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Jun 2017

Hi all,

I had an interesting discussion with a friend last night, where we shared how we go about making friends and dating people. I explained that I have certain rules, and if someone violates these rules, I no longer hang out with them. My friend then “lovingly" told me I operated like a computer program and she was a little puzzled how someone, who relies so heavily on logic over emotion in day-to-day navigation, could also be so involved in making art, aka my comic.

She then mentioned a personality test called Myers-Briggs and suggested I take it. I took the test and got INTJ. The description of the INTJ seemed to describe me pretty well, but it also painted the picture that there aren’t many INTJ females, or INTJ artists, which I am both. This led me to wonder if certain personality types are more prevalent amongst comic creators. I’d love to get some data on this. Anyone who has made, or currently is making a comic, can you please state your Myers Briggs personality type below. In case you don’t know your type, here is a link to a free test online:


~ Tieback

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There are 82 replies with an estimated read time of 8 minutes.

I'm an INFJ, which is the rarest type. I actually always forget what type I am because I mix up the letters in my head, so I have a document in my Notes app that is just the initial in case I see a Myers Briggs Tumblr post.

There aren't many INTJs, period. It's a less common type for any gender or field of expertise. Not sure if it's even less common for female artists, though.

I'm under the impression that I's tend to be a bit more common on forums because they prefer it over in-person conversations? XD So the data in this thread may skew a little. For what it's worth, I'm INTJ/female myself.

I think the online personality tests skew INTJ/INTP, period. According to them I'm INTP, but have also gotten the INTJ result.

I am an INFP, a.k.a mediator, which is uncommon, if not rare. The description suits me rather well; a lot of INFPs are writers and poets, two things I enjoy doing almost as much as drawing. I'm reserved, often coming across as shy and quiet, but am, in reality, very passionate about things I care about.

Also INTJ here. From what I've seen/heard INTJs tend to be creative but don't always end up being artistically creative. I'm not sure, other INTJs I've talked to are plenty creative and pursue art but tend to trip themselves up by being perfectionists and trying to hard to break down art into something formulaic and technical, which benefits and hinders them. Issues that, as an INTJ, I relate to a lot.

If I had to take a stab in the dark I'd wager most comic creators are going to type as introverts.

INFJ but the last two are pretty borderline (however, I am very much an introvert :P)

(INFP, -A/-T) ?? I guess. I don't know what that means.

So much to read after x.x

ISTJ, which is pretty damn accurate to everything I do. I get agitated if people dont do things in a timely fashion to the point that I do it myself..

always get it no matter what, except for the one time i got ENFP which was because I was going through a lot at that point in time Sooo.

I don't really believe in personality tests, even though I did take that one (I forgot what I was).

I just know that artists I've met so far in my life are either hyper-sensitive or pretty chill.

I got INFP, -A/-T
Not sure what those acronyms mean, but the description fits rather well.

The results gave me INFP which is wickedly accurate. The "hermit mode" thing made me almost laugh out loud, too, I dream of my own hermit island, yo. But I think a lot of artists are total recluses and need to go on sabbatical in order to recharge.

I am an INFJ, which is apparently pretty rare. Some call us the "extrovert introverts", but we truly are more introverted at the core. While I do enjoy socialilsing, I do tend to shrill up like a prune if it gets too overwhelming or if I'm with an unfamiliar group of people.

I'm an ENTP-T (I've taken this quiz several times and always got this result lol). Don't know how it plays into me being an artist because ENTP-T's are pretty much just argumentative assholes lol (I've salted that description up a bit tho)

I am also an INTJ! And I'm DEFINITELY not the only INTJ creator I've known. xD

This is a thing that comes up in my favoured personality system (the Enneagram types) as well -- a casual website description will often describe the archetype associated, so you can get an idea of the general kind of person they're talking about. INTJ gets described in the diagram above as "likely to be corporate leaders," but the idea that almost all INTJs go into business and lead companies is an oversimplification imo. What you can take away from that is more, INTJs "have the stuff" that would allow them to be good corporate leaders -- they tend to be creative, insightful, and have a lot of drive. Those sorts of qualities can serve you in a lot of different fields, including artistic ones.

Heck, the website itself says:

People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.

I don't know what would be unartistic about that personality type -- it sounds like they could be an artist to me! The site even lists Christopher Nolan, a creator, as an INTJ! There's no reason art and logic should be at odds -- not being ruled by emotion doesn't mean you don't have emotions or ideas you want to express.

I took the test, and got INFP-A. Less than 4% of the population has it. I guess it's because I never stop daydreaming.

But man, now I'll never get invited to the INTJ cool kid table. :disappointed: At least I have you, J.R.R. Tolkien.

I'm an INTP T3T It seems I'm an outsider in this forum~

tfw your personality type doesn't align with your passion lol