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Aug 2022

From your process to your workspace, do you revel in order, or flourish in a chaotic hellscape?

Nothing about my process could be considered orderly. I barely plan more than few key points of my story and let everything else evolve as I reach it. My desk is a constant shambles and even my browser never has fewer than 15 tabs open. I can't work in silence, so I'll always have music or youtube playing in the background.

Now tell me, do you align with order or chaos?

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    Aug '22
  • last reply

    Sep '22
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I start off chaotic; I tend to get overwhelmed or blocked if you put a template or worksheet in from of me and ask me to make a plan for each beat. So I start off writing whatever comes to mind. I use plain text and word documents and don't touch any of that fancy software I've heard people talk about (I get overwhelmed by the systems they use!)

But once I have a bunch of material, being chaotic becomes really inconvenient, so I introduce order. I label my scenes so I can search them up easily, I arrange them in order on an 'outlines' page, notation emerges for [placeholders], {obsolete lines} etc. It might still look like a mess from the outside, but there's a method to the madness :stuck_out_tongue:

As for workspace, mine tends to be tidy, but I work in public spaces so I never have enough time to accumulate a mess (not to mention it would be dickish of me to leave it in a mess :P) When I had my own workspace, I let it descend into chaos and it didn't bother me one bit :]

Same, when I'm writing a story it normally starts from random pieces of it which I later connect, but when I'm drawing I normally just make my sketches look like a readable comic and there is a sequence in which I do different parts of a page

Although it might seem weird, id say balanced chaos. There are so many ideas, so many different voices that demand to be heard through my stories bit once i start writing they all quiet down except from those that i need for my current project... Does it make sense? I mean it does to me but i am wondering whether it is working this way for anyone else. As for the actual process, chaos still. I rarely plan everything out and of i do i get lost and probably lose some of the energy needed for the creation...

That makes a lot of sense to me, though I often have to push those other voices away to keep working on my current project and then if the idea was good enough I will pick it up when I'm done.

You described exactly how I work, word by word xD

Other than that, I have a lot of scenes I write beforehand and are in separeted archives with names like "scene of matt and his mother" that eventually I forget what it's even about because they wait a long time to be used and I'm constantly reading them to know when It's time to put them in.

My folders' a mess, mainly my desktop, so many thumbnails saved there together with a lot of other things and folders, idk how I can find my things here. I have so many folders for my comic I lost count.

My desk is another thing, I tried to clear it up but the things magically appear on it again. I just give up.

But I kinda work with all this chaos, i dont know how. I don't imagine myself in another scenery, I really don't.

chaotic order. I have a lot planned out but I hate it so I end up randomly changing things a lot

Chaos all the way. I might have major story points more or less planned out, but how I get there and how I go about my creation process is pure chaos.

Ahahaha love this process, very relatable. xD
I'd love to get out more and work in a public space... but I have nothing portable to use for it (except sketchbooks, but then that's not work, that's just me having fun drawing in public lol)

Probably leaning on order. I love sticky notes, word documents, and writing lists. All my comic stuff is within one folder that has multiple folders within it, keeping track of every file and what it's for and where it's supposed to be uploaded.
My work station is... somewhat tidy. Miku and Bulma figurines stare at me while I work. And I have some random batteries and dice sitting on my desk... Idk why.

But then there's everything else about the process, which is all over the place. lol

Chaotic Brain: Can't wait to make Chapter 4, Scene 13!
Orderly Brain: We on Chapter 1, bingus. Calm.

1 month later

closed Sep 30, '22

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