3 / 151
May 2018

Hello everyone!

We've just announced the return of the Tapas Creator Incubator Program. Yay! :tada:

We listened to the awesome feedback given by the webcomics community last August and have made several adjustments to the program to better serve the growing community.

Please check out the full announcement in the Newsfeed268 for details!

If you have any questions about the program, please refer to the FAQ158.

If you have a question that isn't answered by the FAQ, please post your question in this forum and we will answer it as soon as possible.

  • created

    May '18
  • last reply

    Oct '18
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There are 150 replies with an estimated read time of 23 minutes.

i'm planning to repitch my last idea with more polished concept art, and i have a LOT now, should i cut it down in size or keep it as best organized as possible?
also do you want the pitch in a text document in he folder or in the body of the email?

Is this only for comic artists or are writers invited to participate too?

I have the same question as @Beau_Van_D, the wording and even the requirements all seem to edge towards webcomics and not novels or novellas.

I was also under the impression this was geared towards comics, especially given the Writers Camp just ended.


I wanted my novel to be a comic and I'd love to do it but...on the off chance...

Can those of us writing novels participate in this? Sure, I can draw, but one-man army is exhausting.

These might help you out.

Although the question is being applied to premium novels, the answer seems to be about novels generally.

Well I can draw it myself...I'm just having a hard time landing on a style and...I don't know. It might be worth submitting anyway.

It's sounds like a huge risk. Are there success stories here? Besides the one they posted.

If we got accepted into the program, then wanted to print physical copies of the comic (to sell at conventions and such), would we still be able to? Or are premium comics "forbidden" from being printed lol

Hi, can I submit more than one pitch or is it limited to 1 pitch per creator? Thank you

Are retellings and/or adaptations of stories that are in the public domain (i.e. Alice in Wonderland, Dracula, Frankenstein) allowed?

Here's a question that bugs me: what about writer-artist teams? Let's say the writer has the idea and manages to find an artist - is this combination viable for entry to Tapas Creator Incubator Program?

EDIT: Nevermind, just checked. Teams/duos are viable. Thank you for a comprehensive FAQ, Tapas! :smiley:

EDIT2: Just came across the REAL problem. This.
"You must be eligible to work with a U.S. company. (i.e. If you are under an F-1 visa, you are ineligible."
It makes me wonder if there's some site that helps with all this byrocracy and makes it more manageable. rolls eyes

May I send in pictures of the comic? They may be a bit low quality. And second question, I will be turning 18 next year and I was wondering if I can still join in. I would wait to sign contract and stuff if I do actually get this opportunity but I was wondering if I can still be able to submit my idea for consideration. I really want to be apart of this badly.

  1. What does "F-1 visa" even mean? (^^; where do we look for this?

  2. "A single season will consist of 20-25 episodes, with each episode being roughly 30 panels." is a single episode expected to be like... a full chapter, so to speak? because ~30 panels is WAY too short (at least to my standards?) it barely fits ~two scenes or reveals enough information without feeling rushed. Or is the project expected to be short and sweet from the get-go? is 30 panels just a bare-minimum?

  3. Dumb question but juuust in case, the story doesn't need to be all feel-good, ~sunshines and rainbows~, grimdark stories still get a shot, right? (i ask this because i can hardly find any dark and grim stories on the Premium page, so i was just wondering if there are any preferences i need to be aware of? i know genre is not an issue btw.)

I do believe that they can be printed along with a lot of other things but that is just my assumption. I would think that if you did print them and sell them some of the profit would have to go back to tapas.

It's for tax reasons.
If they paid someone "under the table" to skirt around these things, surely Tap would be audited causing headaches all around.

Oh, I'm not critiquing their obedience to the law. I respect that in fact. It's just a big obstacle to the normal fellow is all. XD

so, if you are not under a work visa, or living in usa, are you ineligible? just wanted to know this before commiting to write the pitch.