39 / 792
Sep 2020

I recently hit 100 subscribers on my sci-fi webcomic Future Agents! Now I'm almost at 130 and I can't believe it!
EDIT*** I got featured on Staff Picks and now I'm super close to 250... this growth has been insane and overwhelming!!!

It's about the consequences of relying too much on social technology and corruption that comes with power. I make all sorts of supplemental materials like documents and news articles that I add to the end of episodes.

Thank you for this! I've recently reached over 50 followers on both of my comics. Thank you, everyone, for your support!

My Current Project:

Also on Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/sam-in-new-york/list?title_no=501948

Genres: Historical, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance (much later on, though)

Summary: On April 6, 1901, in the maternity ward of a hospital on the Lower East Side of New York City, Samuel Abramov - the one and only child of Lev and Raisa Abramov - is born.

"Sam in New York" follows Sam's life from his elementary school years to his late twenties, as he deals with his overbearing, demanding parents' desire for him to be a lawyer, his burgeoning love for the theatre, and embarks on his unceasing quest for fame, love and acceptance.

My Webtoon short story contest entry:

On Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/finding-sam-h/list?title_no=435678

Thanks! Yeah, I always wondered why protagonists in battle shounen are so strong when they're mostly just humans or demon people with horns. So I gave my mc a actual demon form which makes more sense for me

Awhile ago, I got to 250, and now, I am nearly at a whopping 300! Right now, I'm at 294, so I just need six more!

Not-so-Brief description: Eory is a fairy prince locked in a tower. However, unlike classic fairy tales of a princess locked in a tower, the reasons he is locked up may be justified. Eory comes from a long line of the corrupt and vicious Arrozan Royal Family, in which every member has been the cause of some great strife or tragedy. However, Eory is the last of the Arrozan line. The remaining members of the Arrozan Royal Family were beheaded by the human, Laurence, who then seized the throne for himself. Eory was rescued at the age of six from the beheading by a waif named Kori, whose occupation is to reform criminals. Kori offered to reform Eory, and Laurence agreed on the grounds that she lock him away to ensure he could not cause society any further harm. Now, at age eighteen, Eory has a chance to be free. King Laurence promised to free him if Eory can behave flawlessly at the ball for one night.

Why you should read it: Inheritance is the result of two long years of hard work and consistent passion. It has two completed arcs and the third arc will begin sometime next year. There is a lot of creativity in the story; the characters are not copy-and-paste high fantasy characters/species. There is also a great deal of psychology in the story, and the question of nature vs. nurture is raised in an interesting way for each character,

I have two novels here on the site for anyone curious to take a peek, both over 100 chapters.

I just reached 100 subs on my comic!
I know that's a small number for some, but for me it's a big milestone!

Why you should read it: It's an info-comic introducing aspects of Korean culture through the eyes of an American. If you're interested in learning about other cultures (especially food!) or inter-cultural dating, then you might find this fun!

Here's my webcomic! It's slice of life, fantasy, and romance. Its on webtoon as well.

Hello! I just got 30 subscribers on my page this week. I'm here to celebrate with all yall!

I really want to thank everybody from the bottom of my heart. It's a real pleasure to be on this site with so many amazing people.

Recently I have had 35 subs. Im so happy that people are actualy enjoying the comic and engaging with it.

Thank you all!

I made it to 300 subs on The Love of a Werewolf! :heart:

Great idea for a mega-thread! This will help with the promo threads by keeping some open to help creators but also not clogging up the forum.

I recently reached 170 subscribers! I'm incredibly grateful because I do everything myself: the art, writing, and music is all done solely by me. 170 may not seem like a lot but to me it means the world as an indie creator. Thank you to everyone who is actively reading as well!

Title: "Red Shift"
Genre: Cyberpunk, dystopia, cosmic horror

A horrid giggle ruptured from her system.

“This world will end… But I will live.”

She launched herself out the window. Suddenly she was upon ground aching with the dendrites of her molten homeworld. Terrain gasped as vermilion streaks of lava dichotomized the area. Liquescent patterns from the ancients spread across the ground in search of prey. An entire world devoured by luminous artifacts from an unknown source. She looked towards an area where light threatened to destroy her retinas. A figure reached towards three objects in praise.

My biggest celebration at the moment is having 50 subscribers,

With a bit of work, you'll be seeing me here again when I reach 100 subs by the end of the year.

Here are my comics,

Both are good for a laugh, they satires either video games or our social media while still having a healthy dose of situational comedy.

Enjoy, and wish me luck guys,



My milestone is that I rolled out my first digital comic today! Everything until now has been traditional pen and ink. :slight_smile:

I got up to 25 subs (26 today), and I am very grateful and surprised because this is not what I expected.
My comic (link below) is all traditional art, and is done in a sketchbook:

Here is an example of the art.
I use very simple lines, and use color to create a cinematic effect. I am constantly experimenting and each page is an adventure.
The comic reads right to left (which is how I've always done comics), and is done in watercolor.
It is a story about a 19-year-old boy named Jung, who is struggling with a drug addiction and his crippling depression. He goes to the town of Ggwang-gu, in Korea, in hopes that he will find happiness. Along the way he meets a ghost, a guy who lives in a trailer park, and a martial artist, and discovers his passion for music. But the city is being taken over by tech corporations with a villain who want to control the city and displace the people living there.
This story is a comedy, adventure, psychological horror, fantasy, parody, musical, and surrealist comic.
Please, give it a read.

Five teenagers try to live their life while murders keep happening around them.
Takes place in Latvia.


Here's mine! I collab on this with other amazing people! (I didn't write it, but I do base coloring...which is awesome!!)

I just hit my milestone a week ago, I currently have 26 subscribers! I'm very excited about it! :blush:

Anyways here's my comic, it's a comedy series with supernatural themes to it, most of the episodes are short funny comics, the series itself is about a teenage goth girl and her strange and unique friends trying to get by the usual everyday that is Water Lily High, from photobombing ghosts to jealous weirdos trying to sabotage science fair projects!

Gentle reminder of the rules everyone: