17821 / 17940
Mar 1

My man looking fabulous in this detective looking coat!

He can’t go start fistfights on the senate floor without his good fashion sense! :joy:

(May color these later)

Here's my latest finished piece, along with some chibi's for my characters in the novel!

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Did a practice cover I'll probably give away at some point

This comic is actually very educational. The life cycle of stars AND Marx Brothers movies.

Dying a little inside because I’m making a little story for a Spanish project and I’m using my comic characters in it, but every single inch of it contains SPOILERS so I can’t actually show it to anyone who enjoys my comic :sob:
Well here’s Mev looking slightly offended

I have to finish this thing in two days… :sob::sob::sob: Maybe my teacher will let me present it the next day because I’m putting a stupid amount of effort into it.

Recently added merch shop on Etsy to support my series so here is the first shirt design of one of my characters :laughing: (say hi to Tristan :smile: )

Bandit guy finally gets what's coming to him, now just 11 pages left before CH2 is finished of Twin Dragonslayers! :slight_smile:

A frame for my first Epic animatic! A friend got me hooked and I guess this is now my new rabbit hole hahaha

No way- literally just today I listened to all of epic for the first time. If I had a nickel for every time fan art of something pops up on the tapas forums just after I finished consuming the original content I would have two nickels, which isn’t much but it’s weird that it happened twice.