4 / 25
Sep 2021

OK, yes it's bad. They make a lot of low hanging fruit type jokes, but I don't hate it. I think it's bad enough to realize it's bad. Maybe a better word is cheap, but it's also that kind of "bad" that's funny because it's bad. I think we all know those movies that are terrible but we laugh at them anyway, I think QForce is one of those shows.

And I'll even go so far as to say that in some episodes it's actually funny. In some episodes it actually has some plot to it. It's never anything that's going to make me cry. But it wasn't devoid of any good qualities completely.

It's a show about LGBT spies. Poorly written or not, that's a first. (at least that I can think of) it made a team of LGBT the heros, if nothing else that's at least a good part.

I'm bi and nothing I saw ever offended me. I also realize that I have thicker skin than some people. Regardless, if you've seen QForce on Netflix, what do you think about it. I'll agree 100 percent that it makes cheap jokes, and it shouldn't win any awards, but I don't get why people are so offended by it.

They make dick jokes, jokes about lesbians being butch, and there's a sassy cross dresser. It's all low hanging fruit but it ain't that serious. I mean it's a cartoon, a cartoon called QForce, the show makes fun of itself. It was never going to be a deep dive into LGBT culture or relationships. Knowing that I can laugh here or there, can you?

(Ps: this could easily become a question about representation in media, or a question about thin skin vs thick skin when it comes to humor...or both. But I'm honestly just making this question because I'm curious if most people deeply hate it, or most people think it's just mediocre but nothing harmless like I do. It's also 4 in the morning, so I'm not taking anything too seriously. )

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To be fair, I've only watched clips from Youtube about it because I can't even bother to properly watch an episode. It's just that bad for me.:joy: I guess everyone has their tolerances though. The characters are literally just stereotypes and the jokes were so cringeworthy. I hated it. Nothing from those clips was funny to me. More like, I wanted to gag. I pity the voice actors for it.:joy: I hope they got paid well. Literally every minute needed to be sexualized or bring up some kind of stereotype. I was honestly so surprised that the creator was gay because it's obvious how the show was made for straight people to consume. I feel like it was based on random lgbtq memes they found on the Internet. The idea of queer spies sounds like such a cool idea and they made it disgusting with this show.:joy:

This right here makes me think "wait isn't Totally Spies from cartoon network about queer spies?" XD

I haven't even heard of this show... Now I want to look up clips. It sounds like it's likely made for consumption and punchline jokes, and less about any kind of substance, which is the story of like.... all sitcom/TV these days.

When I've read the title, I thought you were talkin about the "Q-Force" from Ratchet and Clank, never I thought I would discover "Queer Totaly Spies".

Same :sip:
I mean y'know it's type of a show that I lightly watch ^^
It's an absurd comedy, in that genre the show kinda has to be silly :smile:

Can you honestly give such a review without actually watching the show for yourself though. YouTube took the most outrageous moments of the show and presented them like they were the only clips from the show. Maybe it is pretty bad but I think it's kinda bold to have such a strong stance without seeing things for yourself.

If you look on YouTube they'll paint it as the worst thing in the world. And again I don't think it's the best show but I don't think it's nearly as bad as people are making it out to be.

It´s not good, but isn't that bad. You can watch it if you want a cheap distraction, but in a way it's full of stereotypes and jokes that get to be boring. Representativeness should be something natural, not forced. Lately it seems that there is a pressure to have representation in shows, but a lot of shows end up being forced. I think cartoons aimed at children are doing better in this regard, they show in a more subtle and genuine way, as it should be.

Gay jokes are tiring, but there are even one or two funny ones

What would make me want to watch the show?:joy: Those clips alone made me hate it. Why would I want to make myself suffer through an actual episode? While it's not the worst thing ever made, I can understand why some people would be offended by it. Personally, I just don't find those kinds of jokes and stereotypes it uses funny. Not only that, but they use them so much and in such a cringy way that it's not fun for me. If you want an adult cartoon that features a group of diverse, fun, quirky characters I'd probably suggest the Harley Quinn tv series. It has some sex jokes in it too, but it's nothing like Q Force. Plus, it's about villains. And Harley and Ivy are so sweet together. :joy: Seeing Q Force would make me wanna be a villain.

