13 / 13
Oct 2019

A lot of recent threads here have gotten me depressed as a creator so heres a boring topic.

When you have to edit a part of the drawing (proportion, placement) do you prefer to redraw that part or use croping tools such as laso and resize?

I think I prefer to redraw but I think if you've drawn something once, you don't necessarily need to redraw it.

  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Oct '19
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Mostly I first lasso/move it/resize... then redraw anyway over that resized part, because it's usually not that right anyway :grinning:

If the resizing is rather small, I just lasso, I only redraw if the part just doesn't work.

I try to catch large mistakes in the pencil stage, so that I can lasso tool transform it while it's still a 'working' layer.

Once it's at inks I gotta erase 'n redraw the same line three times until it works though.

Sometimes in my warmup sketch I'll draw an expression or form and think, oh I like the energy here and cant reproduce it.

Usually lasso/resize/move, maybe redraw certain areas only but not the whole thing. I think in the long term if i had to redraw every panel i got minor things like that wrong then I'd probably get bored of the comic.

Both, but mostly redraw. especially if a bunch of detail is already done, I usually don't like all the stretching.

I usually grab it, resize it and warp it to fit the actual image, then redraw over that to make sure it isn't fuzzy or anything.
I do this nigh-constantly in order to make sure character sizes are consistent between panels of the same camera angle.

Since I paint my comics, the lasso/resize tool has become my best friend. Sometimes after hours, I'm like, "Shit, hands too big."

However, sometimes I'll paint a left hand instead of a right hand, where the thumb is on the wrong side, and I'm basically f*cked.

I'm a big user/abuser of lasso/resizing things as opposed to the redraw method :sweat_smile: I never really got into digital art until I started my comic, where I was still inking traditionally and scanning the linework in to color. So for most of my time drawing I've always had to redraw which I've found often has mixed results... like it's a big bummer when you get a hand or arm or something looking just the way you want it, but then realize it's positioned slightly off and you have to start from scratch. Sometimes it looks better, a lot of the time it's meh for me. I definitely agree with some sketches just having the right "energy", and if you're able to retain that while modifying it slightly, that's a win in my book~