3 / 97
Feb 2021

So I’m not sure if this is the place to air my grievances, but seriously webtoons, what the heck? Just minutes ago I received a notice that my content had violated their terms but I’ve honestly seen so much worse on webtoons.

For those of you who may be more sensitive to nudity I recommend not going further, however if you’d like to see what my grievances are about, I’d appreciate the perspective.

The content of the page that I’m assume their saying violated the content guidelines:

Besides this, there isn’t ANYTHING ELSE that would even come close to breaching the rules. I’m just very confused about this and would like some help. I’m appealing the decision right now and if this has happened to anyone else, please offer some advice, I’m not certain at all what I can do, if anything, but I don’t know what to do- This is such bare level nudity for women I’ve literally seen open shirt men with both nipples out and drawn in extreme detail and nothing, but this gets flagged- I am totally lost.

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There are 96 replies with an estimated read time of 15 minutes.

YES, I recall one creator who had their pages removed because of their character's cleavage. So I guess on WT, if you show like 60% or more of a boob, even without visible nipple, it's considered nudity. :rolling_eyes:

I haven't come across any issues with breasts, but my pages were removed for very cartoonish peen and butt. I basically had to erase them for the pages to be reinstated.
Tapas on left, WT on right

Damn I mean, that’s isn’t detailed at all, but I suppose I can understand why genitals might be flagged, but even then, nipples are not genitals and if that’s how comics treat them, then men’s nipples are just as provocative as women’s nipples Uuuuugghhhh that is SO damn sexist, I am enraged. Why not male nipples? What if my character was a trans woman? Or a trans man pre-op? It shouldn’t make a difference.

I’m not trying to pick a fight or anything but this (very well drawn comic by the talented Koraidner) has literal pages like this on webtoons:

And I’m just absolutely floored how mine which isn’t even sexual, gets cut -_- I’m just exhausted by this level of hypocrisy. Sorry for the rant this just caught me way off guard.

Jeez webtoon is really strict on these rules they have

So like I know there are creators who show slight nudity or just in full
here is an example from a comic creator on webtoon who I enjoy of their work but haven't gotten anything from webtoon (I believe they haven't)
this page shows a woman's chest and her being nude in the bathtub
so it is like wha?

I screen shot it so you could see it faster

lol, ok see if this one works because webtoon can't be that fast.. or can they :scream:
Should be on the same page : number 19 "late at night"

Lol what are the odds webtoon is like secretly watching this thread :laughing:

Meanwhile, in the Webtoons original series section:

Nothing against that comic - I read it and like it a lot - but the double standard gets me all the time.

Exactly! This is why I'm just so confused by why people like WT so much.
I truly appreciate Tapas' more lenient policies on nudity and wish the site caught on with more creators.

Ah, something like this happened to me as well. Don't sweat it! Apparently, webtoon staff themselves don't go around taking down things they deem offensive, but any reader who comes across the comic can report it and it gets automatically taken down if multiple people report it. So that's why some nudity is left up and some isn't -- some simply don't get flagged. Kind of a weird way to moderate content.

I'd like to see them implement a fail safe with a human mod who examines content in question. Like Instagram.

That's absurd :rage:. Hope the appeal goes quickly and easily.

Am I crazy or weren't you just on the front page too?? Maybe more traffic = somebody decided to be a jerk and report?

I really do love tapas, if it wasn’t for the amazing readers and support I’ve received on webtoons, I’d probably keep strictly with tapas. They have issues but it’s very community oriented and I like that.

I am SO thankful you sent this, I was really worried because it felt so strange (although knowing that I’m a little peeved it was then one of my readers who reported me, like thanks guys?) I definitely don’t like that way of moderation, it feels like any person with an axe to grind could just make up whatever they like and then gets someone’s episodes taken down :confused:

Just why can’t people show this? As long as it’s properly tagged, it’s just a woman who hasn’t shaved, with her tits out, I see this on a daily basis e-e

Thank you v-v’ yah I hope it goes smoothly, and I’ll definitely update here as to the situation, I sent my message back to the webtoons support so hopefully they allow my content back in.

And I think i must have?? I never saw it but for some reason I got a bunch of new readers so perhaps??

:laughing: Lol,

Thats the thing its like whenever a wombman is drawn something like this then the artist is mostly likely have to censor it because of how the rules are placed like I understand but still...

And take a look at this artist the female characters are naked (their chest is exposed) but the artist had to put stuff around it so they wouldn't get in trouble, but the males are not
( art is by DizzyAlyx comic name: Gone and Forgotten)

Its like how you've said "why not male nipples?" or "What if my character was a trans woman?"
tbh why must censor the females chest but not males? What if that female who was drawn to be idk flat chested? They'll still censor it right? Because of their gender .

So many questions to this :sweat_01: but likely to not be answered :unamused:

And the picture you had provided with that artist called Koraidner they drawn the stuff out there, like you could see it going out :sweat_02: but nothin had happened though right?
So it is a bit strange ,really do shows the sexism ngl :thinking:

Articles I had read

So like I have read a couple of Articles (two :sweat_smile:)
And just reading them two it just feels that woman are being "controlled" in a way ( maybe not controlled but you get the idea :sweat_02:), like to not being able to show themselves but "it is what it is" though :unamused:

I really do find it a lot confusing though, about this topic

(I know this title is weird but still)

(This a lot of nipple talk, I also won't lie that I wouldn't thought that I would type the word "nipple" at all :laughing:)

Dude, what? That's insane! Your panel is DEFINITELY conservative/tasteful enough, even when considering the sexist double standard. I hope that appeal goes through!

I’m very glad for all the support, I am a little worried it won’t be allowed but I do really hope it is since there is so little exposed and I have moments in the future where non-sexual nudity will just come up. I’ll be sure to let people know what happens I just hope I have good news to give, and that’s truly horrible for that artist, I wonder if they appealed the process though? Perhaps they didn’t?

Thank you! Honestly it’s not a great sign for future parts in the story since there are moments which may leave some characters more exposed V-V’