I feel so bad because I don't remember Totally Spies that well.:joy: But maybe? Now I wanna go watch it.

The clips are sure to make you cringe and wonder who the hell wrote it. I really doubt the show has any substance, but feel free to check it out. Maybe they somehow salvage a trainwreck? I doubt it. But who knows? :joy:

Anything taken out of context can be made to seem terrible. But my point to you, is that you don't actually know if you'd like the show or not. You're pretty much taking other people's opinions as facts rather than coming to your own conclusions based on your own experience.

That's kinda like if everyone said cake was terrible so you decided never to try cake ever, and even though you've never tried it, you claim that it's terrible. Those people who said cake is bad might have only experienced bad recipes or flavors they didn't like, but you'll never know for sure if you would have liked it.

And it may not be important for you to try cake/ this particular show, but judging it without actually experiencing it is kinda close minded in a way.

Harley quin has clips that when taken out of context would make that show look terrible. Saturday Night Live, Rick and Morty, Titans(the live action, not the classic animated) any show can be taken out of context and made to look worse than it actually is.

But I've already said I don't think QFORCE is anything special, it just catches me off guard or strikes me as odd when people make such hard judgments on things without experiencing them.

You wanted an opinion and I gave you one. Rephrase your post to ask for opinions from those who have seen a full episode if that's what you'd rather have. A preview of a show shouldn't showcase their worst parts, but that's what it does. Nothing would make me want to watch a full episode. I'm basing my own opinion on what I saw from those clips. You can't be surprised if a lot of others feel the same way after watching them. Do you think I can't form an opinion on my own from those? You don't need to watch a whole series to judge if it's good or bad, at least I don't. Sure, there's always clips that can be taken out of context but I'm judging from the trailer they released. Which doesn't have to be perfect, but it shouldn't make a show look like shit. It strikes me as odd when you get so defensive over this show when you admit it's bad. Why ask for opinions when you're looking for people who also feel the same way as you?

If you would take a minute to actually see what I'm saying, I don't care so much about whether or not you like the show.

I made an entire metaphor about cake, in case you missed it.

I don't think you have to watch the entire series, but if you haven't even watched 5 minutes of the actual show, then yes I think it's odd for you to just out right have such a hard line opinion, and I'd feel that way about any show, food, movie ect.

I'm not defensive over the show, I've said a 100 times now that I think it's nothing special. What I do feel is worth debating and I've been commenting about is judging something without actually experiencing it.

You're free to your own opinions, and if you don't want to give the show a chance, that's fine. But yes, I think it's interesting to say something is shit if you haven't actually seen it yourself. Maybe you believe the trailer was bad, but if you haven't seen 5 minutes of the show... well I'm basically repeating myself at this point.

Your metaphor wouldn't apply to this, but you're trying to force it to by saying I can't form my own opinions. Your metaphor would work if I said I formed this opinion solely by reading comments that people left behind hating on the show. But that's not the case. I watched the trailer and formed my own valid opinion that the show was trash. You asked for opinions, which I gave you mine but some reason you feel the need to argue and disagree for some reason? If you want to use your weird cake metaphor, then at least fix it. Basing a show off a trashy trailer would be equivalent to eating a bite of the cake and not liking it, therefore, never eating it again. I didn't respond to it before because it made no sense in this context. Give up this notion you've got going on that I can't think for myself after watching the trailer, please. 5 minutes isn't going to make much difference from a 2 minute trailer.

I've never seen someone get so pressed over a show they think isn't that great. If you're looking for people who actually enjoyed it, just ask that instead. It's not that complicated, jeez.

Why do you keep saying I'm arguing for the show, by now it should be clear that we're discussing something different.

And also, the metaphor did work. You didn't say you watched the trailer until after I had made the metaphor.

In your own words you literally said "I've only watched clips from YouTube about it" (that's what you said in your first sentence here) If we're going by what you said, the metaphor works because up until then you made it sound like you were getting your opinions from YouTube clips alone.

And I'm not saying you can't form your own opinions, I'm saying I think it's odd to be so sure that something royally sucks without actually experiencing it.

Sure you can say that the trailer convinced you that the show wouldn't be funny, or even that it was disrespectful. But until you actually see the show, it's kinda jumping the gun to say it's so outrageously bad.

And side note, I do think 5 minutes of the actual show could potentially change a person's mind from how the trailer portrayed things. I'd say the same thing for literally any show or movie. Trailers suck all the time for all sorts of good shows. And some really bad shows have awesome trailer.

But I feel a need to say again, this isn't about QFORCE specifically. I'm not arguing for you to go watch it. I was just commenting on how you seemed to be forming your opinion. I was offering a counter point. I'm not mad or argumetive at the moment, I'm just talking. Sorry if my differing opinion makes you feel you're under attack, but I'm chilling over here.

That one was on me for not clarifying, but the way the trailer is put together, it's basically just random clips of offensive and weirdly sexualized dialogue. The show itself is offensive, but I think that's the point of it. It's just another trashy parody. Honestly, I thought your post was another thread like on Twitter just wanted to talk crap on it. Had I known you wanted an actual discussion on what's good and bad about it, I never would have posted. I was just playing around and mocking how it seems like it's made for straight people with those God awful stereotypes.

If a show has that bad of a trailer, then no. I wouldn't bother to watch it. There's a difference in a crappy movie trailer and just a stupid, disgusting trailer with cringy dialogue. But again, that's my unwanted opinion. Anyone can feel free to watch it since you seem to think the trailer and clips they've showed is an inaccurate representation of what the show is about. If you like cringy stereotyped parodies, then I'm sure you'd like the show or find it funny. I just didn't. Doesn't matter how many minutes I'd watch of it.

This was never a conversation on what's good or bad about the show. From the very beginning I've said it's lack luster. The conversation we've been having (or that I've been having at least) is about writing something off as extremely good or terrible before giving it a fair chance in general. It's one thing to say something isn't worth watching but rating it so extremely without watching any of it is like saying a sandwich taste like dirt without taking a single bite. Even if it looks unappealing, you can't honestly (in my opinion) say you know for sure what your talking about until you've actually experienced it.

Sure this thread started about QFORCE, but when I replied to your comment, i was replying to a general idea that doesn't necessarily belong to the show specifically, it can be applied to anything.

But hey if you're happy with never checking things out beyond a certain point, that's completely up to you. I think if I wrote things off like that I'd miss out on hidden gems and plenty of things that I enjoy, but that's just me.

Anyway it's whatever. None of this is so important that it's worth going around in circles . Sorry if you couldn't understand the idea I was trying to express, but moving on I suppose.

I’ve never really heard of this until this thread so I checked out the trailer on YouTube and yeah…. These trailers just really do not sell the premise to me. Now I could be way off base here but it just looks to me like it’s just what if we made every gay stereotype character from off of family guy and made them spies and turned that into a show.

Now maybe the show is great, I have no idea. I don’t even have Netflix so I couldn’t even watch this show if I wanted, but just from the trailer alone I can see why people don’t like this. First impressions are a huge deal and for most people will just look at the trailer and decide it’s not for them. Plus it’s kind of silly to expect people to give a show a chance when the thing literally designed to sell them the show gives off such a bad impression. Again I don’t know maybe it’s good but the marketing and trailer for the show I can definitely say are just bad and I don’t have any interest from the series just based off of that.

I think it would be interesting to have a show that is purely with queer characters as the cast, but the cast’s queerness can’t just BE the show, you know? I’d probably feel the same if there was a show that shoved heterosexuality in your face, I’d think that would be even more cringe lol. But I’m borderline ace and I recognize that this type of stuff just wasn’t made for me so it’s cool that you can enjoy it and hopefully the show finds its audience.