48 / 49
Feb 2022

My dreams are borderline weird, creepy and scary so here goes

  1. Meeting someone who looks like the grim reaper who is singing a lullaby before he snatched someone's soul and me having caught him, decided to give me his 'eyes'
  2. Stabbing a demonic lady with a wooden crucifix to the point that it broke and then she suddenly vanished.
  3. A dream set in the past I think its world war where I saw my fellow country men(mostly women) being captured as 'war tokens' and I was forcefully married to a general in the japanese army so I was 'safe' under his 'protection' --- its actually pretty messed up & contains a lot of sensitive themes/topics so I'm just simplifying it.
  4. Getting ready to be married to a demon but I decided to escape and make a run for my life but it's hard because of the dress and I feel like i'm running slower than I used to and like my feet were heavy and when they caught up, I wake up.
  5. This is the weirdest: it's like a cross over of hunger games but put disn*y on it because the world was taken over by disn*y governed by an evil mickey mouse, so poverty and hunger were common all over the country so they are looking for tributes as their 'princesses' in exchange that if there's a 'chosen one' who came from that region they will be given reliefs. I was working as a doctor and then I was chosen but I said no and because of that I was being chased by alladin in his magic carpet.

I remember dreaming about working at a local shop that was actually a secret base for mutant pigeons plotting against humanity. They would shape-shift into people and the shop itself, since the entire building disappeared once they shifted to their original form.

For some reason the Joker from Batman wanted them dead and I was about to ally with him.

There's something wrong with me, I'm sure...

I have been having really peculiar dreams since the pandemic started.
Really vivid and lucid. Like I KNOW I am dreaming but can't wake up.
Anyway, a few nights ago i dreamt I was making out with Canadian Prime Minster, Justin Trudeau.
It was weird, but yeah... he was fabulous.

A tree... not even a tree... just a clipart looking tree with a black background for the entirety of my sleep.

This one is something from a long long time ago but I have never forgotten about it coz it's too... Unique? Strange? Weird?

In my dream, there was a big big flower that pops out of nowhere. And it eats people. It poops them out too, like nothing happened at all. Don't ask me where, even I don't know.

But that's not the strange thing about it. I was eaten by the flower, and when I was pooped out, I was missing a letter on my name! People started calling me by my name, minus the first letter!

It's weird! Imagine people calling you by your name, but it's not really your name.

I've already posted one on similar thread.
It's evil Street Sharks!

A short one:
I had a dream of being the only volleyball player (I was a humanoid Stegosaurus) with all other humanoid raptors. (We did wear sport uniforms) Don't know why but i felt proud being the only grass-eater.

Have you had dreams of turning into a anthro/furry/animal or have anthro people/talking animals, do tell! :smile_cat:

Last night I dreamed that a drag queen came to my apartment to make a business pitch, and her product idea was a dollhouse that looks kind of ugly at first, but you get accessories to "remodel" it. For the prototype, she showed me an example of a house where she had put in new carpeting. I have no clue where all of this came from.

Last night I had a dream that I woke up and there was a Black Widow on my ceiling. In my dream I fell asleep and I felt the Black Widow biting my arm now today my arm is hurting so badly! Is it real?

1 month later

The only dreams I usually remember are nightmares where I die in the end so not exactly pleasant, but they do tend to be very interesting.

One of the most bizarre honestly felt like some chaotic, unhinged video game concept. I don't remember how it started but I remember going through what felt like minigames with one having me frogger down a river. Somehow I ended up in this abandoned town chasing a girl who seemed to be the only person around. I go down into the woods looking for her, she goes after me telling me to run and get away from the forest, and then these dark creatures with a bunch of hands grabbed me and whoopdeedoo I got dragged into the void or something.

There was one pretty short dream where I was walking through a library with some friends and there was this raffle bin where you could write down your favorite book on a slip of paper and you could win a prize. That part was oddly specific. I walked out with my friends and, what do you know, I had traveled through an extradimensional door and I was now alone in a giant, run-down maze of a building. After nearly going insane trying to find my way out, I finally found a door but outside the door was a steep drop off into the ocean and all I could see were the massive walls of the building that seemed to go on forever on either side of me.

And then there was one where I was getting ready for school in a dream. While I was brushing my teeth, I went to spit into the sink and when I looked up and into the mirror I saw the grim reaper standing behind me. Then I woke up and had to actually get ready for school with that fresh in my mind.

Oh and there was one where a Nomu (like from My Hero Academia) was in my house and trying to kill everybody and someone I'd never met was helping fight it off but it still got me. That dream Nomu was terrifying.

Alright. I recently dreamed I was Captain Amercia and my lil brother was Iron Man. We had a dance battle across the street. The end. (Idk either, my dudes!)

:joy: Lol
1) I dreamt I gave IT I good hiding cause he was irritating me
2)I dreamt that baby animal became gigantic and started taking over the world

A few years ago, I had a dream in which I was being chased by Dennis Nedry (the fat guy from Jurassic Park) through the backyards of random people's homes. Eventually, poor Dennis wasn't able to scale a fence in time and was mauled by a homeowner's dogs.
The dream ended soon after.

Oh man, I have some really weird (and sometimes pretty unsettling) dreams. Sometimes I have dreams that are in the format of a 60's era cartoon, and I'm not involved with the story and can't interact with anything. It's like I'm watching through a screen, and it's pretty strange.

So yesterday I dreamed that my mom came over to help me move out of my apartment, but she got mad because she found out I was raising shrimp in my apt. to make shrimp tacos. I was stressed out the whole time bc it was time to clean their tanks, but I was too busy with other things.

We were also both staying at a hotel in town, and I worked for the fbi, so before I moved I had to figure out which of the other guests was a wanted murderer and arrest him before he figured out who the fbi agent was (he knew he was being followed). But then my mom would blurt out things like “DID YOU CATCH THE MURDERER YET??” in public places like the lobby or hotel restaurant...

I have had a couple wierd dreams

In one I recently had I was at a pokemon arena, then suddenly team rocket attacked and I had to get out. Once outside I had to convince Jim and Pam from the office that it wasn't safe to go inside, and then I stole their car and drove off just before waking up.

I also had a recurring nightmare as a kid of Zombie chihuahs with retractable 9 inch long claws, that infiltrated my house that also happened to be a cafe. I've never been able to look at chihuahs without shivering since.

9 months later

Well, let's continue this thread since there's no current big thread like this. (bookmark it.)

There's a zombie apocalypse going on. I was in the crowd & were not in the "panic" zone yet.

I looked for several places to hide and discover a really cramped compact toilet. I was lucky no zombies detected me yet. But I found a few infected kids coming from sides. They were just starting to change, slowly.

I twisted and snapped their skulls using bare hands, squeeze them into a pile of meat and blood and stuffed them down into a floor drain. I disinfected their blood on my arms with toothpaste... like a stone-cold killer.
So far i was succeeding.

Dream ends. :grin:

I used to have a repeat childhood nightmare where a (apparently small) T Rex chased my brothers, my dad, and I around the house. I’d be hiding in toy chests and things trying to hide from it. We would eventually break out of the house and run to a grocery store. We’d make our way to the back where there was a conveyer belt that went into a room behind a curtain. I would go in the room (super blue-grey in atmosphere) and turn to leave but the curtains had turned to cement and I couldn’t get out until I woke up.

The last time I ever had the dream, and at the point when we ran out of the house to go to the grocery store, my mom rolls up to me on a red motorcycle like “hop on”!! The T Rex chases us down the street to a cul-de-sac where all the neighbors are outside with ropes. They throw them around the dino and pull him down, saving the day.

Never had it again.