5 / 8
Nov 2021

Well, since I'm doing a research about the use of 3D for comics in full extent, I want to know who else is using 3D as aid, or in full. Yes, I also want to check your works. My idea is to include all type of uses artists have when I restart my tutorial comics about 3D.

So, put a link to you comic here, and just a brief explaining about how you use 3D in comics (don't need to be brief, if you want to extend it).

I want to create a community of artists that uses 3D in comics, in any form. I'm also planning a facebook fanpage to showcase works (will depend of my free time).

  • created

    Nov '21
  • last reply

    Nov '21
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Hey! I use it at the point that I actually learned 3d modelling XD

I used most for backgounds, using the "line extractor" tool from Clip Studio that is really impressive. I use the humans models too. It's a great asset once you get the grasp of it. But I don't put the models itself on the final pannels.

And this is my comic

"Line extractor"? Hmmm, I need to mess a little more with CSP capabilities. I started to use it recently.

I've been using 3d models I created in blender for my backgrounds. I use the blender freestyle option for the lineart, and made some toon shaders so it looks more comicy.

Right now, I'm trying out adding characters too and doing a more pain over workflow. I use mixamo to quickly rig my meshes, and just add the hair. Eventually I plan to 3d model some clothes for my main characters.

I really like the look its giving me.

Nice to meet yoy @the_elven_starship
Sweet! haven't met many 3d comic artists on here so this is awesome! Mines is mostly 3d
That's really nice of you to start a community for 3d artists, a Face Book Fanpage and Tutorial Comic
I look forward to checking them out when you do :smiley:
Will try to be brief but I know I'm pretty terrible at it, sorry in advance lol

My comic was originally a concept for a

Action/Survival-Horror Videogame- click here for the game concept

The player was the carrier of a virus that would infect other NPCs and transform them into Zombie-like enemies. Enemies in multiples of 5 would stack to form bigger monsters (10, 15, 20 etc) and increase the game difficulty (think The Thing movie). The player had to avoid infecting others where necessary to surpass the level. Over the course of game, the player would learn to master powers based on Liquid, Solid, Gas. "

It spawned into a comic as it became easier to handle on my own and with it the 3d Videogame aesthetic remained, inspired by games like Dead Space, MGS, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Tekken and Found Footage Horror Films. Some chapters take an FPS approach too and there's lots of included elements that add to the videogame feel.
I always admired the Immersive backgrounds within games that foreshadow, expand the story so it's something I've also tried to emulate with the 3d environments. Based on the comments I've received, the 3d seems to convey gross/creepy stuff better too lol

I studied game design (@ FIEA) so I had formal exposure to 3d, been also dabbling in Blender and Unity's UModeler while programs like Daz has become both handy and a time-saver for filling scenes with mundane props. Scene lighting used to be my least fave area, but it's something I've grown to enjoy and have been constantly trying to Improve, excited to see the way it evolves as the chapter numbers increase. The fonts and speech bubbles are something I plan to revisit at some point.

these are images from the latest episode:

Webcomic Link

This might be a bit off topic but been looking for a 3d co-creator which has also been hard to find

incase anyone interested

a fellow 3d artist /co-creator ,with interest in making action-horror , dark fantasy web comics, especially someone who enjoys creature design and videogames like mgs, tekken, dead space, resident evil, bloodbourne etc

Awesome forum and keep up the good work!

I heavily use 3D for mostly backgrounds, but also with complicated props like vehicles and weapons. I kitbash as well as model my own stuff to create what I need. I use 3D Studio Max, import to Clip Studio and then use their line conversion tool to make it lineart. Then I draw on top of that to try and blend it in with my own lineart style a little better.

I'm an artist in the game industry and I started out as a modeler, and while I was never really good at it, that's where I learned to model, lol.

I mainly use 3D models in clip studio for pose reference, and sometimes for building and object reference.

I use Sketch Up for most backgrounds. I use a combination of models I paid for as well as sometimes modeling myself for super simple backgrounds (aka characters in a mostly empty room surrounding a large table? I'll just model something real quick so the proportions stay consistent and the perspective is always correct)

I also use 3d models from Clip Studio Paint for thumbnailing to save time... and boy does it help save time!

And don't know if this technically counts, but I use my photographs sometimes as a replacement for 3D models. Technically they're 2D images of 3D spaces, but it helps me in exactly the same way as 3D modeling.