78 / 259
Mar 2017

New update from Kamikaze! The countdown to the end of episode 2 begins! Only five more pages to go :open_mouth:

The project sponsors pretty skeptical Orson's new recruit. That doesn't really both Orson, he has every bit of confidence in her abilities. Now he just has to get her to say, "Yes."

Since mine is NSFW I'm going to just drop the link here.
Next one I post will be safe. weeee~

And that's page 16 of Savage Minds1!!!!
We are next to chapter's end and... Some ninja moves aready!??

Note: Thats just a little piece of the page, to see it in full click HERE!


There's a glitch going on right now on the forum and you can't upload picture. You need to post them somewhere like imgur and then use img brackets to show the picture.