17923 / 17939
Mar 12

I’ve posted these two a few times before. I thought it was about time I updated them. Axel’s design has stayed the same except for her skirt, and I changed Felix’s face to be round instead of squarish. I realized that I had no adult male characters with round faces and I thought it would show his character a lot better this way. (I’ve been thinking about their story more recently) I think originally his personality was more stubborn and mulish, but now he’s more of a whiny spoiled brat lol. (Dw, he gets character development.)

New Axel & Felix


I drew the new one in procreate like the old one for some reason, rather than CSP which I usually use these days. I used a different brush than I did for the old one as well. The stylistic differences are intriguing.

Pencil sketch and ink on paper, new version and old version.

I´m redrawing the first 5 pages of my traditional drawn comic this weekend
because I didn´t like some of the clothes and character designs. I didn´t work
with character sheets, classic mistake but also part of my off the cuff way of
doing things. The problem was that I hated the clothes when I reached page 5 :smiley:

This is Justin from my novel; Through Mortal Eyes

I finished it this week. He's a visitor in the city of Eldergrove. A charismatic figure who knows how to blend in with the crowd and stand out at the same time. You'll have a lot of fun read about him

Drew some small doodles of the future villains of Twin Dragonslayers! These are only just two of the Seven Deadly Sins, I may do some more doodles of the others!

Greed (Human form)

Wrath (Dragon form)

action panels in an upcoming episode.

Not the latest latest due to spoilers, but this comic will be over by tomorrow evening and I'll be back to drawing comfortably.

This is a rare one: An image that I started and finished in the same day. Kind of had to, as it goes live tomorrow. As usual I wasted way too much time with textures that only ended up getting lost when I reduced the image to Tapas size...

So I got to thinking the other day, “I don’t have any characters with wings or tails!” (Besides these three winged children that I don’t care about much) Then I started thinking that Felix would look really pretty with wings :thinking: maybe I can cook up some excuse in his story for him to get wings at some point. Then I ended up writing like 22 paragraphs about how his witch friend tried to turn him into a dragon and some chaos that ensues afterwards :sob: he declares himself a “Chicken God” to escape an angry mob… idk man it was fun. Makes me sad that this is a sequel to Star Hunters and I may never be able to turn it into a comic…

This boy's in a heap of trouble! :crab:

(last panel of my most recent update)

Thanks! :smile_01: I drew it for a color palette challenge on magma. It took a little while to figure out how to make his coat look green. (There was no green in the palette) I think I used a desaturated yellow.