I will not claim them as my own character/creation. If your online handle is different from the forums and you would like to use something different than appears here, let me know in your post or via DM.


  • created

    May '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
  • 26


  • 2.2k


  • 1


  • 29


  • 5


Here is Ragnar, firing lasers from his eyes. I’d be interested to see what you make of him.

Cool, here is my character if you're interested :grin::+1:

Thank you very much for the opportunity! Here is my OC, Keane, I'd love to see him in your style. :blush:

Feel free to pick from the following!

*NOTES - Donnie's left eye is BLOODSHOT, NOT a red pupil.
Libby is a plush toy with plastic horns.

As for my handle, you can use twitter handle, @BLTX_Games

Thank you for offering this! If you’d like, I’d love to see your take on Nash. He’s electrokinetic, a rebel fighter, and very bitey

Here’s a back/fullbody view of him in case you need it

I always like it when people draw their interpretation of my characters.

IG: @kevin_reijnders
Twitter: @K_Riddle93

Never mind just Wellington and his wife Ella. They’re cute!

With her in the dress pictured above! 🥰

I hope you get tons of commissions order! If you're interested in drawing my characters, here they are: (also, I'd love to see the result)

This is Silas and Gillian

Silass eyes are usually covered in bangs, but you can draw his eyes with a middle-parted hairstyle!

If you find any of these characters interesting you are welcome to draw them and use them in a portfolio.




You can credit me as meegormea and you can credit my artist, cinnamonrelle too. Thanks in advance and good luck with your commissions

If you want to draw something different than the regular characters everybody uses to draw, try Mora (Adopted name: Selesta).
She's a character from my novel Magnifica West Origins, a dark medieval fantasy, she is a slave that becomes a warlord queen.
She has the power to form metallic chains of any shape and size from the metal present under the ground.
Here's a draft of her:

Here are some full body reference pages from my comic ^^ feel free to give anyone a try ^^

Took a more flat color approach with minimal shading/highlight because this is character has such a strong color palette.

8 days later

Did something completely different with this but I've been wanting to try rendering like this for a while.