1 / 18
Oct 2018

I failed my road test for the second time. I got too close for comfort to some park cars and so my examiner grabbed the steering wheel to get the car away. That was an auto fail. Then I thought the last intersection was a 4-way and it wasn’t so I almost cut someone off, but examiner yelled stop before I did. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE I DID WAS FINE AND IF I HADNT DONE THOSE TWO THINGS I WOULDVE PASSED :sob::sob::sob:

I’m just so pissed that I have to keep taking off a school to do these stupid road tests. I hate how it interferes with my school work. I JUST WANT IT OVER WITH :sob::sob::sob:

So thoughts?

Edit: Also the examiner didn’t say I needed more practice she just said I needed to take it again.

Update: I FINALLY PASSED IT GUYS!!!!!!! ☆:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:

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    Oct '18
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Hey I failed my first two road tests as well!
The third time we just went to a small town in the countryside so it'd be easier. :sweat_smile:
And it was tested before as that was where my grandpa had got his license renewed at the age of 75.

I have a road test booked for January 2019. I'm a bit nervous but I know I can always retake it again and again as long as I have the money to pay he exam fee :^(

I think you could just take a break and cool off before you attempt again. Some more practice also couldn't hurt!

my mum failed her driving test until her like, late 20s - youll get there! sometimes you just need a bit more time to develop them like, coordination skills, bc driving is bloody hard, and some examiners are tooooo harsh. my mum used to get told off bc she narrates everything she does in the car to help her focus, and he told her she was making excuses. be patient with it, it sounds like youre really close.

don't worry, i failed my road test for the second time this summer............. i went through a stop sign that were behind a bunch of bushes :3

(failed my first cause i had a diff instructor, she auto failed me for not backing into the starting point, my car squealed and my power steering was dead and... for my second test, i asked this newer younger instructor if the squealing was ok... aparently the first one got fired)

I'm still trying to pass, I've failed three times :sweat_smile:

First time because I didn't understand one of the directions they gave me, didn't even make it out of the parking lot ^-^;.

Second time because I didn't come to a full stop at a stop sign.

Third time it seemed like the examiner was grilling me about everything from the moment I got in the car, I was really nervous and messed up a lot.

To be honest driving is scary and I don't like it :cry:, but I don't live in a city where you can walk places so I've gotta get that license.

Ah, the good old days of having my mother scream at me from the passenger seat while I tried to learn how to parallel park....this takes me back... XD
And when it came time to take the road test I was scared as all get out...but in the end I got a 90. ^^

I HIGHLY recommend practicing driving AND taking the road test during summer, or any time you get a long enough break from school. Trying to do school and cars at the same time is not worth it, unless you're particularly un-stressed about one or the other. :thumbsup:

***Also, if you can, get someone who knows to show you the routes used by your local DMV for the tests, so you can learn the road ahead of time. My ma did that for me and it helped immensely~

Sorry about your test. Hope you pass next time

I passed the first time, and that was thanks to 2 things:

1-Studying for the theorical driving exam: Not sure how strict is the test in your country, but make sure you know the traffic rules and what you have to do in different scenarios.

2-Taking practical classes. My Mom made me take those classes after school and today i`m thankfull for that. The teacher taught me the basics and made me drive to different parts of the city to learn how to handle the traffic, how to drive uphill and downhill, and of course.......parking.

An experienced family member who knows how to drive can help too.

Hope this helps!

I failed my drivers test at least 3 times when I was 16; then moved- it took driving in a car with no license for me to run out and get my license to pass...LOL.

I learned when I was getting driving lessons from my dad, he made me nervous af; but when a buddy from the art store I worked with helped me get my license, they made me feel calm.

:frowning: I hope you are able to pass next time. In my city you don't even have to know how to drive to get a licence :angry: It makes me so mad because incompetent people (like me XD) can drive without knowing the basics. That's why the city is so chaotic!! I know I would fail that exam and still wish they were more strict about giving licenses to people. Safer roads are worth the effort.

My mum made me practice driving in the graveyard because "I couldn't kill anyone there"...:stuck_out_tongue:

Third times a charm, right? :smiley: Best advice I can give is have confidence in yourself. You can do this! :smiley: Good luck on your next test.

Take your time to rest, and focus on improving your concentration. You need to concentrate because even the slightest stupid thing will send you to step 1. If practice is not what you need, try to remember the things you had to do in the practical test, assess where you made mistakes and look for ways to solve them next time. I failed once because I got distracted and disobeyed one instruction. The next day I came with full focus and aced it.

It seems to me like those were just honest mistakes a nervous driver might make. It's not like you have some fundamental misunderstanding about how to operate a car.

My suggestion is to work on your mindset before you take the test. Your nerves are going to be worse the third time around, so you'll be more likely to make another mistake. Practicing as much as you can is the best way to feel more comfortable. Just go out to an empty parking lot and get a feel for how much space you have, versus how much you think you have, and looking for stop signs and pedestrians, and all of those little things that are easy to overlook as a beginner.

Also, before the test, tell yourself a few times that you're not nervous, you're excited. To your brain, the feelings are pretty similar, so it's a good way to trick yourself. It makes you less likely to make unnecessary mistakes. And don't think of failing as the absolute worst case scenario, even if it is. If you tell yourself it's okay to fail, you'll feel more relaxed while taking the test.

Best of luck! I hope things go better on your next test.

Hey, in my experience the third time is the charm. XD Trust me, people fail these things all the time, it doesn't mean you're horrible (although I completely understand the inconvenience and financial drain of it all). It's harder to do something under pressure, period. If your examiner said you didn't need more practice and just to retake the test, take that as a good sign. You'll definitely get it. If I can get mine, ANYBODY can get theirs.

(Long story short, I have trouble with right and left. The first time I failed my drive test I got into a right lane when my examiner told me to go left, and the second time I failed it I got into a left turn when I had been told to go right. I got it by my third try though. XD)

Oh my gosh, I have the same problem...the difference between a right and a left turn while driving is large enough to make me remember, but in any other situation I ALWAYS get them confused. I still have to do that "L" thing with my left hand that I learned in third grade...>_<

while i agree that concentration is esential to pass. I think practice is important too.

To succeed you need to get used to drive to a point that you almost don`t need to think about the steps you need to take.

Obviously concentrating and practice are not mutually exclusive, in fact they complement each other.

HAhaa yeah! I always screw up right and left if someone asks me or if I'm under pressure. I won't lie, I have to do the "L" thing a lot. My brain just can't directions. :laughing:

Definitely don't feel bad! My husband also failed the driving test twice, I think. It can be difficult because it is nerve wracking for sure. My driving test was luckily very easy. A quick ride around the block, all left turns, and that was it. The only thing was everyone told me beforehand "You have to drive REALLY slowly!" So I thought okay and drove like... 15mph maybe? The test guy was like "You can go faster........" and then I stepped on the gas a bit too hard and the car jerked, but I passed!

I think it really takes a few years of driving to get good at it and really feel one with the car. I had trouble driving for a while, but now it's been mostly easy.