13 / 37
Sep 2021

I think it might be above the forum's pay grade to give input about what financial decision is best for you and your spouse. :sweat_smile: It's great to be passionate about what you make, but finances are important too!

These are rhetorical questions that might be worth reflecting on... are there any alternative ways you can share your story with the world without spending a ton of money? Would you have the same passion for the project if it were a novel with supplemental illustrations? Would you still be passionate if you created super short one-shot comics? Is 6K worth the amount of feedback you're receiving now? What would change if you woke up tomorrow and your comic hit the front page? Would that 6K be worth it then? I think this could pave the way to a more informed answer.

Some people have a really big social media presence before creating a webcomic and those followers support the webcomic! Some people are just lucky or may have connections we aren't aware of.

Before you start any creative project (comic, novel,singing songs,.....) you need to tell yourself who are you doing it for. Because if your only goal is money/fame it will lead you to nowhere. Sure, you may get 10k subs, but then you will want 100k, 1mil,etc..... You will never be satisfied with your work if you see it as a number.

However, i do understand your frustration, so i'd say if you love doing this, don't stop it.

What does this mean for you? I think you need to answer this (in a concrete way) for yourself.

Heck yeah 6k would be worth it to wake up on the front page. Money is what money is but I'd gladly spend whatever I needed to get more exposure lol

Yeah it's not like that for me. Even getting to 1k would be such a big deal for me. I guess it's not the subs it's just more what do I do for exposure since I can't seem to figure out the best way to generate that.

The webtoon means a lot to me. I would love to do it forever but I'm sure like everyone else you want to know how to get the most exposure possible. Coming to fruition for me would be at least getting views even if the subs never come. The rating system kills me too 9.96 but it gets you nothing in return lol

I won't go into the passion or work stuff. Everyone else here has already said that. And you must be aware of that too. If you feel like you have hit a wall. Take a brake. Write something new. Collect some money and start a brand new project that you have confidence in and that will do good.

PS - I would suggest advertising your work on your social accounts and be more active there to gather more audience.

I am a student right now so I might not understand fully your condition but the novel I am writing is only read by by my few close friends. And it has been 5 months. But the review the give make my day. But this is not at all my aim. I am aiming for the top. Actually I saving money to hire an artist too to start my web comic next year. And when I feel no one new is reading my webnovel. I start writing other and another. For future. That gives me hope. It's all about not giving up and trying again.
I would suggest starting something new if this isn't working.
That's all. Good luck.

Thanks. I do a lot of ads on my IG page and it's been pretty solid. I think I will take a break sooner than later. Good Luck with your future novel!

Not... necessarily :sweat_smile: I mean, of course I would not complain if I were able to make it big and solely live off of making comics, but that's not my main goal. Being able to finish this project, possibly print/publish it and having an audience that's invested in the story is what matter the most to me. Which is one of the main reasons I asked about your motivations.

I see that you spent 6k on this story already, and... well, that is quite a lot of money and I understand wanting to see something in return. However, more questions come to mind, at this point:

-Did you have any social media presence before you started this project? Have any other finished projects? Building an audience from scratch is incredibly difficult. Even more so if it's your first project: people don't know who you are yet, they don't know what to expect from you, heck, they don't even know if you're actually going to finish the thing or not! If you take a closer look at a bunch of popular webcomic creators, you'll see that plenty of them: a. have already finished a comic (or more than a comic) in the past; b. have a HUGE social media presence; c. are already popular artists who may be at their first comic, but already built an empire through fan arts and/or just regular art; d. did some other creative project in the past (games, videos, tutorials, animations, whatever).

-Is your comic a long term project? One of the reasons why many creators suggest starting with a smaller project is to test the waters and see how things go. I'd say that this is especially true for comics where you're paying for an artist. You don't want to spend huge amounts of money on a project unless you can afford to spend that much without having anything in return OR you're 100% sure that you're going to get something out of it, as in, when you have a contract, have a successful Kickstarter/Patreon or whatever. If your project isn't working the way you were hoping and you still have a lot more episodes planned, I suggest either cutting it short (find a way to finish the story earlier and move on to a shorter project) or finding a way to get some of that money back (by making a Patreon/Kickstarter). Leaving the comic unfinished may not be a very good idea, because as I said, people like to know what to expect and if they think that you're the type who abandons projects and never finishes them, you'll have a hard time gaining their trust with your next project.

-Last but not least: did you do your research? Marketing a comic (or anything, really) requires study and research. For the bigger numbers, you do need to look into trends, see what's popular on social media, study how each social media works and act accordingly. Simply throwing your money at IG for an ad won't do the trick: you have to make sure that the ad is visually appealing, that it's reaching the right audience, that people can easily find the thing you're trying to promote. Webtoon links are notoriously hard to promote on mobile, since they often tend to open the age verification page and then won't even show you the actual comic page: there's a chance that the great majority of people clicking on your webcomic ad couldn't even access it to begin with. A much less expensive platform for advertising comics would be ComicAd, which lets you post ads on other webcomic sites, which means more exposure to actual webcomic readers, rather than a generic audience.

If you are talking about the comics that appear on the front page of Tapas (usually on the banner), most of those are foreign webtoons (mostly Korean but I have seen some from other places like Hong Kong) which Tapas has distributing rights to post the English translation of. Some of those comics that may seem brand new may actually be running for a lot longer, it's just the English translation may only be the first 4 chapters. Right now, those comics are sort of the "bread and butter" of Tapas and that is why they get the most promotion.

