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Feb 2019

Share your novel with a befitting image from Google!

Example, my story utilizes old architecture and mansions so.. tadaaaa :smiley:


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    Feb '19
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There are 71 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

My series has four girls who represent the four seasons..

In the first episode (which I'm currently writing!), one of the characters is sent to a system of caves that have the exact same color and light level as the underground lake in this picture.

Do I really need to explain? :wink:

This is exactly what my MC's lover will look like if drawn as anime.

My first four episodes are based in a bar similar to this

Oh my, this mansion design could be perfect for my story too :heart_eyes::scream: what did you googled to find this?

Mine? It was actually the oddball of the search. I typed in "palace by the sea" and got lots of stuff that wouldn't work at all, and there was this "abandoned villa" picture that looked perfect! :smiley:

My novel is about a Succubus with double personality so I think this beautiful image serves as a way of describing that

i chose miami for the books setting!


i feel like i have to disclose that sd is also entirely a rough draft that im going to revise a ton later so its kinda ............. rough :sunglasses:

A real life Eory XD

The picture fits the whole theme of The Love We See in the Stars, a collection of short stories based on true events and one fiction.
3 more to go and my collection will reach 100 subs! <3

mine and true feeling

A field of flowers :cherry_blossom:

This is kind of how I imagined my character when I started writing her. Female bad ass warrior!