kinda spitballing here
Alec: TED Talks, mainly on entruepeneurship and business, and any media coverage on his business and the competition ("fake" news, commercials, commentaries, etc).
Aldi: zen meditation, binaural beats, relaxation type videos, New Age
Luke: old YT hits, like Gangnam Style, The Ultimate Showdown, Charlie the Unicorn, anything stupid and super nostalgic for a Millennial (I discovered YT late, in my early twenties, so I may not have gone back far enough)
Carl: probably doesn't watch much media, prefers the outdoors.
Horace: farm veterinary content (there's a lot on cows and sheep etc), bird "anatomy" (interpret that as you may XD)
Chickens: Just one video, Chicken Attack by the Gregory Brothers ft. Takeo Ischi, on loop, forever XD