These are not goals. "More/most possible" are not goals.

You are currently getting views. How many views is enough for you to mark it as coming to fruition? What number is worth your investment of time/money? There is nothing concrete or achievable about "the most exposure possible." Until you sort this out, you're going to keep having this issue.

Chasing goals that you can't ever achieve because they're not actually defined sounds like a recipe for frustration! Also, if you define it properly and are honest with yourself about what you're trying to do, you can be strategic. Set some real goals with numbers and timelines (if applicable) and think about the best way to use your resources to achieve them (and what resources - money, effort, time - you're willing to spend before you evaluate if it's working or not working for you).

Not necessarily! We're not spending our energy on that for our current project :smile_01:. But that's not the point of it.

To answer your questions.

  1. No I had 0 Social presence online about this webcomic. Probably spent a month or 2 working on it before my first chapter (I know I dove in headfirst)...(Damn Pandemic)

  2. Yes, even though the whole point of this post was to ask if I should just give up I know deep down 1. I wouldn't want to stop with at least some form of an ending and 2. I wouldn't stop midway through a season because that's unfair to my illustrator who could be depending on my payments for whatever they need it for.

  3. I did do some research and I knew it wouldn't be easy but was very optimistic (Like Naruto) now I'm leaning more towards pessimism (Like Sasuke) lol.

I kinda gave up on Tapas i still push stuff out but i saw early on the feedback and engagement was very low as opposed to webtoons. (Which is what i was referring to)

That's very true. Maybe i should say id like to hit a goal of at least 1k views a chapter. (Currently around 1700 a month) which pans out to about 400 a chapter. I also don't need 100k subs to feel good getting over that 1k hump would probably make me happy enough to do a season 3.

It’s ok to feel discouraged and disappointed about your lack of engagement. That’s totally normal and I understand why you would want to stop working on your project if you’re not getting any feedback. It really sucks and I sympathize with you.

Imo I think now is a good time to examine why you want to keep doing this. If you’re main purpose is to just get noticed and bank on making a comic a career, then maybe you should try looking at something else. Know that there is zero guarantee that you will make your money back and it’s best to just cut your losses before you end up sinking even more money into this project. However if your goal is to truly see this vision come to life and to tell a story and money is only a secondary concern then I think you should keep going until you complete the story. It really is luck that decides if your work gets noticed but if you keep updating and if you keep getting your work out there then that just increases the chances of luck smiling on you. Again, no guarantees but from my experience with a consistent enough update schedule you should eventually get eyes on it. I recommend that you try and cut back on the cost of making the comic if necessary though, maybe have less panels per chapter or talk with your artist on ways you could reduce spending. Best of luck!!

Yeah I didn’t know you were spending money like that. Now, I’m no financial advisor but all I spend to make my comic is for the subscription to photoshop and even for just that I still feel like I’m paying too much lol. I definitely think you should maybe put a little less into ads or to at least find someone who knows how to make your ads more effective.

Something that can help increase viewers is to have your story on different platforms. Each platform pulls in different types of viewers.

While I am personally not at big as you (and I sort of wish I had your size of following), from my personal experience, I have had more success on Tapas. I'm not sure what kind of numbers you are expecting to pull from your series. Having almost 1K in about half a year is pretty good.

However I can understand the frustration that in order to tell your story, you have to hire an artist. I think if you were expecting an instant return on investment, well...I would say that maybe webcomics isn't the best avenue for that. A lot of webcomics are a labor of love, be it time or money, and it rarely one that someone gets super rich on. I think you continuing is you willing to pay knowing full well that you might not get much back.

Yeah, it was because my first illustrator was a little more expensive than I had hoped but we clicked and enjoyed working with her. Since then I've been able to pull back on the budget which is nice, I wish I could draw like the rest of you lol. I just wasn't blessed with that talent and I'm older so it's not worth the time especially when I'm being pulled in 4 different directions.

Yeah, the ads are a pain I've even had calls with Facebook on how to better use their platform and its (Kinda) helped lol but not really.

Yeah its not about the money if it was id spent all that time and money gambling for a quick return. Its nice to know that something you spend time and love making is out there for the world to see and that brings me back to the point of the post i guess with no engagement i feel like "What's the point" if I cant interact with others about something i love so much.

I'm sure everyone who makes one wants it to be loved like they love it and if it didn't cost anything yeah 100% would do it till i died but since it does cost and i get no feedback its kinda like am i being silly and selfish for spending money on this?

If I'm being brutally honest, seeking popularity above everything else is a setup for failure. You will never be satisfied with your engagement. You will always compare yourself.

And getting your level of engagement is a dream for many many people.

I understand your desire for growth, of course everyone will have that to some degree, but you should never quit because you aren't getting "fame." If you are having those thoughts, return to your initial mindset. I'm assuming (hoping) that you started this comic because you love to draw. because you love to write. and because, in the end, you are your most important audience. It's about what you like to do. It's about you enjoying your story. It's about whether or not you are having enough fun on your own, discounting all the stress about engagement.

You are an incredibly talented artist. I hope you can grow to see that. I want you to be able to continue this comic, because it's both beautifully drawn and successful, and I want you to accept that. but obviously, if you're truly not having fun, then you shouldn't feel obligated to continue.

If you'd like detailed feedback, you are welcome in the forums always.