19 / 41
Oct 2017

I personally worry about posting too, mainly because I refuse to rush my work. I work 55 hours a week (15hrs a week of overtime EVERY week), so I do not get a whole bunch of comic time, but I do my best. I also now have tennis elbow from being a cashier for so long and working and drawing so much.

I worry more about readers being like:

"About time this lazy bum posted pages!" Or "wow that took to long. Her updates are too far apart now. I will unsub".

I refuse to post pages that are below quality or unfinished. I may post an update saying I will be late or i am still WIP on those pages.... but i worry more about posting reminding readers that I am slow and that will make people unsub. I take a lot of care into my pages and I hope readers respect that.

(And plz no lectures on lessening quality and posting more often. I already know i need to. However between my 55hr a week cashier job and freelancing and two comics and sleeping and eating and all the other shit i get slow some weeks especially for intense pages.)

Yeah fo sure. I guess "less critical" wasn't a good word choice, theres a difference between being critical and bashing yourself needlessly, I was talking about the later. Obviously I try to always improve and experiment.

I mean sometimes you just gotta say that or else things would never get done. Not every project has to be/can be a "push piece" where you do the absolute best you can, give it 110% and move yourself forward. Ya gotta learn where to say "good enough" and move on. And my comic CAN NOT be a push piece, otherwise it would never get done, and I wanna make other comics, so I gotta get it done.

But they donnnttt? They're not my clients, they're just people who enjoy what I make. I'm obviously not gonna treat these people like shit, but I'm not gonna let them control what I do, and I won't lose sleep if they unsubscriber or whatever. I'm gonna keep making my comic to MY standards, which I think are fairly high, but they're not so high that I'm going to make myself spend a month on one page because I keep redrawing stuff, I've done that before, it's not good for you, you will never get anything done, and you will never be satisfied.

I mean you can call that ego I guess, but I call it being healthy.

All the time, man, all the time. I don't think there hasn't been a single thing I've ever said/put online that I don't feel anxious about. I pretty much hover over the enter button for like a minute every time.
I'm always worried I'm gonna say something wrong and give the wrong impression about myself.

A friend and I ran a web comic together. He drew it. I wrote it, marketed it, did the site management, and handled the posting. SO I got all the anxiety about posting. (Yippee.) But it was important because I learned some things. He never felt the anxiety because he wasn't responsible for posting. He was removed from the process, so to speak. So after we stopped making our comic and I started my own, I carried over a few things.

1) Do as much as you can ahead of time. I write my scripts way ahead of time, and I review them every time I go to add more. So I can improve the dialogue, panel descriptions, etc. The more I have done the more comfortable I am with the results.

2) BUT the actual comic/art is hard to do ahead of time. So do the things that build skills whenever possible. You know the stuff, thumbnails, life drawing, and sketching. Confident in skills helps be confident in the process.

3) Automate whatever you can. I don't just mean posting pages. I automate my social media too. It keeps my presence out there, and I don't have to worry about it. The more I keep off my plate, the more I can focus on creating the best work I can. It also means you're not actively pressing that dreaded publish button right before you receive a response.

4) Accept your skills for what they are. I am not perfect. I am no expert. My comic isn't the best thing in the world, and it never will be. However, that doesn't mean I have to let that add to my anxiety. Deadlines work wonders for acceptance. If you make yourself stick to a deadline, you have to accept your flaws at some point. Nothing is ever "DONE" it's always in process.

Don't get me wrong, I still get nervous every time I post. Every damn time. But I think my little tips help me. Hell, I get nervous responding on the forum. I'm no expert and who knows if what I say counts for anything, but this seemed like worthy thread to chime in on. Everyone deserves to know they're not alone in artistic struggles.

This is a really good advice, also all the other advices too. So yah, basically just do the work, hit post, move on and not obsess about it pretty much sums it up!

I just finished a new page and I hate it. I feel like nothing I do about it is right. I know what I want to achieve but it just can't be done properly. I feel like when I post it I'm just cheating people.

I get horrible post anxiety, especially if I am late with an update. Also if there is a lack of feedback bit people unsub it’s hard to say why they unsubed. i also fear that i have a plot hole that I wasn’t aware of or that I didn’t make myself clear.
In the end i post it anyway because I’ve worked hard and I enjoy the story I am making so there must be others out that that will and do like it too.
Just post and forget like most people say. But i have a hard time forgetting fora long period, lol. I eventually come back to see how it was received.

