14 / 23
Apr 2022

mariomentasti.wordpress.com/ This is my online Portfolio

I might be interested, don't know how I feel about taking lead though.
Do you have any strong ideas established already?

9 days later

I am a very good writer I have even written for a story before
but I hope you see m here :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

This would be my first writing position of sort im looking to get into the industry of manga/comic writing, I may be new but I habe a very good understanding of world building, character development, all the proper things needed for manga/comics and want to test my skills, would you be willing to take someone on the team as somewhat of an intern?

I would be looking to collaborate for such a long time to see how good i am as a drawer and writer
here you go,

also to get connected as to draw a page after someone or something like that are we going to contact each other on discord, reddit or twitter?

23 days later

I’ve got experience in pretty much every genre of writing. I really think this could be a fun project and even if I’m not part the work I’ll be cheering you on anyway. If you do end up hiring me I don’t need to be paid.
My discord: MerukoShinn#3430
Contact me there and I’ll show you my work. This website isn’t letting add links for some reason.

Hi. I'm interested in your project and would like to join this project. I have got experience in writing storyboard and dialogues(especially). If you wanna talk further then DM me here.

28 days later

Your offer looks very interesting to the eye and I would love to help if the help is still needed. I have ideas that we can add to this type of project, and many other that you may like.

If you are still searching for it,
My Discord is:ASW#5148

9 days later

Hey I'm interested. I don't have any scriptwriting experience and I've never published anything but I have some writing samples I could show you if you want to see them. My Discord is: JayJG#1036 I look forward to speaking with you.

Hey, I’m interested to hear more about this. My discord: WakaTaquito#2889. I always have a ton of ideas flooding my brain so I’m sure theres something I can add plus I am currently scripting a few comics of my own.

Hello, I have a wide range of experience I'll try to run through quickly.

  1. Degree in graphic and web design.
  2. I've self published more than a dozen books.
  3. I've put together, run, and managed creative teams as large as 5 people in the past.
  4. I've planned and built several video games (visual novels) with previously mentioned teams, that are currently playable.
  5. I have minimal script writing experience in terms of for actors, but I've written thousands upon thousands of pages worth of scripted material that was then turned into animations, comics, and again video games.

I believe I could be helpful in a multitude of ways, so if you'd like any more information or samples of my work just let me know.

1 month later

closed Jul 21, '22

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