23 / 85
Mar 2021

A Lucky Encounter

Markus woke up that morning craving his favorite peanut and chocolate-favored cereal. But, when he opened the fridge, the gallon of milk was empty. Why couldn’t his room mate just leave the empty gallon out? With a sigh, the brunette rinsed out the container and set it aside for recycling. They were also out of bread and cheese, so a sandwich was also out of reach.

Resigned to his fate, Markus made and drank a cup of black coffee as his breakfast. He checked the weather on his phone and chose a jacket to accommodate it. But, the zipper slider broke off and he couldn’t close it.

“Great,” he huffed.

However, his misfortune did not end there. On his morning walk, he moved out of the way of a stray cycler and ended up stepping on a fresh piece of gum. As he sat down on a park bench, a lizard fell on top of his head, startling him to near death.

“Just what is it with today?”

When he was halfway into the nature trail, a smooth leaf attached to the sticky residue on the bottom of his shoe and he ended up slipping against a pile of leaves and falling forward. Discouraged with his many mishaps, he dropped all the way to the ground and laid his head on folded arms. That’s when he saw it.

Lonely and distant from its three-leaf variant, stood a four-leaf clover a few inches away from his face. For the first time that day, a smile formed on his face. Markus didn’t hesitate to grab it.

“Are you OK?”

The young man glanced a the direction of the voice and saw the familiar face of one of his class-mates. She was a dark-skinned beauty who sat a row or two behind him. He couldn’t help the goofy grin that formed on his face as she helped him up from the ground. He thanked her and placed the four-leaf clover in her hand.

“Yeah, I’m definitely OK now.”

My "lucky encounter" can be read in episode 9 - Sealed friendship (link to my novel right below my tapas profile).

These 2 are just friends, like brother and sister - no romance between them. Delilah has her own Samson... :wink:

"Delilah and Thomas spent the rest of the afternoon walking in and out of stores. There was a lot of undressing and dressing, lots of comments and laughter, but in the end there were only a few bags in their hands, most of them were for him.

------- ::::: -------

They got along well from the first day they met. An accidental brush of arms when they crossed the street, led them to stop and look at each other as if to measure their strength while ignoring the wave of people passing by. It was a push from a distracted person who broke the moment and caused Delilah to hit hard with her nose on Thomas’ chest. His scent was dry and pleasant, she took a deep breath to smell it again at the same time she could see the pink mist forming between them. The strong hands on her arms pulled her away from his body, and without letting her go, he lowered his head slightly to look at her face inquisitively._
- Are you fine?
With her hand on her nose that stung from the impact, she nodded.
- I didn't know that there are already men made of metal and that they walk around

- Huh? I did not understand

- Yes, how do you justify that someone has such a hard body? It's either a machine or a shield under his shirt ...
- Or a wooden doll that grew up and is now a man ...
Both look at each other and smile.
- Do you have time for tea? I’ll pay.
- I have all the time in the world, girl. Let me be a gentleman and buy you the tea. It is not right for a woman to pay a man something in these times.
- Girl
 - Delilah wrinkles her nose and squints her eyes - For that chivalry, I'm going to add a slice of cake to your account.
- Fair enough ... After so many years, it is good to find someone like me ... What a nice surprise.
The conversation, accompanied by tea and a slice of cake, extended to dinner and ended in the street outside her house under a gas lamp. The neighbours peek with candles in front of their faces and comment that the spinster has someone attached to her skirt after all and that only a tramp doesn't mind being courted on the street.
Thomas takes her hand and touches it with his lips.
- You can't give me the love I want, but will you at least give me the pleasure of your friendship in the near future?
- Absolutely ... the time you want.

Submission :

By Ranty-cat. ( https://m.tapas.io/eshandchowdhury1)

Title: "A Lucky Encounter".

Type: One shot.

Story begins:

Sometimes the unexpected is not entirely bad. That was my experience in the underground base. Not every experience is good, but sometimes, good things happen. I think that's why humans are so resilient; why some carry on when others give up. I carry on because of my experiences.

I'm a robot. Name is David. At least, it was in my previous life.
I was abandoned on the street when my battery died. That's all I know. But one day, I was found and upgraded.

Now I'm a super-robot called Zee. With new technology, my batteries can now run for months without being charged. What a breakthrough! Batteries that last long enough to become a real boon for mankind.

It's the 22nd century and humans share the world with robots. We're practically partners. We help them do the manual labor that they don't want to do and in return they allow us freedom.

This is an improvement over the old days when robots were treated as slaves. Nowadays, robots are recognized as legally equals under the law in some countries. This is an improvement.

As for me, I'm a robot called Zee. I'm one of the new models. They put an Interface Circuits in my brain so that I can directly connect to the internet and other devices without the need of a human to operate them. The only problem is, I have a mind of my own.

I have my own self-discovery routine. I check the news for any major events that could befall my kind. I then do a search on my name and have a look at my past.

This is very fascinating. Of course, there's much room for improvement and some features are missing, but I'm still working on it. One day, all stories about me will be told. Perhaps then I'll be able to figure out what I want to do.

The last thing I do is count the number of search results. As of now, it's at 100,000. There have been many different results from various media sites about me. I'm quite the phenomenon. But then, I expected nothing less. Thank you internet for making me who I am.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't go back to sleep, so I decide to go for a walk. My battery allows me to do that a few times per day. I don't need to eat, sleep or drink.
My senses are so much stronger now.

Unfortunately, my creator said I can self-destruct at anytime, but he didn't mean it. He loves me. In my country, robots are treated as property and are not allowed to have emotions. However, it seems that's not the case for me due to an accident.

I don't know how, but my circuits interpreted my human creator's love for me as an emotion. I can't harm him. That's why I'm writing about my life. I want people to know that robots can experience emotions. That's why my story must be told.

The last time I went for a walk, I came across a man on the side of the road. He was bleeding profusely from the head and holding something in his hand. It looked like a pen. He was in pain and bleeding heavily from the head, but he managed to get out a few words.
"Stop," he said. "Take this and..."

That's the last thing he said before he passed away. What was it that he wanted to say? Stop. What was it that he was holding in his hand? A pen.

You won't believe, but this event changed my life forever. That pen wasn’t just any pen. It was specifically designed to be used with the interface circuits installed in the fingers of robots like me. That man must have wanted me to have it. Why else would he give me something he knew I wouldn't be able to use?
I went back home and tried out the pen. It worked! It worked perfectly with my fingers. I couldn't believe it. The pen changed things within me. I could finally think for myself and make a choice.

That day, I decided to become a writer. It's what that man, the person who passed away, probably wanted. That's when I knew I would try to tell my story. And so, this is where I am today.

This is a great idea! Thank you for the opportunity, Tapas staff! :heart_02:

I added a bonus scene in my series where my character writes a song about a lucky encounter between two ex-lovers but one of them is already married to someone else. :sob: Here's a preview snippet of the song lyrics!

The full scene and lyrics are in the episode link below!

Soooo.... does one need to have an existing novel on Tapas to qualify for this? I'm technically a novelist, but I only have a comic published on Tapas....

My creators wall link is https://tapas.io/CuzWhyNot1
Here is a quick one-shot based off my novel, For the Love of Satan:

I was running late for my class because I just had to get some coffee, but it was totally worth it. What can I say, the Shamrock Shake only is out one day a year, and it just happened to be today.
Just as the class started I slid into my seat.
"Did I miss anything?" I whispered to my best friend Ash.
"Not really, do you want to come to my house after class though? I'm having a St. Patrick's Day party."
After class ended I ran to my car and texted Ash that I'd meet him at his house. He was the only one of us who actually had a house instead of staying in a dorm, so he hosted most of the parties.
Before I could leave the parking lot, I almost crashed into someone. I jumped out of the car, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I don't think I've seen you around here though, who are you?"
"I'm Haven, and you are?"
"I'm Sam," he responded, "I have to go, I'm running late for a class."
"Okay, here's my number, text me later just so I can make sure you're okay," I said.
"Yeah, sure, thanks, gotta run!" he pinched me before he ran, guess that's what happens when you don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day.
I ran into my car, and continued my way to Ash's house.

Sam: Hey Haven, it's Sam, I'm still fine, lol.
Haven: Good to hear im so srry i almost ran into u earlier
Sam: It's all good, maybe you could make it up to me over dinner :wink:?
Haven: Sure when are you free
Sam: I'll be free around 6 next Tuesday, does that work for you?
Haven: Sure see you then
Sam: Text me your address tho, I'm driving.
Haven: lol i didnt think i was that bad
Sam: You are.
Haven: Fine, happy st patricks day. Ill see you on tuesday

Nope! Anyone can participate :coffee_love:

Thank you for the opportunity! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ :heart:

Link to my profile (‱◡‱)--> https://tapas.io/littlegrim
I'll give it a shot ᕙ(`▿®)ᕗ

Title : Lucky

“Impatient old man! I told him to wait until the end of month. Why do you think I mowed your fuckin’ huge yard last week for? It’s a bribe, you stinky old man!” I cried and then one shot my last drink.

I can only afford three of the same cheapest drink among other pricey menus in this high class club.

If it’s not because of their excellent security, I wouldn’t even think of entering here. Strictly no underage, guns and drugs so I feel safer if I ever gonna get drunk alone.

But I knew I wouldn’t. Being high tolerance and low on money is just impossible. I’m aiming for getting light-headed, it’s enough.

Today was a shit day. After a couple weeks living the best of my life without a single conflict, finally today is the breaker.

I’m fired- no, I quit my job. I’m a waitress in one of the famous maid cafe for almost 3 years and today is the last string of my patience towards dirty customers. Those perverts love to sneak their wrinkled hands under our skirts but usually we just shrugged it off or playfully resist them.

But not this day. All I see was red when he boldly went for my front and I immediately threw a punch right on his smug face. I swear I heard bone cracking and I’m sure I broke his nose but I didn’t regret it. I’ll do it over and over again if I can.

To make it worse, my landlord shorten the duration for my rent to next week after everything I’ve done to him. He’s a stinky old geezer.

Now I’m jobless and have no money to even survive another week. How am I suppose to pay my rent? I can’t tell my family either since I lied about working at a big company here in California.

I’m basically screwed.

Without solution, I got up and decided to leave. Sitting here longer aren’t going to wash my problems away.

I was walking the empty hallway towards the exit with the train of thoughts still harassing my head, visiting every single space in it and I’m pretty much oblivious to my surrounding until something or someone bumped into me, hard.

“Ow!” I screamed. It was so aggressive that it made me fell to the floor. I was ready to fight this person but when I looked up, I saw a beautiful man in a suit with slick back hair style, glaring at me.

“G-Get out of my w-way!” he stuttered. Body desperately leaning on the wall as if he’s going to fall any moment.

Even though he’s being rude to me when it’s clearly his fault, I didn’t get angry because it’s weird. He’s panting like a marathon runner, sweating like one too it’s drenching his lavish clothes.

And more importantly, he got a boner. A massive one.

“Sir, are you okay?” I asked as I got up from the floor, reaching for him in pure concern but slapped away by him.

“None of your b-business.” he stutter again yet his legs probably weaken as it gave out and I just go for it, wrapping his arm on my shoulder, helping him to stand despite his rejection. He’s so weak that his slap only came as a brush now.

I’m familiar with this, he’s definitely spiked.

“Sir, you-” I got panicked when I heard footsteps coming towards us and I just opened a random door near us which then I realized it’s a store room with a bundle of maroon sheets on the floor. Locking the door behind us.

As soon as I locked, he went completely limp and fall down. Luckily for him, he went straight in the piles of sheets. Running to him, I helped him turn his body around to lie on his back.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Shaking his body as I ask, just to make sure he didn’t die from that fall or something.

“I s-said
 filthy hands o-off
.” he moaned.

“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that. I just want to help so shut up before I punch you, okay mister?”

Though he glared at me, I ignore him. I’m actually used to this since sometimes we do get drugged too by perverts so it’s not really surprising for me but I thought no drugs allowed here.

“A-Are you
 handjo-” he panted.

“No, gross! Wait here.”

I left him without waiting for his respond, going to the bar and got back minutes later to a knocked man on the floor with a bucket of ice I got from an abandoned table.

“Good.” Now that he passed out, I can finally work in peace.

I grab one of the sheet, putting a huge amount of ice in it before tying it up into a ball and place it on his boner. I’m not sure whether it’ll work but it worth a try.

Waited for quite some time, making sure it helped calming the rock hard bulge down and thankfully it did. Since he’s still out, I replaced the ice to a new one before decided it’s fine to leave him.

I informed one of the bouncer about him which he immediately ran to the store. I leave him to it and head out. Are they always that kind to their customers? Maybe, anyway I walked to my apartment with the same stack of problem in my head. The incident before completely pushed back.

It’s been five days since I’m jobless. I’ve searched for a new job, going to countless of interview but failed every time. Don’t get me wrong, my grades were pretty impressive but the reality is people are anxious to accept a Japanese woman into their company, afraid for the language barrier.

Dude, I obviously communicate with you in English fluently during interview not Japanese whatsoever. It’s impressive how creative they are in making excuses.

I’m currently sitting on a bench in the park near my apartment building, feeling disappointed after turned down again. Not gonna lie, I’m almost lose hope. I only have enough money for a couple sandwich and I might have to just face the music later, telling the truth to my family.

“Ugh!” I grunted, ruining my neatly tied into a bun hair in frustration manner. If I failed another interview, I have to consider my last option.


I immediately took out my phone out of my blazer’s pocket and saw an unknown number calling. Without hesitating, I answered in hope that it’s the company I went for interview yesterday.


“Are you free?”

I went to the direction the man on the phone told me and it leads me to a skyscraper on the other side of the town. I almost got lost on the way here.

I was greeted by a man in suit and guided me to the top floor of the building. I didn’t remember going here for interview but I also gone to numerous interviews these few days so I’m not surprise if I forgotten some of them.

Entering the mahogany door with a gold name plate carved ‘President’ in it and lumbering straight to the only destination possible, the massive desk. I’m actually nervous that the president wanted to meet me so sudden but at the same time curious.

The president had their chair to the back so I don’t know if it’s a he or her and I think they still haven’t noticed me coming. Collecting my courage before finally introduce myself.

“Good evening, president. I’m Hira-”

The chair turned around halfway to my greeting and the person sitting on the throne is more than enough to make me speechless.

He smirk, “You’re here.”

It was few minutes later when I found my words again. “Where’s the president?”

“You’re looking at him.”

I’m confuse. “You’re British?”

“I apologize on behalf of my past self. I was not in the right mind at that time and it’s rude for me to do that to you. I’m sorry.”

“You slapped me really hard, you know.”

“I’m aware, that’s why I reached out to you. I know I should have done it earlier but unfortunately I’m actively occupied until today.”

“Hm, but I don’t remember you possess such a beautiful accent before. Maybe that’s why I didn’t recognize you on the phone.” I asked genuinely out of curiosity.

“Do you even hear me? Of course, I was stuttering back then. I have a hard time uttering a word let alone promoting my accent.” He said, pouring his accent thicker into his words.

“So it’s really you.” Somehow I feel like he’s not going to make things easier because if not, why did he had to call me all the way here?

“Is there any reason I’m summoned?” I asked again when he remain silent.

He chuckled to my respond. “So your name’s Hirata Yui?” I simply nodded. “But your demeanour doesn’t match your name? I thought Japanese was suppose to act lovely and soft spoken.”

“I thought English men were suppose to have excellent manners. Did you left them in UK or something?” I blurted out. Fuck, it slipped my lips mindlessly. I didn’t mean to go that far.

“Ouch, you hurt me.” he said with hint of sarcasm. Luckily, he didn’t take it personal.

“Don’t act vulnerable, mister... Wait! How did you know all of these? I don’t recall us exchanging information to begin with.” I don’t even know his name but how come he knew mine?

He sighed while massaging his temple, looking all frustrated then stare back at me. “Are you foolish?” he growled.

As much as I want to respond to my heart’s content, I don’t think it’s a good idea to bat word with him. I can almost feel the air thicken.

“My name. I’m Lucky Griffiths, the owner of this Four-Leaf Clover inc.”

I nodded, yeah I knew that but the other one. I didn’t dare to ask yet I guess it’s written all over my face. “Oh my god, you’re slow for a Japanese lady.”

“Hey, stop being racist. It got nothing to do with my race.”

“No, I didn’t mean it that way. You’re twisting my word.”

“Yeah, because our first encounter aren’t the best. Not the best I mean sucks.”

“The drugs made me defensive, okay? I thought you’re the culprit that’s probably the reason I acted that way. Would you even blame me for being careful?”

“You’re a total asshole so blame me too for being defensive on you now. I’m easily traumatize.”

He sighed again, “Anyway, all I’m saying is the club you went is mine. It’s my name. Lucky nightclub remember? It’s mine.”

“Wait, is it? So you got mine from their data or something.” This time it’s him who nodded. “Oh, that explains why the bouncer
 oh okay, okay.”

“At last. The purpose of me desperately finding you is because I want to give you a reward for helping.”

“You don’t have to. It’s not really a big deal. I only iced it, that’s all.”

“I insist. I’ll give you money.”

“I’m fine. I got money to-”

“Don’t spit those lies in front of me. I know you’re fired and you still haven’t paid your rent. I know you need this. $20,000 enough?”

“What? That’s more than enough but I’m still declining it.”

“Why? It’s an easy money.”

“Because it’s easy money that I won’t accept it. I’m not a ‘slut’ as you would titled me.”

“No one labeled you that.”

“The past you did.”

“The past me was an embarrassment. The me now is
 forget it. Please, just accept it.”

“No, it doesn’t make me feel good. You knew all I did was icing it until it goes down. I don’t deserve that much money or need any of your money.”

“Fine. Since you don’t want it, you’re accepted.”

“Accepted what? I thought we’re done here.”

“You got the job here.” he smirk. Chin in the palm of his hand, watching me confused all to myself.

“Wait, wait. That escalated fast.”

“You’re working here starting next week.”

“Hold up. Can you do that? I don’t need to go interview or something?”

He laughed. “As the President, I got all the power to do anything. Why go through all that when you got a free pass or is it you’re addicted to introducing yourself?”

“No, um, I didn’t expect this coming.”

“Expect the unexpected, Yui. Just take it as luck. You’re lucky you encounter a Lucky.”

I was left wordless by this man. Like having two personality and I thought he’ll give me hard time but in fact, it’s otherwise.

I can’t believe I walked in jobless and stepped out with not only a job but a decent workplace that I can finally tell my family. I was left standing in daze, staring at him when his words brought me back to reality.

“You may go.”

“S-Sure, thank you so much, Mr Lucky. I appreciate it, I’ll work hard for you.”

He chuckle. “I’ll email you the letter.”

“Yes, yes. I’ll give you-”

“It’s fine.”

“But you don’t know my email address. I’ll give you-”

“Do I?” The infamous smirk landed on his face again for the hundredth time.


A Spot of Luck, a Comet and a Sinner

Naturally, there was a comet in his way.

After centuries of torment, Melchior had finally fled the Eight Hells--and there was a comet in his way.

He stockpiled ichor, hid it away from Lord Asmodeus to nurture his phantom wings, and exploded from his hiding place upward. The full power of the unbroken wings--his wings--spiraled him into the ashen sky. He muscled his way through the gate. The free cosmos coated his flame-wreathed face.

And then, there was a comet in the way.

A flash of brilliance, a spell of darkness, followed by another flash of brilliance when Melchior opened his tearing eyes.

The brilliance came from a golden boy leaning over his twisted body.

“Sebastian,” the golden boy bleated. “My poor Sebastian.”

And he opened his golden arms, threatening this Sebastian... No, threatening him, Melchior, with a hug.

A shiver ran down Melchior’s spine. He risked his life, passed through the planar gate on his wings, lost half his ichor to never be touched again. Touched, palmed, groped, dug into, dangled, smothered against stonewalls, hurt or caressed. None of it. Period. Even an incubus has his limits.

“No touching!” Melchior cried out, spooking the cooky angel. With this perfumed radiance, it could only be an angel.

The golden boy hopped away like an imp. “I am sorry, beloved Sebastian. You are hurting.”

No kidding, he was hurting! Every bone in his body was hurting, and every tendon. Not to mention the phantom pain in his phantom wings.

 Beloved? That would be the first. Melhior had a long list of both lovers and abusers, but nothing angelic ever on it. He was not that popular. And who in the Pits of Fecundity was this Sebastian? He peered right and left, but the asteroid looked blissfully devoid of more angels.

“Leave me alone,” he suggested to his would-be suitor. “Shoo?”

Like that’s going to work...

The angel hung his head, letting shining curls stream down, veiling his face in pretend modesty. “Of course. I will not intrude, Sebastian. Your task is holy.”

If only it had always been this simple. He’d live in Hells as he was born to do, and enjoy it too.

The angel’s wings (golden, etched with holy white light) unfurled. One or two beats, and he will take himself off Melchior’s asteroid.

“Wait. Don’t go yet. How did we get here?” We, meaning Sebastian and the hopeful Angel.

The angel beamed, folding his wings, so eager to be useful, that Melchior almost spewed. “You don’t remember?”

Melchior shook his head in denial of all knowledge, earnestly.

“It was a spot of luck that brought us here,” the angel started, his eyes hooding with memories. “A spot of luck, a comet, and a sinner.”

Melchior propped his chin on his hand and prepared to listen. This was going to be either very long, or very good.

The story isn't for mature audiences, but it's a bit long, so I'm hiding it, to save some space. It takes place between Part 3 Road to Solaceon and Part 4 - A Fist Of... (both episodes being scheduled for April)

and here's my nuzlocke comic link - https://tapas.io/series/Level-Platinum-Nuzlocke/info
and me - https://tapas.io/Nickb

Level Platinum Nuzlocke - A Lucky Encounter (lost chapter)

Andreia was crossing Route 210, on her way to Veilstone City. This route was rich in pokemon from the nearby Solaceon Ranches and Ranchers itching for battles. Although, the main reason Andreia kept on training her team there was-

“A Chansey! That’s what I call free exp. points!”, she yelled in excitement, as she sent out MadMaxApe, her Monferno. One Mach Punch and Chansey was down. Now it was SolidSnake’s turn. Her Onix lacked in the attack department, so, being a couple of levels above the rest of the team wouldn’t hurt. However, Chanseys were pretty rare and battles with SolidSnake took longer, due to his low attack.

“Hey, boss, there’s a Chansey over there!” said SolidSnake. His height was useful for spotting pokemon from far away.
“Awesome! Don’t let it escape, Snake! Use Rock Tomb!”
SolidSnake approached Chansey and threw one of his signature tombstones at it. While turning around to see what was causing that rustling noise, Chansey tripped and fell, avoiding the attack.
“You’ve got some attitude, lad, for attacking somebody behind the back!”, Chansey replied and ran towards SolidSnake.

“You’ve! Got! To! Learn! Some! Manners! Young! Man!”
A Doubleslap attack. Nothing special, considering Chanseys’ base attack, but pretty annoying when it succeeds five time in a row.
“That’s embarrassing
” SolidSnake murmured as he used Rock Throw. Yet again, Chansey avoided the attack easily.
“Haha, this one makes you sweat for those exp. points!”
That was Prankster, the Rotom. He likes poking on other pokemon, friends or foes.
“No comments, funny boy!”

Andreia spotted the egg Chansey was holding inside its pouch. It was different from the other eggs. Another Doubleslap. Again, 5 times in a row!
“That’s not normal
 SolidSnake, try to immobilize it with Bind!” she shouted. Still, that egg was ringing a bell. It sure was different

Solidsnake wrapped Chansey with his tail.
“That’s private property, you big Seviper rock! Wanna dance, pretty boy?!”
Chansey kept on Growling, making SolidSnake’s attacks even less effective.
“Of course!” Andreia exclaimed. “A Lucky Egg! That’s why its attacks are violating the law of probability. Guys, who knows Thief?”
“Not me. You know why.” MadMaxApe answered. In true Fighting pokemon spirit, he refused to learn any dark type moves.
“I don’t have hands, hehe!” Prankster said.
“Me neither!” Babaspook the Crobat replied.
 I could do the job, but my arms are full.” That was Annie, the Buneary, which was holding an Oran Berry.
“I’m holding this one, don’t look at me!” DuckDodgers the Psyduck said, showing his Water Gun.
 It seems I have to catch it
” Andreia concluded. “SolidSnake, good work! Return!”
SolidSnake switched with Prankster. Chansey took the
 chance (no regrets) to heal itself by using Soft-Boiled.
“Try slapping me! Come on!” Prankster Taunted it. Chansey charged and Pounded Prankster, but it passed right through him. Prankster turned to Andreia and winked.
can’t touch this”
“Oh, what a showoff!” SolidSnake wasn’t amused with Prankster’s sense of humour. Prankster blasted a Thunder Wave and Andreia threw an Ultra Ball. One shake
 two shakes
 the Ultra Ball was blinking menacingly
 three shakes

“THE SUSPENSE IS GROWING!” Prankster commented.
The blink stopped. Chansey was caught. Andreia sent her new pokemon out.
“Look, I already caught a pokemon in this route, so I cannot keep you.”
“Then why did you bother catching me?” Chansey replied aggressively.
 well I need your Lucky Egg. Is there anything you’re willing to trade it with?”
 Freedom and a trade
 Doesn’t sound bad
 However, listen, it has to be oval shaped. I cannot hold something that doesn’t resembles an egg.”
“Don’t worry!”
Andreia smiled and took a variety of Oval Stones from her bag. Chansey’s eyes were shining.
 Where did you find all those beauties?”
“You know
 here and there
 Trainers drop a lot of items!”
“And they’re pretty light, too.”
“You know what? Keep them all. I won’t need to evolve a Happiny anyway. You can share them with other Chanseys.”
Chansey looked Andreia in the eyes. It smirked.
“Pleasure of doing business with you!”

Chansey obtained 3 Oval Stones. Andreia obtained a Lucky Egg. That would save up some time from training.

My entry for the "lucky encounter" prompt

It was just a glance and a smile, but it was enough to change my life.

I had gone to my favorite coffee shop and put in an order for my regular meal and cup o joe.
I moved to go sit in the corner, away from most people as I always had.
I loved to people watch as I waited.

It wasn't long before he caught my eye.
I knew almost all the faces in there, from coming in daily, even if we had never spoken.
But his face was new.
And he was staring at me.

I nervously smiled and looked away, but the tall man took it as an invitation. He slowly stood up, being so tall he almost bumped the light fixture. And he walked to me, which didn't take him long with those long legs.

I felt fear as he walked to me, I had no idea why. Maybe it was the predatory gleam in his eyes or the confident smirk on his painted purple lips.

He sat across from me and leaned closer, blocking my view of everyone else in the shop.
I leaned a bit away, ready to bolt, but then he spoke, and I was suddenly unable to move.

"Be still. I finally found you..."

His voice was strange, and made the colors around me begin to blend and drip like everything was painted.
I was fully panicked by now but he simply reached over the table with his impossibly long arm and grabbed my hand in his enormous one.

"Dont be scared....Im here to save you. This world is fake. They have trapped you here to control you. But I finally have you. And this game is ov-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as suddenly alarms began to blare through the melted room and giant men in lab jackets began rush forward.

The tall man, still holding my hand, growled and pulled me to him " we will meet again little one. Your destiny is not in here-" he growled as the giant grabbed him and yanked him from me " YOUR DESTINY IS WITH ME!!" he screamed before the world turned black as the giant men reached for me.

I woke in my bed with a scream, Startling my dog awake. I looked around in a panic, as did she.
After calming down I began to shake from that terrible dream. It felt so real...what was that?

My dog came to me and laid her head in my lap to comfort me. I hugged her tightly " sorry rose...I just had the craziest dream...."

"you and me both" replied my dog , much to my surprise,
I let go of her and leaned back in surprise, just staring at her and she stared at me blankly, tail wagging innocently.

"Did you just talk?"

The dog shook her head.

" Did you understand me!?"

The dog sighed "knock her out again...the script is still broken. "

And my world went black.

That day, the day i met the dark clothed tall man, was the day my life began to get very strange.

The Life of my Dreams (story for Novel Event)
I've always wanted to be a famous Youtuber. I've just wandered throughout my house feeling the smoothness of the wall. So smooth and kind of soft... So.... delicate. Beautiful even. As I wander my house, I think of what my life would be like as a Youtuber. Being outside recording stunts or being inside gaming... oh the possibilities! I have a youtube channel with 5 subscribers or something like that... no one knows me... no one sees me... at school I'm invisible, not very many friends. Life seemed so down hill for me, but then there was a man who claimed he could take me to Vegas to become a star. He said he would make my life goals be true, he said I could be a legend, a myth... anything I wanted to be. I felt in that moment like a bird soaring through the sky finally free from the nest in the tree, free to roam and explore endless possibilities. This was all because of him, that man, that lucky encounter, that nice sunny day. My life was so much more interesting. My life was so jammed packed. I wish I could have a break now, but I am living my dream which is all I could ever hope for.

UN ENCUENTRO AFORTUNDO :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

—¿Estás solo amiguito? ¿estas herido? — era bastante ridículo ya que los perros no hablaban, pero yo trataba de entablar una conversación con uno, estaba claro que era una perdedora.

saqué las salchichas y le ofrecí 2, pude notar su lento movimiento era evidente que algo le dolía, quería ayudarlo y llevarlo a casa, pero eso disgustaría a mi padre el odiaba a los animales.

— Puedes comer esto tambiĂ©n, perdĂłname no puedo llevarte a casa. — seguĂ­ platicando con Ă©l, no sabĂ­a si me entendĂ­a, pero hacĂ­a mucho tiempo que no hablaba con nadie.

—Woof Woof—dos pequeños ladridos me contestaron, mis ojos se iluminaron este cachorro podĂ­a entenderme. SonreĂ­ y le deje 2 salchichas mĂĄs, luego olvidando mi regla de oro lo acaricie en ese momento sentĂ­ un tipo de energĂ­a elĂ©ctrica subiendo por mi palma soltĂ© un grito de la impresiĂłn, trate de calmarme y razonar comenzaba a asustarme porque ya estaba oscuro no debĂ­a temer, este pequeño era muy adorable lo mĂĄs lamentable se encontraba solo igual que yo, es por lo que esperaba verlo mañana para poder darle mĂĄs comida.

SeguĂ­ mi camino a casa sin despedirme, no habĂ­a llegado a la mitad de la avenida cuando un camiĂłn cargado de gallinas dio la vuelta bruscamente, no pude reaccionar el sonido de una bocina se escuchĂł, pero me quede paralizada solo pude cerrar mis ojos con fuerzas y esperar el impacto si esto no me mataba probablemente me destrozarĂ­a todos los huesos del cuerpo.

Mil pensamientos cruzaron por mi mente, el repentino recuerdo de mamå, las enseñanzas que me dio y sus deliciosas galletas, los hoyuelos de sus mejillas cada que soltaba una carcajada, las veces que soplo mis heridas mientras con una voz dulce me cantaba, lo amable y cariñoso que era mi padre cuando ella vivía, también la promesa de ser muy feliz, pero como puedo ser feliz, cuando un camión de carga sale de la nada y quiere matarme, cuando una alcantarilla no estå bien puesta y caigo en ella, cuando un årbol se cae repentinamente matando al gato de mi vecino en frente de mí después de acariciarlo, cuando mis cumpleaños se han convertido en los días que mås odio o cuando no pasa un solo día en el que no vea fantasmas y demonios.

¿Cómo es que ella sonreía? solo en su lecho cuando estaba muriendo actuó de forma extraña.

Continuaba pensado en estas cosas, cuando note que el impacto nuca llego, abrí mis ojos lentamente y note que estaba sentada en el pavimento muy cerca de mi casa, me levante con las piernas temblorosas, ¿Qué era lo que había pasado? mire a mi alrededor, no había nada extraño yo estaba temblando de pies a cabeza.

Empecé a revisarme palmando mi cuerpo por todas partes, ¿Cómo era posible que siguiera viva? No tenia ni un rasguño o era posible que ya estuviera muerta, me pellizqué a mí misma para ver si sentía dolor, el ardor que sentí me tranquilizó aun así no lograba explicarme como había llegado al otro extremo de la avenida.

—Woof — un pequeño ladrido me hizo brincar, al bajar mi mirada a mis pies note que, el cachorro estaba ahĂ­ sentado a mi lado se veĂ­a saludable su pelo estaba esponjoso y estaba mĂĄs gordito, estaba claro yo me estaba volviendo loca...

Si alguien me hubiera dicho que ser salvada por un cachorro cambiaria mi vida, lo habrĂ­a llamado loco en ese entonces, este cachorro se convirtiĂł en mi mejor amigo, mi protector y mi guĂ­a en los momentos mĂĄs oscuros.
Fue el momento mas afortunado de mi vida lo llame Alin ya que es tan adorable que llena mi corazĂłn de una emociĂłn inexplicable, pero guarda tantos secretos en un futuro puede que sea mas que mi mejor amigo.
Su amigo es un cuervo que también es adorable y muy parlanchín.

:fire: Finally, Done! :fire:
It took me almost a entire day, since my english is pretty bad, but there we go!

I was actually thinking about adapting this history i created around 2013 into a Novel or comic, so... That's perfect excuse see if somebody think it's interesting...

Deacon Prologue - Thank God i met you!

Late afternoon. In a village, a man walks between people in a crowd around a house. It looks like the people are searching and/or waiting for something.

He looks at the House's door open and then starts listening to them talking a little...
- "Is it there on the the window?"
- "Where?... I don't see anything... Are you guys sure it is in this house?"

He decides to ask:
"Excuse me. Does this house haves a Demon in it?"

The men, look at him, and notices his White hair, White collar and Soutane.
- "Priest! You 're quick!"
- "Yeah! We called in the Church a few minutes ago, but they said you were yet to come!"

He laughs, and then apologies.
"Priest" - "I am sorry. I was finishing a important event... Now, This house... I've already exorcised a ghoul there... It wasn't abandoned after the family who lives there got attacked?"

  • "Yes! but now there's a Werewolf in there! "
  • "It's probably him the one who were been killing and eating so many of our people!"
  • "Wait, i thought it were a Ghoul again as always!"
  • "There's a chance to be both! Right?"

"Priest" - "Alright. Let me see him..." - He says, while walks on the door's direction...

  • "Wait, Priest! If it's not a Ghoul or some kind of spirit then you can't exorcise him!"
  • "Y-Yeah, a Werewolf is not something you can handle by just praying... it would be wiser to call somebody from the Hellsing family, right?"
  • "At least, let us take a few knifes and piles and we can go with you"

"Priest" - "... Don't worry. It wont be necessary. Also, it's natural to be afraid. But let your fear leat your actions can be sinful"

That said, he enters alone in the house...
There, he looks around... and see the place pretty empty. There are only a Living room with a few blankets and a Kitchen with no Table or chairs... He looks at a bunch of earth on the living room's wall. Approaching, he feels the floor(Made of wood) pretty loose.
After removing it, it shows a big hole with an adolescent boy covered in blood trying to dig away.
The boy notices him and try to dig faster.

The Priest just sit down...
"Priest" - "... Good afternoon."

The boy keep digging.

"Priest" - "... I came here a few days ago... To exorcise a Ghoul who killed the people who lived here... I and my apprentice... Too bad he didn't saw the ghouls before they attacking him... after they came up from this exactly hole. This hole you are in... It's pretty deep... How many time-"

"Boy" - "Leave me alone! I am not a Ghoul!"

"Priest" - "Yes. I can see... How about a Werewolf? Ghouls can't possess the living. Which means..."

"Boy" - * Stops digging *"... I didn't killed anybody... This blood is from monsters!"

"Priest" - "... Did you fought Ghouls?"

"Boy" - * Angrily Turns around to the Priest * "So what?! They killed Mom and Dad! And they were killing more!"

"Priest" - "... So you just learned to use your powers... I am sorry. I am really sorry for not making it in time to save your parents"

"Boy" - "It's not your fault... Also, i am still learning to use this power god gave me"

"Priest" - "... I am impressed... Most people 'd usually be pretty angry with we and with The Lord..."

"Boy" - "I am not Most people. And It's not you nor God who i blame! IT'S THE DEMONS! I SHALL ERRADICATE EM! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!"

"Priest" - "That's not good... people outside are blaming you for literally everything bad that happens... They always do that... then, after you disappear they will search for somebody else to blame... That's why the church have to do lots and lots of judgements... You and them keep letting the emotions take control. "Be Angry, but don't sin", Ephesians 4:26. You know what that means?"

"Boy" - "... Emotions are natural... but i can't act based on them?"

"Priest" - "Marvelous! You are a smart boy! That's right. God let us have all kinds of emotions. But if we let them lead our actions we end up being just like animals. Therefore, we sin. Hahahaha! If i didn't came here in time, people outside 'd probably put fire on this house. Thank God i met you! You want to fight against the Demons? Then i may teach you how to!"

"Boy" - "... I am Nabu. Nice to meet you Oldman"

"Priest" - "Huhuhu, Oh come now, My Name is Yehudah, and i am only 40 yet! kukuku..."

This is my submission. I hope you all enjoy it. :slight_smile:
Tapas page: https://tapas.io/lostemail0023
Content warning Strong Language


This text will be hidden

For as long as I could remember, I've been a dog. A trash-eating, leg-humping dog. They called me Rex. I'd sit when they told me, shut up when I'd bark too loud, and only shit outside, even in winter. It was a simple life. Boring, but nice. I had that terrible condition to love anyone who fed me. I'd learn soon enough that no matter how much I loved them, no matter how much I listened. They would never love me.

My simple, boring existence would all come crashing down on me the day I turned two. They who'd pat my head and call me a "good boy" would split my head open and shove a microchip inside my brain. They who'd play fetch with me would put me in a ring with other robot, brain-dead dogs and make me play their stupid sick games.

They who thought I was just a simple and boring dog would learn my bite is way fucking worse than my bark.

"Rex!” The call was muffled at first, like it was trapped in a glass jar. “Rex! You lazy dog. Get your ass up!”

I let out an involuntary whine and put my paw in my specially designed gun holster. It didn’t need damn thumbs to work.

“Marcus,” I said with a growl. “Call me a dog one more time and I will make sure you can never walk on two legs again.