I get anxious if I'm posting a particularly dark scene - my comic goes to some really sad and miserable places and I worry about people being put off.
For example, I posted a scene where a character is beaten and threatened with further violence. It's a pretty gritty part of the story and I think one or two people unsubscribed because of it. That freaked me out.
There's a bit of a trend right now where if your character is a nasty person you are expected to defend yourself or something. I don't want to do that because my characters can't be compared to myself, but I worry about having to because of how reactionary some readers can be. It's weird having to stand up to protect a piece of fiction just because someone canonically "bad" did something unsavory. That kind of drama grosses me out.

No never get it. For me its just a hobby really so I don't really have too many qualms for what I post and the fact i've been doing it for 10 years makes me become desensitized to it.

True anxiety is I can't find one damn job in my art field. That shit keeps me up for nights.

I share your pain, buddy. Writing and illustration work is so damn hard to come by and I always get nervous about my portfolio / resume because chances are despite how much I've done to be distinctive it's not gonna happen.
Cruel world, eh?

Oh this is good to know about the trend! I feel so much better now, ha. My comic is pretty dark but it started out only mildly dark, and the growth definitely slowed down the darker it gets lol.
There's really nothing we can do as a creator when it comes to readers personal taste, so just like the others said, just post and move on and not worry about it :blush:

I feel this at every post. Everytime I draw a new comic, the doubt starts to creep up.

What if everyone hates this comic?

What if all the trolls decide to come and destroy the comments?

Its a huge barrier everytime I click the submit button.

Thank you for sharing your feelings about this. Same goes to everyone else who posted previously!
Very glad to hear that it is a common thing among creators.
Making comic is such a personal way to express your thoughts and feelings for the internet to see.
Someone said that it's like exposing yourself naked to the world (but not really lol)
So it can be nervewrecking sometimes, I'm grateful that this forum can be a channel for fellow creators to share their experiences for each other to learn.

Actually, its kind of a blessing and a curse to be able to get feedback.

On a positive side, the feedback can help you improve.
But on the flip side, the feedback can seem overwhelming and give you unnecessary pressure.

So its more of a balance between "I want to do only my thing the way I want to" and "I want to see if everyone likes my thing." Its a daily struggle, like my latest episode6 where I left the last frame uncoloured to show its an "omake" part of the comic. Boy did I wrestle with to colour or not to colour. In the end I just packed its bags and kicked it out of the door just to see what happens.

Most importantly, as a creator, you really need the grit to keep going. Just reach 100 strips. If you see most of the successful webcomics, they always hit their "breakthrough" point at around 100 comics. I would encourage you to do the same. Just get to 100 first before deciding anything.

This is a very good advice. From the beginning, I knew that webcomic is a long game.
Just dump it online and see how it goes with zero expectations. When it comes to entertainment, taste is very subjective, depending on each individuals background, age, gender, etc.
Your intended target audience may not be online all at the same time within a day. So as you wisely said, only with consistent posting over time you could tell if you're going in the right direction or not.
Just last couple weeks I lost track of that thought for some reason. It really helps to hear others thoughts and experiences since we all in the same boat.
Thank you for the great advice!:blush:

Well, I used to be a real huge case of posting anxiety. Actually, I lost my buffer because I stopped drawing for some weeks because I lost some suscribers and didn't get comments... But then my grandma decided to try baking cakes and selling them... They were delicious, but nobody bought the first cakes... because they didn't know that those exquisite cakes existed. Then we started promoting them, but most of our neighbors are people who can't eat cakes.I learned that you have to find the right audience for your product, instead of thinking that your product is shit. That's what I'm trying right now with my comic. If I want to have comments, I must find people who is interested in the kind of story I'm writting. Now, when I see my numbers dropping I don't think "Dammit, my comic stinks", instead I say "The one who left wasn't the kind of reader that I want".

Love the cookie analogy! They're awesome! :grin:
On the lost of subs, a wise comic buddy told me that those who matter will stay and those who don't will leave :grin: #relationshipadvice

Nope, not really unless someone comment something and I am like WTF? someone actually watch what I do?? Sometimes it makes me more happy than anxious. :slight_smile: