22 / 22
Apr 2019

I don't wear nail polish often, and I'm not wearing any right now, because I tend to mess it up while inking...

But when I DO wear it I have this pink that is very close in color to my skin tone. I don't remember the name, but I usually call it "barbie skin" because it's kind of just a matte flesh tone. I'm not very girly, so anything flashier kind of stands out too much, but I do like to have something on my nails when I have to go to events.


I sometimes wear nail polish, sometimes I don't. Mostly because I have so much going on, I can't give it the proper care |D

but ah, sometimes I use this purple one (the name faded out since I bought it years ago I'm so sorry) with different glitters of blues and reds so it looks like a nebula (ME? Having a space-themed nail polish? IMPOSSIBLE, hahahaha)

And last summer I was in a good mood, so I also got Too Yacht to Handle (yes the pun was the final nail to the coffin)

The reviews I later read pointed out it's kind of dull-looking on your nails, but I think because the buyers expected an electric-kind of teal, for me it worked since it was subtle enough to not signal helicopters but with enough substance to look nice.

And I also got one as a gift but it needed UV light to dry so I haven't had a chance to wear it yet since it just slides off. But...it's called Wine Not and it's a dark shade of red that, well looks like wine (This was a birthday gift for me because, again, puns) but it's too red for my taste (for wearing).

If I just pic spam my latest manicures is that like....a problem? Okay, good.

^^ excuse the booze. This color is Yasmeen by Zoya and it's possibly the most gorgeous polish I own. The depth is amazing, I see galaxies when I put it on.

Black polish is my usual jam: Licorice by Essie is the beeeest.

Can you tell I'm into monotone colors? This is Sally Hansen Insta-Dry in Show Steel-er with a matte french tip, which is hard to see because my phone camera is awful.

Sally is kinda mah girl. They have great muted colors: this is Grey Matters

And this is my current manicure. I wanted to go for a "am I wearing polish or am I a vampire in an Anne Rice book" kind of thing. It's a super translucent pink called "Sugar Daddy" by Essie.

I have several more, but I'm going to stop now before I become tedious. naaaaaail poooooliiiiish <3

Of course I find this topic the one time I'm wearing nail polish this year XD!

@WintreKitty, I love that galaxy inspired look. @zelkats, you are awaited!!!! @efdvorsky, I love when nail polish has wacky names. I once read one that was called 'I'm not really a waitress'. Got me thinking.... lol. @starsyscomics, woooaaa! beautiful nails! Show steel-er is my favourite of those and the long pointed nails look badass in all your pics.

My current favourite nail polish is by Pacifica (external link) and it is 100% Vegan and Cruelty-free. I'm not vegan but I appreciate the intention. I'm wearing 'Bianca' a dark marroon-y colour and 'Pale Blue Eyes' which... is blue.

Oh god that name haha (ngl i'm a sucker for wacky nail polish names)

But those are great colors! And I'm so glad they're cruelty free. After glow looks great with this hair dye I'm debating to try out :Dc Also the concept reminds me a lot of Necromancy Cosmetica although for now they only make lip sticks. At least according to them, they're mostly vegan and cruelty free too!

I haven't been able to wear any since october since I started a second job that requires me not to... but I really like a dark purple I have and I was trying out playing with red and black too :). Sorry no pictures because my nails are horrendous right now even with paint. (Can't wait till I can start painting them again after tomorrow ^-^!) I like metallic more than just flat color just as a preference.

I was never a nail polish person, but I realized I enjoyed it last year at one point lol blush

Love what you guys have done btw!

Thanks! I usually don't do designs because they charge like $5 a nail at my place, but I was heading to Tokyo and wanted cool nails hahaha <3

I would love to go to Tokyo, some of my friends are stationed there. Maybe one day .

What is your favourite colour/type of nail polish?
Anything with a vivid purple

What nail polish are you wearing right now?
I am currently not wearing any nail polish because when I draw traditionally my nails scrape across the paper and can leave nail polish marks :,D

What's wrong with me
I must be the only girl in the world who hates nail polish ;A;

frenchy maybe, for really special stuff. But nail polish makes me feel like I'm wearing someone else's hands expressionless

2 years later

I was always bad at making my own nails. Well... I am bad at all these girly stuff. XD There was a time when I tried to wear a lot, because I think it is cute. I like pink, and light brown colors. But well... the last time I used my nail polishes was to paint this XD :

It is not the best picture... it is actualy kinda turquoise.

3 months later
3 months later