13 / 27
May 2023

I always like it when people draw their interpretation of my characters.

IG: @kevin_reijnders
Twitter: @K_Riddle93

Never mind just Wellington and his wife Ella. They’re cute!

With her in the dress pictured above! 🥰

I hope you get tons of commissions order! If you're interested in drawing my characters, here they are: (also, I'd love to see the result)

This is Silas and Gillian

Silass eyes are usually covered in bangs, but you can draw his eyes with a middle-parted hairstyle!

If you find any of these characters interesting you are welcome to draw them and use them in a portfolio.




You can credit me as meegormea and you can credit my artist, cinnamonrelle too. Thanks in advance and good luck with your commissions

If you want to draw something different than the regular characters everybody uses to draw, try Mora (Adopted name: Selesta).
She's a character from my novel Magnifica West Origins, a dark medieval fantasy, she is a slave that becomes a warlord queen.
She has the power to form metallic chains of any shape and size from the metal present under the ground.
Here's a draft of her:

Here are some full body reference pages from my comic ^^ feel free to give anyone a try ^^

Took a more flat color approach with minimal shading/highlight because this is character has such a strong color palette.

8 days later

Did something completely different with this but I've been wanting to try rendering like this for a while.

27 days later

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26 days later

Sorry! I am no artist so the only thing I can do a send a link to my story and MC very brief bios. This sounds really fun, and I respect you for it!

Rhea Nox
Birthdate: Stromcrawler Rush (The very first two full moons)
Eye color: Silver Eyes
Hair Color and Length: Brown closer to the roots, red in the tips and streaking when the sun hits it. Some say it is the colors of a cooling campfire. Curly hair reaches to her lower back when dry, wet it goes as far as mid-thigh.
Skin Color: Dark warm brown, relatively blemish and scar free.
Physical appearance: Typical leaves her hair loose and unbrushed, the curls more “manageable” when she just combs it through with her fingers. Very thin when she starts out the crew, she should be gaining weight as time progresses. Shortest adult in the crew.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrows. Mana. Daggers

Captain Connor
Birthday: 15th of Gesparg Void
Hair Color and Length: Brown and straight, certain strands are bleached from the sun. The length will vary drastically throughout his travel, never exceeds past his shoulders. Beginning of our tale, it is long on the top and short on the sides.
Eye Color: A shade of copper
Physical appearance: Six foot of muscle and pure authority. Skin tan from being out in the sun, his usual skin color is light cream. He has many physical scars. A circular scar from an old bullet wound just below his right collar bone. A thin raised scar line on his left bicep. Then a giant spray of small pebbled raised skin scars above his hip bone, more than likely from a shot gun. Dresses like a poor pirate, with black weathered boots and patched up brown pants. He always wears a signature red 'Draken' (leather) coat, tan shirt, and a utility belt crossing his torso. This utility belt has all his alchemy arsenal.
Weapon of Choice: An eight-barrel silver pistol augmented to take on alchemy laced bullets. A scabbard sword that has been by his side for a while, he tends to swap out swords after ab while. He will never give up his pistol.

We can start with them. Unless you want to try my muscle lady and pretty radio host in "Othala". I will also make sure to sub you!:heart_eyes: <3

This is a really cool idea! Here’s my vampire lady from my comic Irrevenant

25 days later