26 / 57
Sep 2018

Someday I will have 25 subs...

Sure, I'll put mine up here. It's an experimental, wordless comic that takes place in a post-apocalyptic desert world where a lone wanderer is searching for something. The entire story is told through the actions of the character(s), and the world around them. If you're looking for something different, then I hope you'll check out Beautiful Desolation.

This miniseries will end tomorrow on the big anniversary, so I don't expect to pick up very many subscriptions.

However, I have another one that I expect will go on well over a year.

I also have another one about an elite, all woman detachment of pilots who served the US in World War II with a launch date of Wednesday. So naturally I don't have any subscribers for that yet.

Hey, thanks for making this thread!
We already know a couple of the comics on here, they're great, and we'll try checking on the others when we have time :slight_smile:
This is ours, a fantasy story about an angsty owl and an angry girl fighting a demon alongside a dwarf. It's cool.

Here's mine.

HI! @naoro_san, It's ok, you don't have to like horror stuff hehe I just want to give you thanks for appreciating and recognizing my work.

I'll post mine here:

But I got two creators that deserve more for being creative: