22 / 42
Aug 2021

I really can imagine Seth is smirking at Nem cause he's 3cms taller than him (and maybe Nem is murdering Seth in his mind..?) :joy::joy::joy:

7 months later

Oh man, this made for some interesting questions.
It's also all hypothetical, seeing as how I only just started this comic (don't even have too much art of the girls yet), and whether or not these two are the ones that end up together is still uncertain. They're just the two I've introduced so far.
As you can see from the fact that Faith literally OFF THE CHARTS on a couple of these, she really, really wants this relationship to happen. The jealousy one was interesting because I am actually planning to explore polyamory in this story, or at least have characters think about and discuss the possibility as something serious and not 'hurr durr I get to sleep with lotsa peepul', so while Faith is the type who would normally be uh... unreasonably jealous in a relationship, that's an aspect of herself and her views on love that she's going to have to explore further down the line.

okay normally I don't do BL stuff at all, but holy fucking shit the cat KILLED me in the first episode. absolutely glorious punchline.

Glad you liked it! I want people to be able to enjoy my work, and its BL genre doesn't matter as much. :smiley:

Styrak and Bestia, the main establisher relationship in Bestia's Wrath. Romance isn't really the focus of the story, but I think they're cute together.

This ship isn't canon in my story, but it's always fun to ship characters! >.< Who knows, maybe in the future :wink:

26 days later
14 days later
9 months later

Low key wanna bring this back cause I love reading about your canon or noncanon couples~ :revolving_hearts: