43 / 45
Feb 2

Might be my new best digital drawing

This one! can anyone guess what two countries' flags these girls' outfits represent?

Okay but these ones are legendary!

Harry should use his acrobatic skills more often lol!
Though… they may be a bit rusty. He hasn’t done trapeze since he was 13.

You made me think if the one I drew of my MC Daecon driving Union Pacific 4014 “Big Boy”. It’s way shrunken down here, but the original is over 10k pixels wide

10 days later

I hadn't drawn anything in two days and drew this yesterday when I got upset (and consequentially inspired) Sometimes being frustrated is good inspiration.

I think my art may have leveled up again. Possibly

13 days later

the first one is so cute, and I just find the green lady so pretty

21 days later

That time I tried pixel art just for a few panels of my comic lol

In the past, I mainly focused on single illustrations rather than comic, and most of them were fanart.
Back then, I drew tons of fanart of "The Little Trashmaid" by s0s2. haha

Here are some of my favorites:

If you like , please subscribe my comic :smiley:

In the terms of my story these are probably my favorite if not the best drawings I've done for Sagas! (small spoiler warning for some of them!)

Chapter 0(R): The First World

Chapter 11: Our Untapped Potential

Chapter 3: The Hopes of Becoming a Guardian

Chapter 11: Our Untapped Potential

Chapter 6: Aftermath of Destruction

Chapter 11: Our Untapped Potential

Chapter 7: Formation

Chapter 9: The Tournament of Guardians Arc Begins!!

Chapter 10: Bout of Cousins

You can check out the rest of the series here :slight_smile:

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8 days later