10 / 14
Sep 2023

All of them are. All my characters are based (haha based) on different parts of me. Makes em easier to write.

For me, I never self-insert myself as a character in anything I made. Rather, I gave them a personality that myself wouldnt have. Because author/artists (who make themselves the MC) tend to change the plot halfway when they self-insert themselves as a character (this is based on some korean manhwas i read). There's always this feeling of wanting yourself to look good.

I really like if the artist just put themselves as background characters or sometimes the mc gonna have a pet and they named it the same as the author. I found that cute,

Not literal self-inserts of my actual self or internet persona, no :sweat_02: I might late though; free background character design :eyes:

Based :stuck_out_tongue:

(I personally do have a few characters that I don't think I have anything in common with, beyond the most basic, fundamental human similarities :sweat_02: I had to really try hard and think about how my own thoughts/feelings/tendencies etc are rooted and extrapolate from those basic human similarities, and I hope I will have succeeded XD)

For me at least, it more like I naturally sympathize with attitudes similar to my own; I adopted such attitudes in the first place because I think they're right, after all :sweat_02: So I'll naturally lean towards portraying characters with said attitudes as good because I ... think they're good :'D But yeah, I gotta be careful not to strawman characters who think more differently :sweat_01:

I've only ever turned up in extras. :sweat_02:

At most I'd be in an Omake maybe, or some day if I have a big crowd, I might sneak myself in there.

I don't really have a problem with that sort of stuff in concept, and so actually think it can be pretty funny. It's just that Errant isn't really the right sort of tone of comic for me to make it work; it doesn't even really use a lot of narration, never mind fourth wall breaks. Maybe in another comic I'll do it!

I don't personally show up, but a lot of my characters from other settings get cameo appearances.

I never put a self-insert into my comics because I have low self-esteem. I do have characters that are aspects of myself but put to an extreme. Like themes of anxiety pop up a lot. Or Crow's eating disorder sort of parallels something I deal with IRL.

The only time I appeared as myself was in this DeviantArt post from 2015.

I don't intentionally make my characters similar or dissimilar to myself. Certainly there are several who share traits with me, but mostly I just let them be whatever feels natural for the character.

I have a persona I use for myself (A.G.) whenever I do meta comics where my characters can interact directly with me. Usually my characters end up sassing me or vice versa, lol. I think this is the most recent one (me on the left):

Don't think I'd ever draw myself as a background character since A.G. exists, but I think that's a fun idea!

I was originally planning on having my avatar be separate from my characters but 'Poquito Bird' just morphed into two different characters in the story:

Me: Pigeon / Quail / Kookaburra

Pico (base design is the same, darker coloring, no wing patterns, overall jerk Bard of the group):

Commander Iris (blue bird with red beak, wing pattern taken from original avatar):

I've used Pico as a self insert for my recent 'Shout-Out Summer Special' comic, but used yellow dialogue boxes with newprint 'Ditko' dots to show its the author speaking.

I'm probably going to do a redesign, but I just love my little birds so much!

Not in STS but in coronaman - this daily comic I did in lockdown on my instagram that doesn't exist anymore. I was like one of the 6 characters, but one of the characters was just a hallucination talking through a lamp. I only showed up when the MC used a bathbomb to make a portal to one of the paintings he made earlier in the series.

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days is autobiographical, so I am in it (in fact I'm the main character).

Age 12:

Age 15:

Age 18,, at high school prom, and with the only girlfriend that I ever had

Age 23-ish:

Age 25-ish (when I cut my hair short the blond disappeared):

Age 45, at my wedding: