13 / 40
Sep 2020

Yes and I perfectly understand now! It was frustrating for me at first, but once I got into it, it became quite the fun task.
Your lineart looks perfectly smooth and the drawing looks clear and understandable. Hope I'll become this good one day!

Thank you! It looks like you've gained quite a bit more control over your lines in the recent pic! Looking really good!

Line art always feel satisfying to me because when done right it can really be expressive.

Here is my old line art in my old webcomic When Cats Rule the World. It was...a work in progress :sweat_02:.

And here's my line art for my current comic Life's Lemonade. I've been experimenting, so I have some line art options to choose from.

And here's my comic!

The artstyle feels so... different and improved. The first one looks cute but a bit basic, while the second one looks more abstract and charming. Very nice job!

Well that's some difference right there! You used to only make straight thin lines all the way but I see you're now working with more dynamic lines that get thinner or thicker depending on the spots you're drawing.
I'm curious about one thing though, why did you make newer versions of your comic?

It's interesting to see how different the series are and how much you've improved artistically and story-wise.

Inking is my favorite part!

Reminds me of another "artist". Why do people still draw in Paint today? There are open source vector drawing programs that can compete with Adobe Illustrator. And Gimp, which is just a free PS...

You know the old saying "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? Looking at your post history you could stand to practice that more often.

AmazementComics, keep on doing whatever you wanna do in the program you wanna do it! (Oh, and check out the creator of Living When Dead, who does amazing stuff with MSPaint.)

Really? I just asked a question and gave an advice...At no time have I given an evaluation. But I will have a look at you...

Please consider how your comments could be interpreted as rude, since it's just text, this can be hard. Putting "artist" in quotation like that sounds really demeaning, and then telling someone to use a different program makes it sound like there's something wrong with what they're doing now.