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Mar 2018

I believe it would be beneficial to both creators and followers of creators to create a page where creators could write updates or make announcements to people who opt into it. Perhaps allow readers to "Follow" a creator similar to Twitter so they'd be notified of updates or announcements the creator makes? I'd like to hear the opinions of both staff and users of the site.

They do have that on profile pages when you follow their novel or comic you are opt'd in for updates if the creator wishes for it to be sent subscriber wide. :slight_smile: (its the bell icon when you make profile posts btw)

So this technically already exists on desktop with our walls and creators can notify subscribers of posts they've made by hitting the little bell before posting their updates. However these posts can get lost pretty easily among other posts and updates as well as thank you's posted to our walls. It'd be nice if there were ways to better organize this but understanding how to do so is outside of my knowledge.

The app used to have the option to access a creators/readers wall as well but that was before the Tapastic > Tapas rebrand. To see it get refurbished a bit on both platforms (more of a comeback on the latter) would be very nice but it's a matter of knowing what the team is capable of and what would be effective within the tapas community.

I understand. I do wish they would make it easier for creators to interact with subscribers/followers on a general level akin to Twitter posts.

What do you want that is different from what we currently have? Other that that the current system isn't opt in or out, and doesn't carry over to the app. (I do hope they eventually have it work with the app)

Maybe? I'm not familiar with wattpad, so I'm still kind of left not knowing what the specifics would be/how they would differ from what we have now! :smile:

There's the thing. They can stored (following) the story to a library (private) and public library (where they keep their favorite public). They can follow the writer, and there is a wall where they can read the author 'updates' (either it's their work updates, their good morning post, or their comment in their own book or in others, know if they following who's who's, etc). On a separate place, there is a updates page where you can see any updates from the works you followed which is not limited to the author you followed, so even if there's no works of the author you followed in your library (private or public), you still able to get info from that author in that first wall I mentioned.

Sorry if my explanation kinda confusing.

Tapas only have the follow the works, not author, so even thought you can see what the author writing in their wall via your subscribe work, if you un-subbed the works, you can't see anything the author posted anymore.

Wattpad has created their site and app to be very interactive for every author or reader to connect to each other, but I can see that tapas still have a long way to reach that place atm.

Their only problem is in the form of plagiarism and toxic reader or author. Oh, and spam account too. That one will follow you, like your world, and then saying you got reward and give you a malicious webpage where you can get your 'reward'.

So the main difference is just that you can follow the writer independent of the work. I can see the value in that.

I do wish the Tapas app was better integrated with walls/profiles and readers receiving notifications. So if Wattpad's app has that, thats excellent for them! Hopefully we get there eventually. XD