4 / 121
Oct 2020

Hi Everyone!

Many of you are interested in pitching their novels to the Tapas Team and we're here to help! The novels department has updated their guidelines in order to support you in your journey towards a more successful pitch, which can be found here in our help section285, as well as in this topic.

The team is looking for new exciting stories and can't wait to hear from you! Please let us know any additional questions, so we can get that answer to you.

Guidelines for pitching to Premium - Novels

For your submission, please include both a cover letter in the body of your email and a writing sample (plus some more information about your novel) as an attachment.

In your cover letter, please include:

  • Logline (sell your novel in 1 sentence)
  • Genre(s) [main genre, secondary genres]
  • Expected word count (and let us know if your manuscript is in-progress or complete)
  • Target audience (who you think would love this series the most)
  • A little bit about yourself, including relevant links if applicable (social media, other works, portfolio, etc.)

In your attachment, please include:

  • Plot outline (200 - 400 words)
  • Character descriptions (personality, character arc, any fun details) of your main characters
  • First 5 chapters of your manuscript

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, though we ask that you let us know in your cover letter if you’re submitting (or plan to submit) the novel elsewhere. If you want to submit multiple projects to Tapas, we ask that you send them one at time and then wait at least one week after a decision on one project before submitting another.

Please note that while we’re happy to consider both complete and ongoing projects (and we encourage you to submit your work to get it on our radar, regardless of status!), we’ll need a manuscript of at least 80,000 words before we consider your project for premium serialization.

Once you meet these guidelines, send us an email at submissions@tapasmedia.co! We may not be able to respond to every submission, but we appreciate every pitch that comes our way.

If you’ve published a Premium series with us before and you’d like to submit a new idea for Premium, just reach out to your editor by email. We’ll be happy to take a look!

I wish you all the best of luck and happy pitching!!

Isabell / AKA Ratique
Creator Happiness Manager

Edit: The team has compiled frequently asked questions, which I'll copy/paste here to be easily accessible for you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I pitch a novel that’s already available for free on Tapas?

Can I pitch a novel that’s available on another platform?
As long as you don’t have an exclusive contract with that platform, yes! (Please quadruple check your contract, if that’s the case.)

Do I have to be on Tapas to be considered for Premium?
Nope! That was a requirement previously, but now any project that fits the other guidelines can be pitched. (And if you are on Tapas, there’s no minimum subscriber count, either.)

How do I send my pitch?
Please put your cover letter in the body of your email. We accept Word docs, PDFs, and Google Docs for the attachment portion. If you only have access to another program, shoot us an email at submissions@tapasmedia.co and we’ll see what we can do!

How strict is the 80,000-word minimum?
We’ve seen that projects that are at least 80,000 words long perform well on Tapas. If you’re right around the 80K mark, feel free to send it along—there may be room for additions and expansion!

Is there a maximum word count?
At the moment, no!

Does “first five chapters” mean “first five Tapas episodes”?
If you’re already publishing on Tapas, yes! If you have a manuscript written that you’re posting elsewhere or haven’t yet shared, you can submit the first five chapters of the manuscript. (A good rule of thumb is about 800-1200 words per episode.)

When will submissions close?
In theory, never, but we’ll let you know if that changes.

When will I hear back on my pitch?
Our goal is to get back to everyone with a decision within two weeks, though as we mention in the guidelines, we won’t always be able to respond. If you haven’t heard from us after about three weeks, feel free to give us a nudge.

Can I keep posting new episodes of the series I pitched after pitching you?

If my pitch is rejected, do I have to wait to submit another novel? Can I resubmit the same novel later?
We ask that you wait at least one week before submitting a new project for consideration. If you’d like to edit and resubmit the same novel, we’ll be glad to take another look down the line.

If I’m accepted to the Premium Program, does that mean I can’t post my novel anywhere else?
Not necessarily. Just like community creators, creators of Premium series always own the rights to their story, and we understand it might be important to you to be able to post your work elsewhere, or that your work may already be available on another platform. We offer both exclusive and non-exclusive contracts and tailor each new deal to the creator!

What kind of support do I get as a Premium creator?
First, you get a share of the revenue generated from sales of your episodes. You’ll also have a dedicated account manager to guide you through the production process.

How old do I have to be to submit my novel to the program?
We ask that you be at least 18 years old to submit.

You’ll receive marketing support from Tapas, as well. That support varies for each novel and depends on what our marketing team thinks will work best, but marketing efforts can include things like inclusion in sales, push notifications to readers, banners on the Tapas site, or social media posts. Additionally, successful Premium novels can be considered for our novel-to-comic program, through which we work with creators to adapt their novel into a comic on Tapas.

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There are 120 replies with an estimated read time of 14 minutes.

pinned Oct 6, '20

Hello. I was wondering if there is any way for the readers who have been reading free works to still get the benefit of it? As in, making the latest two or three chapters free to read or anything along those lines?

Hi, I was wondering do you accept Google doc as your attachment or does it have to be google docs?

If you have only one main character, do you need to include secondary cast in te character descriptions field?

Is a novel that had been published as free material eligible for pitching?

Also, how hard capped is 80K min? Is there a wiggle room depending on the genre ie contemp romance vs epic fantasy?

Hi! Yes, a Google doc is totally fine!

You don't have to include secondary characters in the descriptions, but you can feel free to include a few, if you'd like. It would probably help give us a sense of the project and the world you're building to know a bit about them.

You can definitely pitch novels that are already available for free. Feel free to include the link in your cover letter, too.

And finally, 80K is a pretty firm minimum. But if your novel comes in a bit below that, I'm still happy to take a look!

Not too interested in Premium, but thank you for getting this up for people who are! This makes the guidelines a lot easier to find~! <3

It's going to come in at 74-75K for a contemporary mafia romance, no magic/supernatural element whatsoever, which is above the genre word count by Harlequin. If it is too low, I am not really going to waste your times, good folks.

This was perfect timing :heart: I'm editing the last 15k words and I'm planning on pitching! I was hoping to have it done by Monday (yesterday) but I got nervous and decided to run through it with editing lenses on again lol Thank you for posting this :heart:

Hmmm, I might look into that for the rewrite of my novel (finished at 108k words and rewrite is over 116k rn)
book 2 of the series sits at 40k now....
Thank you for the opportunity to let us know

Maybe someday I'll be ready to take on something like this! Thank you for updating us on the guidelines, as a newer member to the site it's good to have easy access to these kinds of things for if/when I decide I'm ready. :hearts:

Hello! I have a novel that I have been pitching around, I've had a few full MS requests but also a few rejections - it's a learning process - but I'd also like to pitch it here. I have a synopsis but it is at a page and a half because it covers the entire story, all the twists, and turns, would that still be acceptable or are you firm on the 300-400 word plot description? This is a The Reckoners x Not Even Bones x The New Mutants, YA/paranormal novel with a dash of romance.

Hi! Only novels (text) or comics(pictures) too?

Excellent! I will send that along in the morning, whom should I address in my cover letter? Is the email listed above the correct address to submit my documents?

Thank you!

This is awesome. I wanted to pitch my current novel but decided I'd use this to practice weekly deadlines and then pitch my next series which is a trilogy.