40 / 41
Apr 2020

Heres my webcimic
if you like it subcribe
and feel free to criticize my comic

Hello. Here's mine. Hope you like it. I just finished the prologue and am on a small break.

Whow, I really like your comic, veeery nice BGs and the characters look quite loveable ! I subbed btw !

Okay, here's mine, it's mystery/investigation-themed but presented like a slice of life, and it has/will have some subtle philosophical meaning about being human and open-minded :

Thank you so much!! I don't think I ever expected anyone to complement me on my backgrounds! That must mean I'm improving! The best thing about the comic's setting being in a forest is that I can kind of go nuts with colour and texture rather than having to do specific buildings, which would show how inexperienced I actually am ahah.

I subbed to your comic and I'm gonna have a proper look at it before I go to bed! I love your art style <3

Yes ! It has that grainy texture that works so well I think, and it is still quite colorful, but your eyes do not focus on it too much, which is what's expected from a background ! And your characters have expressive faces too.

Yeyh thanks ! Im glad you like it !

Hello. I've finished reading your comic. The flow of story is good, and the characters' emotion was successfully depicted. I just want to give the comment on background. I think you should draw with perspective, I mean base on the depth theory. The bg is really important, cuz it makes the story looks more dynamic. You can learn about 3D perspective on YouTube. I just watch some videos but they r really helpful

Oh the art is great. Each character has their distinction and the plot is intriguing. One thing you could improve in the comic is word font. Actually the font is suitable for the atmosphere of story, but I just think it should be changed because it is quite hard to read

Here's my comic. If you could do some constructive criticism on it I'de appreciate since I'm neither a professional writer or artist.

Oh hello I've read your comic. I am really impressed by the way you draw the dragon, how great it is. Characters illustration maybe also your strength, I could say because they are well depicted. One comment is about coloring part. It is a little bit messy. You could improve by using magic wand tool, choose the area and draw within it. Color can evoke emotion, your color theme fits well on action style, but it needs to be neater. You can color character by water color, but to draw shade and character's skin, you need to pick color in the "neighbor color area". That tool is placed next to the HTML color board

Thanks for the advise. I do admit that the first chapters coloring is a bit messy. I am trying to do better on the second one so I hope that one looks better. The skin shading trick I did not know. I'll try it out in the future because the big booty man for me now is background.

My partner and I have recently posted our first comic! If things that go bump in the night, spooky woods, witches and beasts sound like your cup of tea, give it a try! :slight_smile:

A witch's seed sown2

Here's my comic. It's pretty new, and I'd really love any feedback you have. I'm always looking to improve!

This one isn't all that new, but it is under 100 subs on Tapas.

My comic is relatively new; about a month old.

Hope you enjoy!