I am also an INTJ! And I'm DEFINITELY not the only INTJ creator I've known. xD
This is a thing that comes up in my favoured personality system (the Enneagram types) as well -- a casual website description will often describe the archetype associated, so you can get an idea of the general kind of person they're talking about. INTJ gets described in the diagram above as "likely to be corporate leaders," but the idea that almost all INTJs go into business and lead companies is an oversimplification imo. What you can take away from that is more, INTJs "have the stuff" that would allow them to be good corporate leaders -- they tend to be creative, insightful, and have a lot of drive. Those sorts of qualities can serve you in a lot of different fields, including artistic ones.
Heck, the website itself says:
People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.
I don't know what would be unartistic about that personality type -- it sounds like they could be an artist to me! The site even lists Christopher Nolan, a creator, as an INTJ! There's no reason art and logic should be at odds -- not being ruled by emotion doesn't mean you don't have emotions or ideas you want to express.
Been a while since I took the test, so I did it again and got INFJ (-T). They say it means I'm driven but right now I'm just sitting here wondering what to do instead of doing something (I have free time? I'm overwhelmed??) so I'm not sure how accurate it is haha. The rest seems to fit very nicely though, and in general I am driven... Like on a macro scale. I know where I'm headed in life, and when I didn't I had a pretty bad crisis.
Looking at the thread so far... Yep, I only see "I"s x'D
Yeah, like shazz mentioned, there's no reason art and logic should be at odds. Even if you operate with logic, it doesn't mean you don't have feelings and opinions about the world or how it could be. You just operate logic more in writing about characters and are more organized in how you build them and the stories. It can be just as logical and mechanical as putting together a puzzle. This might not apply to you 100% tho, it's just how I feel about it and what applies to me.
I got INFJ. The test is apparently not actually that well trusted or used because my personality psychology class in uni didn't talk about it at all... Just the Jung theory that inspired it. A more widely used and popular personality test is the Big Five but you would likely not find an online version, I imagine.
I'm also INTJ! Sometimes it changes a bit but it's my most consistent result. I've started to become more comfy in social situations (thanks conventions) so sometimes I'll get an "E" result these days, but I'm still an introvert imo.
To put that rarity into perspective (where like only 4% of the population might have your personality type) remember that if all of them were equal parts of the population, every type would be 6.25%. So while still kinda significant, it's not like you're way less likely to meet anyone of your same type.
For those who don't know, the letters are representative of these metrics:
Extroverted ----- Introverted
Sensing ----- I ntuitive
Thinking ----- Feeling
Judging ----- Perceiving
I discovered the Myers-Briggs test a while ago and took it just for kicks. I was pleasantly surprised on how accurate it was (as accurate as a test can be).
I am a INFP-T (Mediator), and am pretty passionate about art/writing, though, being a perfectionist, I sometimes struggle with daydreaming and actually getting work done. But I always deliver in the end!
-A stands for "Assertive" and -T is "Turbulent". I think they relate to what kind of INFP (or any type) you are (confident for A or really emotional for T).
There's nothing about this type that's opposed to art! From the linked site:
INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect.
when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.
They may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but INTPs’ thought process is unceasing, and their minds buzz with ideas from the moment they wake up.
Just because a description compares them to scientists or whatever doesn't mean that your type "doesn't match." All of those qualities can be applied to creating art or inventing stories, too!
And think about how many creators come at comics from completely different perspectives! Some plan meticulously, some get bored if their plans are too rigid. Some want to get every technical aspect right, some don't care if the technique is abstracted as long as it tells the story. Some are self-indulgent with tropes they love, some desperately want to be unique. Some are in it to tell a story that touches others, some just want to tell their story regardless of who reads it, and some are just making comics because it's fun. It'd be weird if we all fell into the same personality type just because we're all artists.
And heck, ask a bunch of creators at, say, a comic convention, and you might get a very different set of data!