The only thing I could think of is to make the characters pop out more from the background, so they don't blend in with each other. Aslo make the dialogues bigger to make it easier to read.
Here's mine
The only thing I could think of is to make the characters pop out more from the background, so they don't blend in with each other. Aslo make the dialogues bigger to make it easier to read.
Here's mine
thank you for the feedback, I'll definitely keep those in mind!
As for your own comic, one thing I would say is that reading right to left can be sometimes confusing. It's fair enough that you have a disclaimer in the description, but it still cought me off guard a couple of times. Other than that, when you do draw the background, it's very beautiful and detailed, but if feels like in a lot of the panels characters are standing on the void. It's stylistic, but noticeable
You could just draw the background on some of those panels. Admittedly that's very time consuming, but I don't think you'd even need to do it for all of them, since it's just something I notice when there's a couple of panels with no background next to each other.
Take it with a grain of salt though, it wasn't really much of a problem, so it might not be worth spending a few more hours on each page for that.
Sweet jesus, that's some art style! It's difficult to find something I don't like here. I think maybe in your darker scenes like in the first episode, the characters all blend in with the background and it becomes a bit difficult to follow. Particularly when the knight shows up and comes after the ghost. I'd say maybe work on contrasting your darker characters against their background better so they stand out. Regardless, I couldn't resist subbing
I read yours too and this was definitely something I noticed (read it without checking the other feedback first). I was even a little more confused because on the cover the vending machine was in space, so I was wondering if we were kind of time/space shifting in an area around a magical vending machine.
I don't think you need to draw a background on every panel, but you could use a very desaturated/just a few sketch lines to suggest that the characters a not in a void or grab pieces from the establishing bg you already drew? You can fade/desaturate/blur them so they don't compete with your characters. I really loved the lighting you added that illuminated the sidewalk a bit that you did in some of the panels.
Though that was somewhat confusing, I think the choice to use the 4 long horizontal panels on every page gave me the most trouble. There's pacing, flow and focus that I think would greatly improve your comic if you opened up that structure. As it is it will feel like everything is happening at the same speed and the reader needs to do the mental work to understand if you are showing us moment to moment or a slower sequence, for example. Plus you will be restricted in how you can crop which I think exacerbated the feeling of a void.
Whew, as the focus of the thread is the criticism part I feel like this was tilted very negative so I've just got to say your artwork - lines, anatomy, expressions - looks really great! I absolutely love the environment you drew behind the vending machine and think you should find sneaky ways to keep using it. And the pets... Omg so cute!
I find that the negative parts of criticism are extrememly helpful and sometimes people are shy about giving them. Have at it!
Thank you!! and thank you for the tips on the "void" issue! I'll try to figure out how to do the fading backgrounds. when I do I'll add them in and reupload them.
and YES the four panel standard page was a terrible decision
I decided to do only four because I felt overwhelmed learning everything at once.
I really like your art style and compositions!
Don't take these opinions to heart as it's just my personal taste! I think a white background would be much better than the beige and maybe do different shapes for the speech bubbles, if not maybe make them a little bit smaller? In my opinion they felt a bit out of place. As for the ribbon Abirami mentioned, that part confused me a little as the ribbon wasn't shown at all.
I only read up to episode 6. I'll keep reading after I get some sleep.
Alright so I tried to read a bit into it but you jump around a bit too much in pacing. You start off with a prologue to lead into things then jump to a situation where one person is kind of a jerk without seeming cause at all. Then you jump to another scene which immediately jumps to either a flashback or lore dump. I got whiplash from all of this! lolIt made it very difficult to follow any of the characters very much and made it more difficult to care about them as people. My other issue more just comes from practice and that's the anatomy. You have a good start but it's distracting for me personally. btw I did look at later pages as well to not bring this up and have it not be relevant anymore lol There's definitely already improvement but I still find it personally too stiff and a bit distracting.
I liked the color scheme and tone that you were setting so far though and it DID make me curious what was going to happen moving forward. All the best moving forward!
Thanks so so much for the feedback!! Can I ask if you were reading on phone or computer? And don't feel obligated to keep reading if you're busy since you already gave some nice feedback to fafasmcmelt <3.
I wouldn't go so far as "terrible decision"!! Especially as you said there's sooo much to learn it absolutely makes sense to focus and take it a few steps at a time!
I've gone and changed your topic name @thecrystalrook and I suggest you clarify this is a thread for critiques and constructive criticism in your opening post as well.
The initial wording could too easily cause misunderstandings and invite trolls. You already had to clarify your intention to others so it's best if you edit your first post with those clarifications. Quite often people will read the first post and jump to reply without reading any other responses.
Regarding anatomy, yep, I still have work I'm starting from nothing (those are the first humans I ever drew seriously) and I'm learning as I draw, not much time to do anatomy studies unfortunately... I should try to find time...
The comment on pacing is super interesting to me. I was a bit aware there MAY be an issue but no one ever said anything so I wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not. That's exactly why these threads are useful whether some like it or not! It is a voluntary thing to give a non-linear and somewhat random structure to my comic, but it should not be difficult to follow, so this is a very good info to get, that it is indeed difficult to follow. I think it gets worse in later chapters too, so certainly something I have to work on, Thanks again.
Now Runner. The things I liked less are rather at the beginning, so I suppose it's less relevant but I'll still tell you.
First, I feel you need a page or at least a panel before the very first panel. Maybe an environment/exposition panel. I was surprised it was starting so abruptly with a relatively small panel with text, so I scrolled up trying to find the first page before realizing that was it. It is understandable, but a bit abrupt.
Also, I tend to really not like action panels with completely empty backgrounds. I know it is to keep the focus on the character but I feel it looks unfinished. Just a shadow or a blurry simple environmental object would be enough. But, I saw you started changing that later on so maybe not an issue at all.
Last things that seems to remain, but I guess it is an artistic choice so... the 3/4 faces with the face drawn entirely like if it was front facing (or if it was almost front facing) are a bit disturbing to me. It's super common in comics - especially manga- so maybe not an issue for most but as the topic is what I don't like.. I don't like that
I very much enjoyed the aggressive fauna. I was super surprised by the land bobbit because I have a land bobbit too. The ultimate animal horror as far as I'm concerned
But now it looks like it's any critique. Which mean again, people will be shy, as usual.. And not say anything negative. If they are not asked SPECIFICALLY people won't give negative comments. Which is understandable, so that is it exactly the point of such threads.
I got the majority of the useful critique I ever got from such threads. It's a shame to change them into another thread where people will be too shy to say anything.
No one forces people to post! It is not 'share a random comic and complain about it', it is 'share YOUR comic'.
Maybe a reminder to post only if we are sure to be ready to hear anything, but why making it another 'any type of critique' thread when all the point of the thread is to encourage people to say what they are usually unable to say because they don't know if it is appropriate?
edit: with the new title I would not even have clicked on it. And I would have missed an interesting comment that will help me improve my comic. So disappointing.
It's up to @thecrystalrook to decide what to do with their topic.
They can certainly add this part to their opening post.
I just went with diamondpowder's title suggestion of "Share your comic + Critique the comic above you" for damage control because the topic was flagged when I logged on. And I see someone else has changed it.
Titles can only impart so much information.