1 / 192
Mar 2020

I just heard about this like literally right now... :o I gotta make one omg

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There are 191 replies with an estimated read time of 16 minutes.

it’s a great idea! can’t wait to make a new promo art :slight_smile:

Wait, where is it, what is it and where could it be uploaded? :open_mouth:

It's from a Tapas Creator Newsletter... They said it'll start mid-March to upload the new cover

Ah, okay, it's literally was just sent :grinning: Thank you!

Oh boy, now I need to work on an actually good logo :v

Just a few ways to get some cover art (mainly if you didn't draw), you can download canva, downloading CC images from google and use any program or phone app that can provide you with free fonts and simply slap the title however you please, or commission an artist. Good for you if someone are willing to do it for free.

Well thank god this dropped before I went to adjust my icon after some feedback. The main cover for the comic doesn't actually work on a small size yet(background is too blurry and I'll redo it soonish) but I think I can crop the full size version of the icon into that.

All covers will require the title of your novel in the image as there won't be any text accompanying below the new covers.

oh boy
Wait, this means the categories won't show, isn't it? That's odd.

I know it's not mandatory for awhile but I wish they'd given us a heads up a little sooner. I'd love to use some fresh art for each of my series but that would be seven new covers. :sweat_02:

Love that we'll have a bigger canvas to work with though.

At first I was a bit upset because "oooooo new changes ohh no!!," but then I realized that it wouldn't be too hard to make amazing covers. The need to put a title in it means I actually have to care about logos for future series, but that shouldn't be too hard.

Time to make a new cover. I needed a new one anyways since i switched over to digital colouring not too long ago.

We had a cover we did for something else. We have some other art we can use too. I'll debate with hubby when he gets back.
Cause we also have this ad we could resize and remove/move around some of the layers of the text and QR code I think.

EDIT: I am really trying not to make life hard here.

I'm quite happy with the news, I already have a cover image that I cropped as a header, and it was a pity that the entire image could not be visible. Now I finally have an excuse to use it.

Wait I am a little confused.
It has been less than a month since I joined.
What is new, is it... to make longer covers?

NICE! This is going to line up really well with the end of the prologue and start of the main comic for Errant! :hype_01: