39 / 56
Dec 2020

I don't like pineapple in general and I feel when it is one pizza, it makes the pizza too sweet.

However, I am not going to stop or shame anyone who does like that stuff.

I'd even go so far and say: Pineaple and Fondue :smiley: so it's basically just pineaple covered in hot cheese ^^ jum

My wife eat durian pizza, so at this point, pineapple pizza becomes a step up...

For me pineapple is meh when there's ham, but if it's pizza with pineapple and chicken then count me in. :ok_hand:

Have y'all ever had tuna pizza, its amazing. (with the right cooking)

Huh, I never tried tuna with pizza. I like tuna (and pizza) so I'm assuming it would be tasty lol

I don't like pineapple in itself as a fruit (or vegetable?) - it's too acidic and my whole mouth stings after I eat one, so pineapple pizza sounds like just ruining a perfectly good meal with pineapples. Throw it into the fire.

Also fun not related fact: pineapple is neither an apple nor does it grows on pines. And literally every other language on the planet calls this plant "ananas". English, why are you so crippled sometimes?

2 years later

Pineapple on pizza is awesome 2 me :thumbsup:
My all-time fave pizza remains Lobster Pizza from Red Lobster :pizza:

I don't care what people said, pineapple on pizza is actually good. Sometimes I get kinda tired of the taste so having pineapple really balanced it out

Ive always found the pineapple on pizza debate interesting because if you ask me I would say: no, absolutely not. This can enrage people until I make the statement that I hate pineapple- to which everyone's anger usually fades and they say some such things like "well that's normal"

Due to this, I've realize this debate is not for pizza lovers. It is a battle between pineapple lovers and weather or not the beloved pineapple should be allowed to be ruined by pizza.

Pineapples on pizza, pizza with pears and blue cheese or peaches... I am up to all of that lol.

I don't like it.
The pineapple usually feels mushy for me, its almost a sensorial nightmare just like a fugazzeta or palm heart pizza.
With the typical argentinian toppings and condiments, it simply doesn't work most of the time, you'll probably be ridiculed for the rest of your life if besides liking Pineapple pizza, you also like Crema del Cielo ice-cream (Is like american cream ice-cream, with blue colorant, and a tiny bit of vanilla and cherry, but its so subtle that you cannot even tell the difference).

Still nothing is worse than fricking Menta Granizada (Minty Hail, mint ice-cream with tiny bits of chocolate), it became such a joke here that if someone asks for it in a house, you'll get tooth-paste instead before even ordering and (with nice teasing and laughs) to ask for a real ice-cream flavor.

I like pineapple, but not for Pizza, I rather put it as a layer in either a cake or cupcakes, or simply have it as a drink.

Okay for me. It's a pretty common pizza choice in Asia regions :slight_smile:

Oh pizza, my love...

To ever be cursed with being lactose intolerant and the everlasting debate of pineapple on pizza, a moral query that transcends time itself.

However, I've found the treasured combination of toppings that can accompany pineapple on pizza and be excellent:

Bacon, ham, pineapple and maybe fresh mushrooms.

Tang of the pineapple mix with the sodium of the ham & bacon and the mushrooms soak up the extra salt and grease.

I can't vote because my Portuguese heritage side says YAY and my Italian one says NAY :confused: