1 / 31
Apr 2022

I'm currently working on page 89 of my comic and this is the first time I've ever drawn a punch! :sweat_02:

I am still trying to improve movement in my art and it's been really fun! (if anyone has a little more knowledge on drawing more actiony scenes tips are appreciated)

Show me what you're working on below!

I don't consider this spoilers since none of my readers know the context just yet :hohoho:

  • created

    Apr '22
  • last reply

    May '22
  • 30


  • 1.5k


  • 20


  • 92


  • 10


Yes :stuck_out_tongue:

(Not me though - I switch to a different panel when I get stuck on the one I was working on. So it's not random at all; I switch between different panels in a very predictable way XD)

Hahaha oh yes, I do that as well- worst panels are drawn as the last ones. Action scenes? Characters that are difficult to draw? MAYBE LATER cx

Nothing exciting, but I'll do a spoiler anyway for readers that may be here.


Almost done with colors, then I'll need to reink it, add a little details with white ink and I'll be done. I got a little behind due to life bs, and crowdfunding stuff coming in, so I'll probably wait till next week to update.

I'm not a pro or anything, and I think your page looks fine, but here's stuff I know if that you may or may not know too. Everyone does things differently, but having a line of action is always useful.

You don't have to make everything cartoony, but it gives more weight to a punch when it has a slight exaggerated flow, like your character is throwing their weight into it. I don't exaggerate a lot myself, but when a character is doing a quick action (like a punch or throw.) a break the anatomy of the arm a little bit or whatever body part is doing the most action, while exaggerating the pull of the clothing and/or hair. Even thought it's not "correct" it shows how strong the motion is.

The action looks fine, it's the breaking of the 180 degree rule that makes it hard to read. The characters switch sides and the facing changes sides. try to keep people in scenes facing and interacting on the same 180 degree facing. So if the hero is on the left, keep them on the left unless you show with movement them switching sides. Look up 180 degree rule for more information o this. It's a standard film rule.

True true. I was hoping the second panel in the middle would resolve the 180 problem since the character is facing left then front and then right, but I think it still might be unclear. Might just have to flip a few things.

Just finished lineart for this panel!

Really gotta stop going all out on these. I am so behind. This coming week is going to be fun :')

This is really REALLY early stages, nothing but stick figures and word bubbles.

BUT, I just posted page 47 half an hour ago... and this panel is from page 75. So I'm proud of that.