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Nov 2018

I've mentioned before how much it drives me insane: you've worked hard on your piece, you've created something you're proud of, you know there's no such thing as true originality but you're sure you've got something done in a way that makes it original.

And then someone comes along and goes "so it's basically X?" often based on the most ridiculously superficial concepts. Got magical girls/boys? Sailor Moon or Puella Magica rip off. Exploring space? It's Star Trek. Fairy tale? Pick a Disney. Fight vampires? Buffy. Romancing vampires? Twilight. Solving mysteries? Scooby Doo or Sherlock depending on the mood. Ancient treasures? Indiana Jones. Collecting creatures? Pokemon. No matter what you've done, you've obviously just ripped off something else. Some people, of course do this as a compliment, while others genuinely mean it as an accusation. It's frustrating and disheartening. And the best way feel better is to share.

So let's share the some of the best worst "so it's basically"s you've got and share your work while you're here. If you've never got one (from friends or from readers) then you're lucky, but try to think of the most superficial thing you could be compared to (as above) or think of the biggest or most current popular example in your genre. No context and explanations allowed. Think of it as another describe your idea badly game.

So, The 1st Rule is basically: Voltron, Terminator and Code Geass.

What about you guys?

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Oh my goodness! I've had this so many times. I make this vampire comic, and I've had so many people say "oh, so it's twilight? or vampire knight?" It's so frustrating because I love the characters I made, and I'm really proud of them!

I'm so glad you made this topic! :smiley_cat:

A jazz musician trying to make it big? Isn’t that basically Whiplash, Coco, and [every other zero to hero movie]

Haven't gotten this yet, but I'm almost certain that my comic would be comparable to Lord of the Rings SOLELY because of the Medieval fantasy themes. While I won't deny that LotR was a huge inspiration when I was younger, I've worked really hard to make it it's own work.

I got someone commenting the chapter of introduction for my werewolf character saying "so this is the dude we were waiting for?!" like...oh well, i'm so sooorry it's just a guy with fur and ears, but what did you expect? Maybe since i talked about him as a very hot dude this person was expecting a pretty character, instead in the first pages he looks a bit ugly (but this is only natural, a human face with wolf features can't always be attractive) and was disappointed but duuuude xD

This is quite funny. I get so it's basically Percy Jackson . . . for both my main series. Sometimes I have gotten ghibli comparisons, other times people just say the concept is so overdone

I haven't got anything like it for my current comic, but I know it has strong parallels to “Of Mice and Men” and “Flowers for Algernon” and I bet someones gonna bring it up eventually... But I've literally had someone tell to my face my OC's are "basically Dimentio but different faces and gay" because my OC's were made to be Dimentio's species from Super Paper Mario... oh boy

True originality does exist. No idea will ever be the exact combination of your influences, choices, and experiences. Don't try to be different or unique. Just be yourself and keep growing with the opportunities on your path.

I think you might be slightly missing the point. What I was saying was that everything has been done in someway and you know there will be similarities to other things, but you've combined it to be original. But that's not the point of the topic. The point is no matter what you do someone will reduce it to the absolute basics based on something superficial and it's frustrating and the best way to vent frustrations is to share and laugh at it.

People, like my friends, are constantly saying when I describe my story "you mean like Voltron?" and it got to the point where I was so paranoid about it I had to go watch Voltron to make sure I wasn't accidentally writing Voltron. And do you know the only real similarity? The giant robots. Because Voltron is the only thing to have ever done giant robots ever!

It's ridiculous but people will say these things no matter how original and that's the point.

I get the point you were making in the OP but knowing the reality of what is, I wouldn't waste much mental and emotional energy in justifying your concept to people who aren't willing to look deeper. Particularly in art, there is always bound to be an interpretation gap between the creator and audience, especially fandom driven viewers. Not all people who "like art", appreciate it beyond surface level. It should be fun to appreciate the complexity of thought in a creation especially when you know someone else thinks its just "put these 2 things together". You have access to a world that many others cannot allow themselves to see and that's something to be truly grateful for.

I'm still not entirely sure how you've got me wasting mental and emotional energy justifying my concept from me saying "hey guys isn't it annoying when people reduce it to something superficial let's have some fun with it". Again, it's venting frustration by laughing and having fun. Sorry it really is that simple.

Earlier into my comic -- and by earlier I mean like well over 10 years ago -- I'd get a lot of comparisons to Tim Burton. At the time, my only experience with him was Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride so... I mean, not a bad thing but those are 3D/puppet styles. And I'm drawing cartoons. Also, getting comparisons to Vasquez (sssoometimes Roman Dirge) made more sense since those artists influenced my style.

The story's more vague and focused on psychological elements parallel to technology... shticks. It's fairly science fantasy/fictional alternate reality kinda game but subtle. Matrix-y without the apocalyptic, mankind vs. computer overlords side. Kinda The I.T. Crowd but with emphasis on science, more drama.

Recently, I haven't gotten comparisons, just a few suggestions that I might like Mr. Robot and Fight Club. Those are both really cool so it doesn't bother me, especially when the person suggesting it is a fan of those two things. It's like... helpful taglines to better direct my comic.

I myself found a few really awful/cheesy pieces of media that come very close to my narrative. Wirehead on the sega cd and.... y'know, I like Johnny Mnemonic. A source of inspiration dare I say (but if someone else was like, "wow, so this is Johnny Mnemonic" I'd melt into misery).

I think it's SUPER helpful for creators to kinda.... prepare for these comments once you start getting them, because I think like, having a positive answer ready can make it feel less disheartening and helpless. EVEN THOUGH ITS A FRUSTRATING COMMENT TO GET, it's so easy to answer this in like... a way that makes you look bad? Which I think is part of why it's so hard to get these comments; there's literally no way to say "um, no, it's different" that doesn't put you on the defensive.

So if there's one of these I get a lot, I kind of try to embrace it as an advertising technique?
Like if someone says "oh, so it's like Voltron?"
You can respond "No, it's not. Literally the only thing it has in common with Voltron is giant robots" and even though that's completely true, it puts a weird taste in people's mouths because you've been forced onto the defensive.
Or you can be like "yeah, it has giant robots with pilots like Voltron, but instead of having these different pilots who combine to make a super powered robot, I wanted to make it more sinister, where the AI of this giant robot corrupts others and destroys their minds." Now you've not only pointed out how your thing is different from Voltron, and did it in a positive way, but you've also gotten a chance to pitch your series out of it!!

To answer the actual prompt,
I have a Ye Olde Trapped In A Video Game Story that's in the works, so of course I get tons of "you should watch SwordArtOnline" and "oh so like .hack//??" and TBH I DONT EVEN BLAME THEM, haha; my usual answer is "yeah, kinda!!" and then I just start talking about it. I think mine is different, but it's such a specific premise, even if it gets done all the time, it definitely invites comparison.

Runewriters doesn't get compared to other things often but I have had a surprising number of folks who thought it was a D&D campaign rather than a story I created myself? So that's a bit of a different spin on it xD

Someone at a con once asked if Today Nothing Happened (my old journal comic) was like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and I HAD NO IDEA IF IT WAS LIKE THAT so I was just like "kinda? It's also a comic diary, but it's funny!" I don't remember if she ended up buying it or not. xD


This is what many people don't understand. There is a difference between a similar premise and a ripoff. If we look deep down many "original" comics,/books/movies their concept has been done a million times before. I found an insanely popular comic, and people are saying how original it is, and if you know greek myths you can easily say "So, it is basically Hades and Persephone story." That would be a simple-minded assessment that ignores what makes this comic different.

I don't think all comparison comments intend to be dismissive, some people just want to be sure it is a genre they will like, "This reminds me of..." is like saying "I like this thing and I might like yours too." Or some others are just pointing out the obvious similarity without reading too much into it. But the "So, this is basic..." totally takes away your effort in producing quality content and not a rip-off.

My Hero Academia. but im not that bothered by the comment cause its just because of the school setting

@phenylketonurics It is actually super interesting what people compare things to and trying to figure out how they got there. People actually pointing out your inspiration is weird. I know anyone who's watched a decent amount of robot anime can recognise my Obsidian as heavily inspired by Ranga-mails (they're gorgeously designed robots I have no shame admitting how heavy the influence was) but if anyone said it was the same plot I'd get so sad.

@shazzbaa Haha I'm pretty prepared for it now. What concerned me about it was that I was getting the Voltron while planning/preparation phase which is why I felt the need to go watch it. Having done that I was comfortable enough to say it wasn't anything like the same and should it turn up in the comments I'm prepared to politely explain otherwise.
I don't mind so much when it's closer to the actual inspirations. Or if it's more of an "oh so sorta like this?". I'd happily talk about the influences on my work (as above with the Rangas) and how it influenced me. Actually talking about influences and behind the scenes is one of my favourite things.

@BobbyjoeXforgotensb Ahh yes school and powers. My Hero Academia is definitely the only one to have ever done that before lol.

Of course there's the equally frustrating "did you know your character looks just like X?" and then you have to go look them up and then you can't unsee it.
And does anyone have things they secretly wouldn't mind being compared to? For example, as a giant robot genre, you know you're hitting the right dark buttons when people start calling you an Evangelion rip off. It's equally as wrong, but at least NGE did lots of break through stuff for the genre.

I have yet to get this problem with my most recent creation tho I’m sure it will get a title of like avatar or... I donno maybe Steven univers do to how magic works? Either way imma be honest when I say that Ive never actually get upset in the past when this happens. I enjoy hearing that my work reminds people of other things they’ve read or watched, especially if it’s something they’ve enjoyed l.

I do this myself when i talk to other friends on the internet about things I “need” to watch and read: it’s like Narnia, it’s like vampire the masquerade, it’s like sailor moon. Similarities should never be seen as bad especially if it’s similar to a piece of work that culture deems important enough to remember. After all, we’re all looking for something similar to things that make us happy and tickle the muse and adventure part of our brains. So personally I’m instrested and excited to get my first “so this is like” to see what pops out at people first, it’s also a little cheating cause then I can use that quote when telling other people about my work :stuck_out_tongue:

But I do understand why it upsets people.