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Jul 2024

Magical Twin Angels Love and Peace
(not sure if it counts since the're hair is stretched and braided)

May(red), Keisha(yellow), and Alexis(Blue) have afro hair. Alexis' hair is braided in a bonnet

Nyota, a star goddess

Another drawing of May

They aren't from my current ongoing project, but I really hope to write/draw the stories they are in one day :smiley:

Marigold, a sorceress:

Layla, a caretaker of royal dragons:


Evander has one Black parent (Egyptian) and one White parent. His hair is a red-brown colour with tight curls.

His curls and the reddish brown carry over into his animal form as well; He is a curly coated Cheetah:

These are absolutely gorgeous!

I'd love to one day read about Marigold and Layla, especially :heart_eyes:

Ash is suppose to be biracial and has kinky hair

Isaac from Sugar Land

I don't know if this counts but Robin was originally going to have dreads but it got removed in his final design

LOVE THIS PROMPT YAAAY! I have two curly girlies. We’ve only seen Casey(top)’s natural hair once when a toilet exploded on her and got her relaxed hair wet BUT to give you a little spoiler, Casey’s hair changes throughout this novel so pay attention to that little design change🫢
Her Aunt Sadie(bottom) on the other hand is natural the whole time, blue and all!

I think I have quite a few characters with kinky or coily hair types!
I draw this character a lot even though he’s from a short story, he’s just that stylish :sparkles: His name is Malory:

Then I’ll throw in some Butter Bee characters >:0 Although a lot of this is earlier drawings so they’re done really derpy, I need to redraw these guys in their full glory. Some of these characters aren’t black but have naturally kinky hair types.

One of the top five knights, his name is Knight Lionel but you haven’t seen him yet, actually none of these characters have shown up yet :sob: I have big plans!!!

Cabochon the werewolf child

Tuesday, who is the squire of Lionel actually :0

Princess Thimble, who is Knight Stella’s current wife 🤢 I hate Knight Stella not Thimble, we stan her

And lastly Beatrice, or Bea for short. You can tell her and Miss Butter are gonna BEE besties because of their shared adoration of Butter Bees (and loss of too).

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your art style! Your character designs are incredible! Details are aMAZING!

Ahh thank youu 🥺🥺 I love designing characters, it’s my favorite things … but maybe I have TOO many characters now lol :sob: halp I’m drowning in OC designs!!

The only resolution is making a whole marvel-large universe to fit all of em and their individual traumas!
Spin offs on spin offs​:sunglasses:

Loll I think I’ve got that going for them, each one of them has their own arc (or multiple arcs) that focus more on them) just how long will it take to draw all of this though…. :o oh no I think I’ve calculated it and it turns out it’ll take me exactly 1.7 billion years to create. I better get started >:0!!! This is indeed a saga.

Omggg I do but it’s awful at first I need to add some new pages in beginning to make it make sense :sob::sob::sob: it started out as a joke but now I adore my webcomic, and I think you can tell I put a lot more effort into the more recent chapters. I just checked out your webcomic though!! I gave it a follow it was so chaotic and funny. The expressions are your forte. BUT don’t feel pressure to follow back, mine is sort of unhinged hours :skull: I’ll get the link tho if you wanna take a peek

PLEASE- I subbed back so fast. Cant wait to give it a read!
AND THANK YOU HA! Invoking chaos is my goal in life. I’m so happy you enjoyed! It only gets more confusing from here haha!!!