1 / 66
Dec 2015

You know, those images you post as a thank you to people who subscribe to your work! Animated or not, they're art in themselves, so why not show them off? What do you think about them? For those of you with multiple series, do you have individual thank you images for your series, or one general one? and for those of you who read and subscribe, Do you enjoy receiving thank you art on your wall?

I think its more of a direct way of showing appreciation for subscriptions. Not to say that a simple comment doesn't work either! It's all dependent on whether it's convenient or not c:

I'll start off with my thank you art.

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There are 65 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

lol...once I reached over 1k subs in a short amount of time it became impossible for me to keep up with thanking all my subs but I did have this cute thank you image when I did used to thank people individually.=u=

Fun! When i realized this was a thing, I decided to make one too smile I like being able to use it!

so far only 8 lucky people have got this, i hope my fan base will boost soon frowning

I actually get these posters from comic creators since I only write reviews haha blush. I'll list them all here with a link to their profile pages.





*Quinn's brother (link is to Quinn_Li).

If you get the chance, you should totally check them out smile

for Lalita at the end of the universe1 I use to have multiple. I created art of my characters holding up the sign and then would mix match them with the other characters. so that not every subscriber would get the same image.

unfortunatly after i disapeared for two months and was blessed to get a bunch of new followers i never got the chance to catch up and it would be impossible now frowning

BUT i've planned thankyou/ happy holidays card to post on all of my subscribers walls in the next couple weeks. don't really want to show it off but i love it so here is a clip from it. <3

Oh, oh! @heterodont, those are so cute! He's biting the box, oh geez... even the bouncy animated one is adorable! And @starsyscomics, brilliant job with that owl, it's stylish and classic-looking -- definitely doesn't seem like it was a struggle for you! @jacintawibowo's has such cool lighting on it, whoa. That is awesome.

Mine are coloured sketches, goofy little extras, heh. I've been hesitant about putting them up since I wasn't sure if the community liked them or not but... I guess I don't have to be so self-conscious anymore! You guys seem to like them, I certainly like getting them!

(wow, Dim has such a wide range of expressions, doesn't he??) >w<

I've got two "Thank you for subscribing"-images for Grassblades2, and then a whole bunch of milestone-pictures!

Old thank-you

New thank you!

And here are a couple of the milestone-pictures!

Keeping up with posting thank yous on other people's walls can be a bit much sometimes, but people really seem to appreciate it, so I keep trying! And the milestone-pictures are a LOT of fun to draw. <3