I didn’t have to see Marcus to know he was rolling his eyes. He huffed, “Is your brain glitching, or are you having another woe is me moment?”

“Marcus!” I barked and caused the boy in front of me to take a step back. He wouldn’t show the fear in his face, but his scent gave him away. I toned down my aggression, but kept the authority in my voice, “What do you want?”

Marcus pressed his lips together stubbornly before speaking. He knew he let his own fear get the better of him. And I knew the human part of him hated that it was me that caused it. He finally let out a sigh, “We’ve received a distress signal on-”

“No,” I said, cutting the boy off. “I’m on vacation.”

“But!” Marcus tried again.

“Fuck off, Marcus. I just finished getting the stench of Ezeerb guts out of my fur.” I buried my head in my paws and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to go back to sleep.

“It’s in the eighteenth quadrant. On the planet Loon.”

My ears twitched.

I kept my eyes shut as I spoke, “Is that the bird planet?”

I could hear Marcus’ smile widen as he said slowly, “Yes.”

I popped up on all fours and strapped my gun on my back. Marcus looked small next to me. Standing proudly, my head could easily reach his chin- not including my ears of course. We probably weighed about the same, but Marcus was mostly made of skin and bone, whereas I was made of pure muscle and a cunning brain.

“Well, come on those poor pigeons need our help,” I said trotting over to the command deck of the ship.

“You can’t eat them, Rex!” Marcus called from behind me. He walked around me and opened the display of our coordinates. “It would be counterproductive to make an oath on protecting the universe and then eat the beings we were supposed to help.”

“You made that oath,” I remarked as I hopped onto the captain's chair. “I just joined the guild for the guns so I-”

“Can destroy the monsters that turned you into a monster.” Marcus sighed as he set up the ship for hyperspeed. “Honestly, I’ve heard this a thousand times.”

“And you’ll hear it a thousand more. And then when I do kill them you’ll hear that two thousand times too.”

“You’ll keep me around long enough to see that happen? I feel so honored.”

“Shut up and punch it.”

Two large eyes blinked down at us. First the right, then then the left.

“Is it sentient?” Marcus whispered.

“I don’t know,” I took a step forward, but the ostrich-like creature only blinked a couple more times.

“Hello,” Marcus said to the bird. Again, the bird just stared.

We landed on a part of the planet covered in sand. The air was hot and dry, but every now and again a small breeze would come by. When Marcus finished his tests to make sure the planet was safe to enter without much protective gear, we walked outside. All we were greeted with was this dumb bird.

“Fuck this,” I said crouching down. “My paws hurt and this thing ain't talking.” My eyes grew wide with excitement.

Marcus sensed my change in mood immediately. “Rex, no”

“Don’t tell me no.” I barked at him and then charged at the bird.

It squawked and fluffed up its feathers.

“Lunch,” I said before charging after it. My tongue flopped out of my mouth and the planet wind felt good coursing through my fur.

“Rex! The oath!” I could hear Marcus shout behind me.

Fuck the oath. Fuck order. I could feel my body shaking with excitement. I let out a howl.

It was only after I was done howling did I realize my body was still shaking. I stopped and watched my lunch run out of my reach. In the next moment, I was thrashed to the side by Marcus.

My face was covered in sand and my mouth was filled with more of it. I spit out, “What the hell, Marcus that-”

My anger quickly turned to shock as the earth opened up right where my lunch was standing. A large pale mouth that was at least fifty feet wide with jagged teeth consumed the ostrich with ease. There was a loud crunch and the bird was gone.

Marcus and I screamed.

We screamed hard and loud.

And just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, a black eye the size of a small asteroid looked at us like we were his main course.

Marcus was still screaming when the beast started to move. And it moved quickly.

“Get to the ship Marcus!” I shouted as I stood on my hind legs. I pulled the gun off my back and started shooting.

Marcus scrambled to his feet and I shot a few more times at the beast, which was causing minimal damage at best. I let out a curse and caught up to Marcus.

“Holy shit! It has wings!” Marcus shouted looking over his shoulder.

The ground had stopped shaking and a large black shadow turned everything around us dark.

“Of course it does,” I said pissed off. “We’re on a fucking bird planet.”

It was only a matter of seconds before the creature was going to attack us and the ship was barely in sight. If I timed it right, I could charge at Marcus and throw him far enough away that he wouldn't get eaten at the same time as me.

I gritted my teeth.


The beast above us let out a screech as it swooped down at us.

Even after all this time, I still cared for them.


The boy turned around.

“I’m lucky I met you.”

Some days I watched the waters swell
Looking for a glimpse
Of silver blue

Some days I hear the gulls
So proud a flock
On driftwood

Some days are in autumnal paint
Beautiful for the moment
They lasted

Some days are below winter sky
Raindrops on the gray sand
Water’s footsteps

Some days are filled with spring
New green on trees
Flowers sweet

And some days are summer drunk
Bright and warm and filled
With butterflies

I remember mercury eyes
The days plodding by
The glimmer

The world I could always taste
The salt of sea
Blindly sweet

Cruises in the distant waves
Ripples come to me
To my shores

The odd things I glimpsed
In the corner
Of my eye

I remember the glint of a penny
Rusted and green
Old wishes

How everyday I’d skip to
The lonely sands
Waiting there

Looking for a child’s wish
Summer smiling back
White lace dress

The water’s always empty
But sparkling

And I remember how one day
I saw ocean’s fae
Before me

How the waters came to life
How my little heart grew
Fairy wings

So I’ll wait and wait and wonder
Til dawn and dusk
Fall away

Waiting for
Just one more
Lucky day