20 / 46
Jan 2020

While i didn't think through every character's theme song i always though Shoot to Thrill from ACDC would make a dope theme song for my mc, Andrew.

I actually have a WIP of an original soundtrack for my comic. So here is my character Izrekiel's theme song, created by Cloud Road Music for my project:

Agatha doesn't have a finished theme song yet, but I'm working on lyrics for her song:

Mother, you are named Aalia

Yesterday you held my hands,
Your palms rough from work.
I was still a little girl
Who believed the world was safe.

The little girl with her soft hands
Has grown into a woman now.
If only you could have seen it,
Here, instead of from afar.

Mother, the winds of seasons
Have passed me day by day,
But in them I hear your singing,
In them I know you’re here.

At dawn, I always hear your breath,
Hazy from the illusions of sleep.
When I wake and touch the sheets,
I find nothing but wrinkled fabric.

I may never see you face to face,
But I know you still watch over.
My guardian in the wind,
lighting up the uncertain dark.

Mother, your name is Aalia,
A name I never knew.
To me you were only “Mother,”
Who kissed my cheek each night.

You gave your all to your children,
Even the ones you never bore.
Your daughters follow you every day,
Becoming women faster than they should.



Agent Mann (Barely mentioned so far, but is a main character.)

Tiffany (Not introduced yet.)

Michael (Not introduced yet.)

Cult of Dionysus is stuck in my head, thanks for reminding me :sweat_02:

Not sure it fits better as a theme for the character or for the comic, but since they're both called Gunslinger Grey I figure there's not much point in distinction.
Knights of Cydonia by Muse works for me based on the general vibe -- great sci-fi/western flavor. Added bonus - Cydonia is a real region of Mars, the planet where the comic takes place. I hope I get to work on it more in the near future.
I'd have gone with Wherever I May Roam by Metallica but thread poster doesn't like metal)

I've listened to every song here, besides the 1 right above this comment, (Ill get to it soon.) And all I gotta say is...you guys sure do have some good taste in music.

Ah that’s a tough one since my characters themes change throughout their development in my head.

But I suppose if I where to pick one that would be the longest lasting for Dimitri it would be this one:

I composed a song if that counts? I created an entire album for the comic so might as well.

:edit: wrong song lol

I'm gonna have to say Guns N' Roses' Sweet Child O' Mine. At least for my main, Genesis.

Genesis and Shilo are the two main characters of the comic. Genesis, being a foster child who was adopted by Shilo, is often sung this song when she is feeling down on her luck. I find it especially endearing seeing as how Shilo, being a fuzzy little demon whose sole purpose in life is to protect children, is very scared and clueless to be put in such a predicament but is trying his best. Though the song was originally written for a love interest, I still feel that the lyrics apply in a sweet and sentimental way to the two characters.