17909 / 17925
Mar 12

Drew the cover for the side story I'm working on!

It’s finished and it turned out beautiful! 🥺:heart:

I’ve really been thinking about making this into a comic.

I'd read it. Big Clone High fan - I used to watch it on Teletoon At Night back in the early 2000's

I do have a couple story lines already for it. I think a comic would be really fun!

Absolutely! And I'll just add this sentence because minimum characters

Right let’s see. I’ll have a talent show one.

A summer class trip to Rome.

The one where Ernest forms a band. The Zeus Zolts

An episode where Harry and Ernest are cuffed together for the rest of the school day after a trick going wrong and Harry loses the key.

Elsie will go to a sleepover with the popular girls, specifically by I haven’t figured out the meanest girl of the mean girls but I was thinking like a Queen. Maybe Victoria. Or “Vicky” (insert terrible valley girl impression) She will get bullied.

Harry will sing “Don’t Rain On My Parade” as an audition. School band and cheerleaders doing choreography included.

An episode where Margery and Artie (Arthur Conan Doyle) will play chess.

Obviously the Halloween special where everyone is surprised Harry is at the school party. He never does anything on Halloween and is even afraid of the holiday because his clone father died on the day.

Holiday special celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas

Of course the moment where Harry and Bess break up. Sad.

Harry gets tied up in the teather ball.

Elsie is tutored by Harry with help with her math. After school he then does a magic trick for her and makes her laugh after she gets sad. He’s at his after school track meet.

Big game one obviously. Where Theo scores the school a touchdown. Boys locker room shenanigans.

We’ll get to meet all their foster parents.

Of course the first episode will be the first day of school. Obviously. Roy is going to be shoved in his locker and nearly misses first period with a locker still stuck.

Someone is going to get a makeover. Gotta play the iconic makeover song to go with it!

Pajama Day. Hmm what else?

Driver’s Ed

A party gone wrong. Mozart throws a big party but then everything delves into chaos.

The beach party episode where Lewis and Clark pull a prank by driving a mechanical shark in the ocean.

Ernest goes to the guidance counselor for his anger issues and he and the guidance counselor form a good friendship. She’s so gentle to him and she understands him. Of which, Ernest is emo. So he thinks no one understands him.

It’s gonna be great!!

Oh yeah! Lunch room fight over fries. They ran out of fries and Mozart has the last one. It means war!!

I’ve posted these two a few times before. I thought it was about time I updated them. Axel’s design has stayed the same except for her skirt, and I changed Felix’s face to be round instead of squarish. I realized that I had no adult male characters with round faces and I thought it would show his character a lot better this way. (I’ve been thinking about their story more recently) I think originally his personality was more stubborn and mulish, but now he’s more of a whiny spoiled brat lol. (Dw, he gets character development.)

New Axel & Felix


I drew the new one in procreate like the old one for some reason, rather than CSP which I usually use these days. I used a different brush than I did for the old one as well. The stylistic differences are intriguing.

Pencil sketch and ink on paper, new version and old version.

I´m redrawing the first 5 pages of my traditional drawn comic this weekend
because I didn´t like some of the clothes and character designs. I didn´t work
with character sheets, classic mistake but also part of my off the cuff way of
doing things. The problem was that I hated the clothes when I reached page 5 :smiley: