11 / 11
Mar 2023

Been making see the stars for about 10 months and I've published the better part of 4 chapters, I think I'm doing ok, nothing super amazing, nice art, fun characters, fairly funny, a bit overly angsty in some places. I don't think I'm doing anything exceptionally awful but If I am feel free to tell me below.

Also I don't have any pennies, so uh, drop your series and I'll leave a silly comment on there.

  • created

    Feb '23
  • last reply

    Mar '23
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Currently on episode 9. Will finish, though. I actually really like this. The comedy is good, and the art is interesting. Good sense of lighting, too.

I'd absolutely change the font, though. It's kind of an odd font for a comic, so it's distracting, and with such a fun and interesting story, it's doing you a disservice. There's a few classic fonts out there like Anime Ace, Comic Sans, etc., some of which are free online.

I also use firealpaca to make my comic, but instead of relying on the preprogrammed fonts I download some better fonts from dafont.com, fonts.com, and, I don't use this site but I've seen it recommend, blambot.com. Great places for comic fonts and sfx fonts as well.

Oh and I wouldn't recommend using sans serif as your speech bubble font; it can be as unappealing as serif fonts. Look for something more handwritten and skip sans and serif all together.

So when you install a font does frirealpaca recognize it immediately or do you need to turn it on and off again, also does the font pictured above have the same problems, or is it an OK replacement.

You'd have to make sure the fonts are installed then close and open thr program and they should be automatically uploaded.

I'd replace, it doesn’t have the same problem of being difficult to read, but it’s not a comfortable read either.

I'd also recommend using a font with all capital letters, or just keeping caps lock on when you type. Capital letters are far easier to read. Grab any comic and you'll see all the letters are capital. If you need to add emphasis on a word, bold it

That's valid, but also I personally hate the way those fonts look.

Alright fellas, I changed the font. Is there anything else I should worry about or am I really that cool and hot and amazing(and totally humble too)?

1 month later

closed Mar 26, '23

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