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Aug 2023

So I'm a mechanic by trade. I work on BMW, Benz, Porsche, Volvo, Audi, etc for a living. Today at work I was replacing the struts & shocks in a BMW 328, and I just about jumped out of my work boots when I walked around to the other side of the car and saw this pigeon sitting on the arm of my hoist.

So what does this have to do with Tapas or this forum?

Simple: My first thoughts were of the comic Captain Pigeon and of the creator of Hawk and Flo Adventures, Headypigeon4180.

Am I crazy?

By the way, the pigeon was fine. I held my arm out and it flapped over and landed on it. I walked it outside and it flew off. I think it was a tame racing pigeon that was just checking on the progress of his owner's BMW.

  • created

    Aug '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
  • 4


  • 584


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  • 23


my favorite thing about pigeons is that they're shit at making nest

The other day, there were so many pigeons in this one parking lot that cars couldn't just drive thru. There was someone trying to honk at them to get them to move. It was sort of like "The Birds" but with pigeons.