68 / 143
Oct 2024

Now that is a hot take, god damn.

lol @thepenmonster you’re going to cause all the grown men Star Wars man babies to riot! :joy:

@KevinReijnders I am a big Star Wars fan I was obsessed with it as a kid but now… I think I just like to move on as a casual fan at this point.

I find myself more at peace that way.

Here’s another one. Maybe this is just my nostalgia speaking, and the history nerd too, but…

Mr. Peabody and Sherman is a good movie.

Fight me!


That's honestly the best way to approach it (and any other piece of media tbh.)

Star Wars has been and always will be incredibly influential on me as a creative, but I've been moving passed it for several years now.

I've never engaged with the fanbase all too much, especially not after the nuclear fallout that happened after the Last Jedi was released (a movie I like)

I love Star Wars and was obsessed with it when I was a kid, still love it today
but I agree with everything negative people say about it. It´s really cheesy and bad
like a lot of other very popular movies

The original is cinema perfection. The following eight are textbook examples of going to the well too many times.

As for side-projects: I will give Andor and Rogue One points for trying to do something new with the setting, but you could have stuck them in any Sci-Fi fascist state and they'd still work. Also Andor's openly "woke" politics making assholes angry was just icing.

This brings me to the problem I find with Star Wars as a whole. The original worked because it was generic, like Casablanca it distilled everything that works about the genre into a perfect experience. But that generic works against attempts to do more with the setting because the results are either pale shadows or something that doesn't need the setting at all.

Honestly? I'd rather experience some GM with the Star Wars D6 TTRPG game doing their own thing than anything official.

I'm biased for blogs because I've been blogging since the days of Geocities. I find it far more genuine than some dweeb copying whatever dance is trending.

The Star Wars man babies. They get so mad at everything. It’s why I just stopped engaging with the fandom.

Also the treatment of the actors was straight up bullying. It’s so cruel.

1: Star Wars is a spaghetti western with lasers. And sword fights. All of the technology they have whenever Star Wars is set and they still fight with swords. And when they do use guns, they suck at it.
2: Pineapple belongs on everything.
3: Raisins are evil and should be purged from human existence.
4: Autotune is to music what AI is to art
5: Beast Wars Transformers is the best Transformers
6: The book is almost always better than the movie. Almost.
7: The best shows on TV today are animated.

and, saving the best for last:

8: Those best shows are not Anime. Sorry, I know this will be an unpopular opinion on this website, but I jus don't care for anime (except the OG Astroboy)


:notes:Do you BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE​:notes:

:notes:I can feel something inside me say I really don’t think you’re strong enough​:notes:

I have another one!

I actually like “Believe” by Cher the instrumentation is such a vibe!

The only anime I watch is Sailor Moon and all the Ghibli films are good

I have great nostalgia for the Ghibli movies. Even have a Ghibli poster on my wall too!

I love the medium and I think 99% of it is shit.

Then again, I think Sturgeon's Law1 is the most correct thing any human being ever came up with so maybe I'm... anti-biased?


I think fighting anime with any type of "power" system is shit. That includes Dragon ball, Naruto, and many others.

As for star wars, Empire and Rogue One are the best of the movies.

Raisins in cookies is fine as long as I'm not expecting chocolate chips...

100%. I keep hearing about new things that TikTok encourages people to be insecure about. And creators use those insecurities to sell crap to people.

I agree with this. I just don't like the pacing of them. I have watched a few, especially in college. But most of the stuff now a days, I have zero interest in. I remember trying to watch some anime about a boy who does ballet because it felt unique. But then it just turned into another "sports anime" which I don't really have the patience for.

Honestly, I can't even bother to (re-)watch most of the shows I watched when I was in college.
I tried to give Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood a rewatch a while back - one of my all time favorite shows - couldn't get passed the Nina/Alexander stuff. Watched that and the overly melodramatic episode that followed and haven't continued since.

The only anime I managed to actually sit through in full recently was Dungeon meshi. That was actually really good. But the vast majority of anime is just this juvenile/teenage shit that I've grown too old for. Not to mention the cultural differences between the West and Japan, I notice it's bothers me more and more. They just like different things over there and that's fine, but it's not for me anymore.

I'm gonna drop a hot one right here. I kinda don't like the original Star Wars as a piece of media. It's one that - for me - has not aged all too well. I appreciate it as a piece of cinema history and the technical achievement it was in its time. But I just don't care for it, it's probably the one I like the least.

My personal favorite is probably Revenge of the Sith. Not because I think it's structurally or technically a good movie, it's absolutely not. As a piece of cinema it's riddled with faults. But god damn, if I just don't adore that goofy piece of shit haha.