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Jan 2017

So it may be a bit late to ask this but I'm interested in the responses.

What are your comic-related resolutions/goals for this year? If you've set one, what have you done to work towards it so far?

For me, I'm trying to (FINALLY) finish a oneshot by March. After that, I want to work on my page rate - starting by aiming for 1pg a week and hopefully gradually accelerating.

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to develop a decent buffer, whichll keep my updates regular at all times. ive put my comic on hiatus for winter to achieve this, while i work on at least 3 more chapters.

Mine is to try to build a recognition with other comic writers and be more active with my readers. My series1 has a low following and I think it's because I'm not active enough.

My comic is in its 7th part in the 7th year and the new years resolution will just be the same as the previous years... just keep on drawing it.

My resolutions are: continue to publish one page per week, build up a buffer, do one short collaboration, and gain more followers across my social media accounts.

I am feeling pretty good about it so far, as I succeeded in my resolutions for last year.

Good luck on succeeding on your goal, you can do it!

Getting better at writing tbh. I have a bad habit of drawing scenes out longer than they need to be. I know it probably drives away a lot of readers. I just worry if I don't, events later in the story will seem deus ex-y

My main one is "slow the heck down before I wreck myself": I ended 2016 with a strain-injury to my elbow and forearm that I'm still recovering from.

Other than that, my comics-resolutions are mostly to keep at it and make things that make me happy, and work on getting better at the things I need to improve at (pacing, layouts, etc.).

My goal is to get my comic out there more are get some more funding for my comic so I can work on it more then one page a month.
I wish could just work on my comic but unfortunately I'm in the position where my time is money. v_v;
I miss the old days where I had more free time and could work on the comic for one page a week. The once a month has been stressful for me.

Finish chapter 14 of 6,75 ! : D we're currently on chapter 9, so it's a chapter per 2 months. Currently I'm in 1/3 of chapter 9, so I better hurry up if I want to finish it in February! ; u;
Also, create a twitter account for webcomics, and create a youtube account with my drawings, comics included (done! )

I really dont "make resolutions" so my goals for 2017 are more of the same-

Continue working on my comic projects, being vocal on social media in try to get them(& my work) out there and liked.

Do con shows as I had done in 2016, and try to further spread the word about my stuff. Try to do better sales wise since this is year 2 for me doing cons.

Look into other avenues such as submitting a short piece to an anthology or something.

DEF take care of myself- spent the whole spring/summer of 2016 fighting through carpal tunnel while working on Ray Thunder. Not fun at all...

Get back started on some type of exercise plan & stick to it. I started out doing this last year then collapsed into doing nothing after MomoCon left me gassed and tired.

Get my home site built- I had been trying to do this for years, but have learned that I'm not so DIY like I used to be. Gonna have to find someone to help me get this done.

For me, it's getting Jim's Days chapter one done by the end of February as well as continuing it in general ^^" So far, I've posted 11 pages with one just being posted today smile

Ironically, mine was to start a new comic and push forward with both of them.
So far it is going well so I'm quite happy. I have a 7-10 page buffer on both comics and if I can keep that going I'll be quite happy.
I suppose moving forward from there, it's to start getting some Patrons for my comics haha.
Both of those just went up within the past two weeks so I'm not expecting much at first, but the goal is to just keep moving forward, right?
If you'd like to check out either of my comics:
Sinfully Yours

My main resolution is to actually finish a comic. So far, I have 2 incomplete comics on Tapastic that have been inactive for a couple of months. I don't plan on attempting to revive them as I doubt I'd be able to keep a schedule and I've already lost most of the script and plot details. So this year, I'm going to start anew and see if I can finish it smiley

I've already got the plot and characters planned out and am currently in the process of writing the script. I think it's going pretty well but we'll see!

Other resolutions are:
- Improve on paneling and backgrounds
- More natural dialogue

Goal is to finish at least three chapters by the end od the year ;v; im slow cuz school

My New Years resolution is the exact same as the one I had last year. To not give up, try to improve my work and grace as many people as possible with the story. blush