13 / 34
Apr 2022

This isn't even April Fools at this point, I improved the cover so much that no one can even comprehend how amazingly life-changingly epically emotionally beautiful it is :relieved:
If you disagree I will cancel you on twitter and eat your house

I've actually pubblished the "FINAL EPISODE" of my Comic, done, over, Now I'll dedicate myself to my true calling, either 3D Modelling or Acting (JK):

PS: I just had a blast making it!

Why that almost looks like a legit poster for a Netflix adaptation!?

Gosh now I feel like a fool :joy: I never thought about changing my comic cover for April, clearly I'll have to fix this horrible mistake for next year

Y'all gonna love this one:
Okay so, our comic is about an anime character getting turned into a stick figure.

What would happen if things were reverse?

We went all out and made a 20 panel comic just for you guys (alongside our new episode). Check it out!

My wipe board slice of life had the following announcement:

I also wrote an... interesting story in my hosted horror collection

 "Once upon a time there was a bunny. His name was Mr. Cottonball. 
Mr. Cottonball loved to hop around with all his bunny friends."

My April Fools day update was a fake announcement where I said that my artist quit and I will try to continue the comic by editing together premade assets.