24 / 42
May 2022

Out of curiosity, why do you rule out splitting a chapter as impossible?

Wouldn't it basically be the same to post all the parts at once? Like especially of you want it to be read as one collective thing? And yeah, I know you'd much rather it actually be a full chapter.. I mean in terms of this being the best alternative solution. Also, wouldn't going on to the next part act as a "page flip" of sorts?

I honestly fail to see the negatives here, it's just the most minor of inconveniences and I truly don't think any readers would mind tbh

You complaining about a minor inconvenience and being so aggressive when everyone is telling you solutions and you deny them without actually explaining why:

There isn't any rules against splitting the story, it might give you more views instead of less views. You're afraid it will pollute your artistic vision?

Somebody mentioned the "Smooth Scrolling" of Tapas. Functionally it will be the same thing, they just have to scroll just a little more to have the full story.

You're the one over complicating this. You are the one complaining about the Tapas Word Limit like it was a personal offense done towards your "creative vision". You're basically drowning inside a glass of water of your own making, because if you split it and somebody keeps scrolling they will read the rest.

"Story X Part 1"
"Story X Part 2"

Done deal. You keep whining about don't being able to splitting it, when is the easiest solution in the world, instead of complaining to the platform itself that it should change its format to accommodate you. How arrogant can you be?

I had my issues with the character limit, but I adapted and it worked. Are you that bad of a writer that you can't adapt to the format of where you want to post?

Behave like a spoiled child and you will be treated like one.

I mean, really?

If you can't write under a format like this and you can't bend or be flexible, why don't you try another platform, that doesn't have character limits?

You know what, I tried to be nice, tackle down all of your arguments in a polite manner but you're just someone in denial who believes their vision is so damn great that is impossible to do something as simple as splitting the chapter or use less words.

You're a writer, consider this a plot hole in the story that is your life, solve it, come up with a resolution. Use your brain. What is the real impediment to not being able to split your story? Lack of experience? You're too prideful?

Impossible is the word for the one in denial. The lazy ones at least use creativity to do something for minimum effort

Alright, we are getting a couple of flags on this threads, so I do wanna ask people to try and maintain civil conversation.

Adding to what @joannekwan and others have stated, Tapas does have its posting limits, as do most hosting sites.

Often times, it is a matter of finding the right site that makes posting comfortable for you, or finding ways to work within those limitations.

On the bright side, there are other sites that do not have character limitations. Unfortunately, I am familiar with the novel-posting scene, so my recommendations are mostly sites I've posted my own personal writing:

Tumblr (which has been pretty good with fanfic writing and original writing -- this also has a tagging system and a way to customize your pages).

Wattpad (again -- great for original writing and fanfic writing)

Fictionpress.com (which is the sister site of Fanfiction.net. This one hosts more original writing than fanfics)

Archive of Our Own (mostly known for its fanfics, but is has a nice tagging system for original works.)

If anyone else can chime in with other recs, that would be awesome! Though these are the places I work with. In general, it does help to expand and work with several sites to see what does and doesn't work with you.

Everything can be split unless it's a single run-on sentence. If you need help finding the best pause, you can ask anyone here for that help.

Attacking people for trying to help isn't how you go about it. You've been here for 10 days and you speak to those of us here for a year or more as if you know better, even to the mods. This isn't how you make friends and receive help.

Step back, take a breath, and start over. Anyone here can and will help with suggestions and opinions that are constructive.


I wasn’t trying to be passive-aggressive when I made that first post. In fact, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt about how Tapas handled word counts. Hence “I barely use Tapas,” that was actually me roasting how Tapas handles the mobile version of the website. I’ve grown to suspect it being “better on the app” leading me to suspect the handled the site the way they do on purpose.

The idea that Tapas may’ve poorly thought out how it handled novels wasn’t completely foreign to me.

I also had a similar experiences with an upload for Webtoon being too big. It was supposed to be read along to a concept album I fell in love with. It was the longest I spent on a released comic. I knew that if I split it into two episodes, it would screw up the flow I had in mind.

I also knew that I if I didn’t split it, it wouldn’t be released.

I didn’t use Tapas at the time. Didn’t want to. The Webtoon mods didn’t get their grubby hands on Nihil Negativum yet. I also knew at the start that Newgrounds would’ve not put the slices together they way I wanted it to. So when faced with the fact that the episode would’ve been too long for one go, I thought to myself:

I took the stretch meant to go along with the last song and made that episode 2. I very well knew I was sacrificing a ambition I had a justification for.

It was either that, or to wait until I realized I didn’t want it to represent my ability as a artist before releasing it.

Because whatever it was you wrote, you’ll one day realize you can do better.

"Newgrounds"! That's a site I haven't heard in a looong time! Right along with MySpace and Yahoo! 360 :joy:

Ooooh, the memories that I did not need :joy:

The word count is def a bit low for me. I do post split chapters, and know my style isn't super Tapas friendly.
The problem is, Tapas is a good fit for me in a lot of ways! It's got forums which is nice, but it's also got a lot of readers looking for queer content and fantasy content, and doesn't bury new authors as badly as Wattpad.

Fanfic sites are great, and I do post fanfic there, but it also means monetization is out of the question. I mean, I'm not near monetizable, but it's nice to dream.

I don't think of it as a huge deal, but I also don't think 'if you don't like it, leave' is always the best policy because there's so much I DO like about Tapas.

It is WAY too short. The word limit should be more. I feel it's because TAPAS are targeting consumers who have a short attention span and want a quick fix 🤷‍♂️

Sadly, this is where the entertainment industry is going, and has been for some time - I personally hate it.

I wish to add; there are plenty of other platforms for writers that are better than Tapas, that are focused purely on novel's and not comics. These other platforms don't restrict word count, and one of which I've signed up to, generates an audio-book from your written work for free. The audio-book generator isn't perfect, no. But, is it better than not having it? ...Yes, without a doubt.

Just to add some info here: Speechify is a free app that lets you create anything into an audiobook. There are multiple apps that do this, but I believe Speechify has been found to have more professional quality features, like speed and voice options.

I have not personally used this, but I have a number of vision-impaired friends and foreign speaking friends who can translate verbal conversations but not written. They use apps like Speechify.

Royal Road
Amazon kindle

...and more. Just search e-book publishing platforms.

I host my story on my own website, among here and at Fictionate.me.

Look into these, as each will have their own strengths. Personally, I've found Tapas really good for Beta readers and it has a great community. It all depends on what you want to get out of it.

Hope this helps.

Should've been specific, I wanted to ask about the Audio-Book generating one

Hi! I was reading their legal pages and content guidelines, which made me curious. Since you publish there, maybe you can answer a few questions?

  1. Mature Ratings
    On Tapas, we can label individual chapters Mature without having to rate the entire novel as such. All but one of my novels are relatively General Audience because I clearly mark paragraphs in Mature chapters that contain Mature content. I love that Tapas allows this because it offers viewer discretion for adults who wish to read my stories but avoid sexual or violent content.
    Is there an option on Fictionate that allows for only chapters to be labeled as Mature? Since they hold the right to remove any chapter or content they deem violates their censorship, I worry such chapters will be removed if I don't have an entire novel labeled Mature just because a few chapters have mature content (which would be clearly marked and with warnings).

  2. Sexual/Violent Content
    This has me curious because their guidelines are vague and based on opinion. How do I know what their censors would deem "sex only for sex" or "violence only for shock and gore"?
    --A sex scene is 100% always about sex, though the context is always different. I do understand the difference betweet straight up pornography and a romantic scene in a romance novel, but do they? A lot of people hold that any sex scene what-so-ever is porn. Also, in different novels of mine, a sexual encounter may involve force, which their rules strictly forbid. How can I tell a story that involves a victim's recovery if I can't even have the assault?
    --Likewise for Violence. Again, I understand the difference between writing violence for pure gore and shock value as opposed to including scenes that are necessary for the overall plot and flow of the story .... but do their censors? It can be left up to personal interpretation in many cases for some who don't want any violence at all. They reserve the right to remove these chapters or the complete novel if, in their opinion, it's excessive.

Do you know how these issues are handled? It's a beautiful site and your personal site is very well made. I'm just concerned about those two situations.

I see it's owned by Amazon. I'm curious how copyright will work in those regards, as well, as I know published authors who use Amazon and are strictly prohibited from making any move outside of Amazon. How has your experience been with that?

Again, it's a beautiful site and I am very interested. Tapas doesn't care about its novelists, only webtoons and webtoon creators, so I would love to find something better. I've just become jaded when it comes to hosting sites.

Thank you for posting and for any feedback on my concerns. :purple_heart: