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Feb 2022

so i'm screwing around more with my hellcats ocs and while i've got a lot of characters pretty solidified i'm missing a design for one of the main characters and hoping for a bit of inspiration

so for context hellcats is an in dev story thing of mine about a groups of misfits in "not hell" but still some variation of an afterlife which still requires working a job both for self maintenance as well as to keep their realm working. there's an established version of reapers, mentors for new "souls" who enter this realm. "deal makers" who deal with folks who do summoning stuff, and some other jobs and positions held in this "not hell" place

as for character already present in story with fleshed out designs and stuff i've got quiche tart and mono as well as another character whose connected to quiche and mono whose design i'm also trying to figure out but the character whose design i'm trying to work out right now is at best described as a sort of "freelancer" whose been hopping from job to job either of their own choice or cause they got "fired"

at first i'd considered making them another cat like quiche and tart are or a rabbit like mono but given hellcats is sort of a spin on hellhounds i figure i'll make em a canine

the concept i like the most is small dog with big attitude but beyond like...chihuahuas i can't for the life of me think of other tiny dogs (or canines in general) with a lot of attitude so i'm kind of hoping for ideas

other small but vicious animals are welcome too tho so don't worry if canines are limiting

  • created

    Feb '22
  • last reply

    Mar '22
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Small and vicious? It sounds like my mom, but I can think of a few animals besides her.

1.) Honey Badger (technically median size)
2.) Shrews

For dogs, I think of a Yorkshire Terrier or a Pomeranian.

A pug?

I mean, they’re probably the least vicious animal on the planet, but they do have attitude. :joy:

@C.L.G i actually really like the idea of a lil pompom now that i think about it and it made me think of omelette from bee and puppycat

tho i will say honey badgers r good too

@Legendofgenii pugs have definitely got their share of tude! lol but thanks for the suggestion

Lol. No worries.

We have a pom in the family too, and she'd take on a bear. :laughing:

A dwarf Pinscher maybe? Or Pekingese, or Dachshund? I'd add Jack Russel Terrier, I knew one called Margot and she was nasty :sweat_smile:

i actually have a min pin but i can never figure out how to draw one in a way that works with my style :cry_02:

OKAY! so screwed about a lil and got this

and the rest of the cast for reference

really diggin it so far

i'll probably be forkin around with different outfits for the whole cast but these are kind of the base fits for the time being

I have a Maltipoo. He's sweet, but he's got such a disproportionately big personality to the point where we call him "The little dog that doesn't seem to get that he's little."

chihuahua and miniature pinscher ,they just seem to have wayyyy more energy than dog their size should lol

1 month later

closed Mar 11, '22

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