Sighs. I'm here again, ready to spoil another character that you'll see much later in a more action-packed, cockfighting season (7-8 months, I'm guessing/hoping!). I promise to stop spoiling/teasing from now on, but I get far too excited!

I mean, come on! Total badass kung-fu duck! (Not sure if Chinese characters are 100% correct, it should say "ZhuĂł" / "peck". His name is Peck, my version of a Mandarin duck.
If you can't read my chicken scratch:
"You all bear blades? I bear feathers..."
"Water may be calm and still on the surface, but darkness and tre(a)chery may lurk below..."
"A concealed blade is far more deadly than a drawn sword..."
I will try to refrain from posting another spoiler character, as much as it pains me...