23 / 31
Oct 2020


If you're looking for some entertainment mixed with pain and agony please check out my story "Terroristic Manifesto".

I may be inexperienced but I will do my best to not disappoint any future readers!

The adventures of two immortal shape-shifters, and how they influenced human history.

Young woman promised by old woman to work under a sorcerer neither knows anything about. His one servant becomes the young woman's confidante and friend, and adventures ensue as the woman is called to her service. The demon servant of the sorcerer tries to keep her alive, and the entire world seems to be against their goal.

Well, it's about this weird guy who compulsively bites his arm. But it's not just something he does. He, his brother, his parents, and pretty much all of his ancestors did it. Eory and his ancestors have a lot in common other than biting their arms; they all tend to love dogs and they tend to be incredibly protective of family. The question is, does Eory have evilness running through his veins like the rest of his family? Because this question can't be answered, he is locked up in a tower where a lady named Kori tries to rehabilitate him and make him fit to live among a proper society. The king promises Eory he will set him free if he can behave at a ball for one night. Think he can do it?

One of the funest ways is watching the animation I created for it! That will show you what you need if you're into alien stuff and dystopias! : D (And DC Comics!)

A mercenary sailor...

A handsome prince...

A forbidden love...

A high-seas quest battling giant sea-monsters and flesh-eating mermaids...

A huge, sprawling, epic fantasy that updates every day...

A nerdy narrator tries to make sense of the shit his boss gets up to, and fails miserably. Meanwhile, his boss tries to keep her life interesting by slving other people's problems.

5 months later

If you like birds, boats, and barrelfulls of post-apocalyptic flintlock fantasy action then look no further! Three years after the end of the world, people are still clinging on and thriving on a little island out to sea, but a old power re-emerges (as they do) and threatens to destroy all of that for good so one young woman and her crew of fellow misfits must fight with all they have to stop this.

Pro-tips: never trust the gods, don't look elves in the teeth. :grin:

three fifteen year old and one thirteen year old seek out and document bonkers paranormal crap in their tiny town full of adults who are oblivious by choice. They have to use the power of their friendship (and some actual mini-super powers they ironically write off as normal) to discover more about Chuck-Wills (their town) than anyone has ever cared to know. Oh, and theres also a super secret organization made up of adults who have actuall power in the world that is getting in their way.

Honestly describing the story the best way would to ask you what was your fear as a kid? Now...imagine it coming to life and you thinking that it's not real. But it turns out that it really is real and you have no idea what to do about it?

magic toddler adopted by asshole and twin troublemakers and tries not to get eaten by evil shadow puppets

Basically cheesy girls simping for each other.

Now, how do I do that??? :no_mouth:
*Ahem * Let's give it a try...:slight_smile:
Sassy young lady, hating that muted stubborn fellow discover that they were meant for each other!!!
me: LOL!!! What was that???:laughing::laughing:

Another try:
Reborn for a greater cause...

me: Hmmm, now that sounds pretty decent...:thinking:

This is my novel here!!! Hope you like it!!!:blush::grinning:

Two beings from another world wish they were back there, because they make terrible babysitters! :smiley:

I mean, seriously! Here they are, exiled from their own world, stuck here in present-day Earth. KNOWING any day, the hunters looking for them will eventually drop in unannounced, and what do these exiles do? They let a couple of kids get caught instead and transported to THEIR world of Dal Ryeas!

So now, they have to take the spoiled 18-year-old girl still left with them BACK to Dal Ryeas to rescue the other kids! And THAT won't be a fun task because these kids are actually quite useful to BOTH SIDES of an ongoing civil war of sorcery and domination! :cry:

You want to talk about sibling rivalries...? :stuck_out_tongue:

Read on! :smiley:

MC catches the eyes of ML. Why? That's because * hidden text *
ML weaves a web to catch his prey and the prey is caught.
Now the naïve at times MC has to run away from the Mighty Scheming Fox.

A fun way to promote my novel...

I think it depens if you like dark humor, because there isn't too much funny about it xD I'll try, though.

"She gets so pissed of that they f**ked up her holydays she stop speaking and hold her breath annoyed while the wheel of the fate still moving" (?)

Dunno, i think it a good summary, but i couldn't make it up funnier ^^'

A fool (aka. me) with absolutely no experience tries to tell people how to write their own stories, and shares it with the world

Edgy assassin finds cinnamon roll child, likes child, then says...
"You're adopted"
"By who?"
"By me."

walks in and puts suitcase on to table

"Ehem. Ladies and gentlefolk! I am here today to sell you the product that'll change your life forever! It's exciting! It's fun! It's filled with all sorts of life altering properties! I present...my new series! FRONTIER!"

opens suitcase

an eldritch horror of tentacles, pincers and terrifying claws begins to crawl out

Immediately closes suitcase again



"This is the wrong suitcase!"

Frontier's got complicated female leads, set in a world filled with strange races, monsters and all sorts of horrible nightmares. And every chapter has a dope cover to get you hyped for what you're about to read.

Check it out if you're in the mood for a dark adventure. New chapters every week.