66 / 295
Jul 2021

Thanks for checking out my work and yeah Dan does have alot of crazy fight.

Alright so here is my guy

Her name is Puzzlewuff she can shapeshift and do some other stuff.

But, like, look at your guy. He can take off people’s heads and stuff. How is my guy supposed to defend against that?? Plus your boy Dan is a male, and as everyone knows a girl could never beat a guy in a fight, no matter what. Even if she had a gun. Your guy is just so op I don’t know what to do about that.

Crazy thing is that dan isn't even the strongest character in the series.

Wild you have to nerf these crazy mfers that’s the strongest guy in my series and she can’t do a thing against Dan.

She could shape shift into dan's mom and maybe trick him. :eyes:

Unfortunately, dan doesn't have a love interest.

I would say Genji would be able to take Dan. It wouldn't be an easy fight but in the end, Dan is about the same level as a Synth from Genji's world. Those are tough, but Genji has beaten them before, not without injury though.

If Dan can react to lightning bolts he is faster than my characters by a lot.

Dan is an interesting character, since he gets stronger and more perceptive with every fight, from what I can tell.
At this point in my comic2, Josi wouldn't be able to stand a chance.
However, in the 3rd chapter I'm currently writing, she'll learn a very special fighting style from the team Sky Diver's leader and her mentor Shadedancer - who definetly has the greatest fighting experience out of the whole cast - which'll take a long time for her to perfect it (cough the whole saga / 5 parts), spice it up and make it her own, which could benefit her in fighting Dan.


I'm counting any superpowers or legendary weapons out here because - as far as those can go - they will get DBZ-typically insane later on by Origins' 4th part x'D

They're basically robots with human brains. Because of that, they have incredible strength and durability. Their physical abilities, like speed and how high they can jump, are also far better than normal humans thanks to their artificial musculature.

Johannes Faust betrayed the Devil and was imprisoned in the ice of the Frozen Lake of Hell's 9th Level for over 450 years. Now he has escaped.

Faust rarely fights. In my novel, you see him take on the Protagonist closer to the end but spent much of the novel orchestrating terrible things behind the scenes. One of his greatest abilities is using your strengths against you.

Now tell me about Dan.